The Geometry of Fractal Sets (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics Book 85) by K. J. Falconer (PDF)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 1986
  • Number of pages: 180 pages
  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 4.58 MB
  • Authors: K. J. Falconer


This book contains a rigorous mathematical treatment of the geometrical aspects of sets of both integral and fractional Hausdorff dimension. Questions of local density and the existence of tangents of such sets are studied, as well as the dimensional properties of their projections in various directions. In the case of sets of integral dimension the dramatic differences between regular ‘curve-like’ sets and irregular ‘dust like’ sets are exhibited. The theory is related by duality to Kayeka sets (sets of zero area containing lines in every direction). The final chapter includes diverse examples of sets to which the general theory is applicable: discussions of curves of fractional dimension, self-similar sets, strange attractors, and examples from number theory, convexity and so on. There is an emphasis on the basic tools of the subject such as the Vitali covering lemma, net measures and Fourier transform methods.

User’s Reviews

Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

⭐The Geometry of Fractal Sets by Falconer is an elegant composition of many necessary fractals, measures, projections, and dimensions. Included in the monograph are the most inspiring and applicable Besicovitch fractal sets, Kakeya fractal sets, the Appolonian packing fractal, osculatory packings, horseshoe fractals, Perron trees, hypercycloids, the Nikodym set, Lebesgue measure, Hausdorff dimension, sets of integral and non-integral dimension, sets in higher-dimensions, Borel measure, binary sets, Vitali coverings, polar reciprocity, Souslin sets, sigma-fields, tangents, net measures, the semicontinuity theorems of Golab and Vishtukin, osculatory packings, diophantine approximations, Fourier series, transforms and multipliers, Brownian motion, Grassmanian manifolds…….you name it this book explains and connects it all.The text is written in full proper-fonting and contains many illustrations. Qualitatively the book should be of high value to researchers, graduates, and Phd’s with the finest tastes.

⭐This text is a must-reading for anyone seeking advanced knowledge on fractal geometry. It is dense and deep, but clear and concise. It includes a lot of interesting material ranging from basic measure-theoretic concepts up to the disprove of Vitushkin’s conjecture. It’s got an extensive list of references, mostly to the original papers, making it a fundamental research tool.As it can be inferred from the preceeding paragraph, the book is not for begineers; it was designed for graduate level courses. Undergrads and laymen should start with Edgar’s “Measure, Topology, and Fractal Geometry” and Falconer’s “Fractal Geometry: Mathematical Foundations and Applications”.Please check my other reviews (just click on my name above).

⭐This book is devoted to the hausdorf measure and Hausdorff dimension of subsets of R^n and to an extensive study of their geometry: existence of tangency, projection, etc. One chapter deals with Besicovich sets used for constructing counter-examples, especially in Harmonic analysis.The book finish with a magnificent list of examples of haussdorff dimension computation: self-similar sets, Apollonian packings, number theory, Feigenbaum logistic map and Brownian motion.The bibliography, of incredible quality, achieves to make the book a reference for anyone interested in fractals.

⭐A basic and classic book. I use it for my research

⭐IL libro è arrivato presto, in buono stato, lo conoscevo e mi piace . Cosa posso volere di più?paolo manselli


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The Geometry of Fractal Sets (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics Book 85) PDF Free Download
Download The Geometry of Fractal Sets (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics Book 85) 1986 PDF Free
The Geometry of Fractal Sets (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics Book 85) 1986 PDF Free Download
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