The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins (EPUB)



    Ebook Info

    • Published: 2007
    • Number of pages: 406 pages
    • Format: EPUB
    • File Size: 0.00 MB
    • Authors: Richard Dawkins


    In this provocative New York Times bestseller the preeminent scientist–and the world’s most prominent atheist–Richard Dawkins eviscerates the major arguments for religion and demonstrates the supreme improbability of a supreme being. The God Delusion makes a compelling case that belief in God is not just wrong, but potentially deadly. With rigor and wit, Dawkins asserts the irrationality of belief in God and the grievous harm religion has inflicted on society, from the Crusades to 9/11. Supporting his points with historical and contemporary evidence, he shows how religion fuels war, foments bigotry, and abuses children. The God Delusion also offers exhilarating insight on the advantages of atheism to the individual and society, not the least of which is a clearer, truer appreciation of the universe’s wonders than any faith could ever muster. This is a book that challenges each of us to test our beliefs, no matter what beliefs we hold.

    User’s Reviews

    Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

    ⭐I love this book. I can’t believe I was ever religious. Reading this just reminds me that I should be proud to be an atheist, as it’s the only real logical choice in life. It reminds me that I can embrace it just as much as Christians embrace Christianity. I can and should be proud and happy with my choices — not only my choices, but my reasonable acceptance of the universe for what it is. Honestly, since becoming atheist (after leaving an extremely fundamentalist cult religion) I have so much more appreciation for science, my body, the universe, geology, etc etc etc. Atheism truly brings me joy. What discouragement comes from accepting that there is no “purpose” in my existence or afterlife is swallowed up in the wonder at existing at all, in our current form, on this beautiful planet, and the opportunity to make my life what I want it to be. Thank you for teaching me to celebrate, Richard! May your legacy live on! The world would be a better place without the God delusion.

    ⭐More than just questioning the existence of God the book is about the devastating effects of religion throughout history and in our time as well. It offers very compelling arguments of why we’d be better off without it and devastates with solid logic any arguments in its favor. Presents lots of very interesting stories of the long debates of religion vs science and offers insightful theories on the evolution of religion and morality. At the end provides inspiration to seek the truth through science and find solace in it.The author is very insightful and I like his style of writing, often times times sarcastic, but always very smart and appealing to logic and reason.I found this book very educational and super interesting and has helped me solidify my beliefs with stronger arguments.

    ⭐This was an interesting book. I’ve read Hitchens, Barker, Harris and Ebling’s for the humor. I don’t understand how people can still fall for supernatural nonsense. In the age of scientific information, ingnorance is a choice. I’d rather read scores of books and come away with a handful of solid reasonable answers to life’s questions than read the bible and think I know it all. I don’t think we’ll ever have all the “answers” but with input books like this one provides, we get enough. I don’t need to know everything. I don’t need a purpose. I don’t need to know why I’m here. I just am. The whole punishment / reward afterlife thing is ridiculous, it wreeks of being a product of man’s imagination, and who really wants to spend eternity with the god character depicted in the bible anyway? Someone said in a review for another book that people don’t read widely or think deeply so religion and blind faith will be the track that most people will stay on. Unfortunate, but probably true. Well put at any rate. I always thought religion is the product of lazy minds. Anyway, I recommend this book to anyone ” on the fence ” concerning religion. If books like this don’t, at the very least, shake your faith, then do us all a favor and check into the closest mental facility. Good day.

    ⭐This book came at an important time in my life when I was seriously wondering what it was I believed in. I grew up in a Christian household and was never super active in my church but also never questioned what it was I was raised to believe; until, that is, I read this book. Personally I think that Richard Dawkins has a bit of a chip on his shoulder, but you can’t deny his intelligence and the work he has put into this book. I would highly recommend this book

    ⭐Dawkins has written one of the best books I have ever read. I say this because he presents dense, but more importantly, unbiased objective arguments throughout the entire book. This book has actually inspired me to purchase an array of similar books.

    ⭐As hard as it is to be convinced by what the book has to offer, this provides the Christian with a near complete glossary of atheist arguments. I would encourage any Christian to read this to grow familiar with these arguments. As a Biblical studies student, I was able to see through these arguments and become stronger in my faith. That is the beauty of Christ.

    ⭐Brilliant book, as an atheist, I have argued online with all kinds of theists and people who believe in theories that have no evidence and proven wrong which are just gods with different faces after all. This book basically summarized most of the fallacies and logics that are needed to believe that the world and our universe’s basics. But I don’t think the “other side” will disappear because of education, because of people who just want to believe regardless of any logic or evidence and people who use religion as a tool to make profit or other returns.And I also believe that any of those shall be free to exist as long as they do not force anyone to chose or providing no choice. Darkness can only be removed by light, any other ways will only make it stronger. So let’s keep an open mind and use logic and evidence to push mankind forward altogether.

    ⭐I am from a Sikh family and though there’s not a single mention of the teachings of Sikhism in this book, you don’t need that to clear all the doubts, and thus the burden of living while looking up to or being afraid of something that doesn’t exist! Richard Dawkins is mostly responsible for my atheism and he always beautifully, and logically explained everything. The best part of the book is the explanation of the goodness gene, and thus the sole credit that religion tries to take, i.e. the fact that we behave like good people with each other, is proven to not be theirs. Religions stand exposed, naked and ugly, thanks to this book and if it were up to me, I would make it a mandatory reading in all schools and colleges in my country India, which is held back by religion like nothing else.

    ⭐Richard Dawkins tries to achieve the impossible in this book. On the one hand, he is keen to prove that religion is conditioned by evolution; on the other hand, he is convinced that religion is wrong. But how can an apparently beneficial evolutionary acquisition have proceeded on a completely false assumption for so many centuries? Would not its inadequacy backfire at some stage to cause a complete collapse of human culture and or maybe even human species? Even if, as Dawkins wants us to believe, religion is a case of spiritual parasitism, the question is again, Why has this parasite lived in symbiosis with the host to the latter’s obvious advantage over other earthly species, while staying under delusion (i.e. misguided in its interaction with the outside world) all this time? Unable to overcome this impasse, the author succumbs in the rest of the book to telling scary stories about religion which he simply borrows from public domain. Yet even here he is not consistent. He completely ignores, for example, the case of Cambodian genocide in the early 1980s. Sure, exterminating religion was one of Pol Pot’s explicit goals in that bloody campaign. To express my chagrin in one sentence: NO, I AM NOT AN ATHEIST, BUT… I wonder if we shall ever live to see the day when a decent book on atheism is written.

    ⭐When ‘The God Delusion’ was first published. My initial thoughts concluded that the title was designed to provoke and generate sales, so I ignored it then, now in its tenth edition, I bought an ebook copy.I agree with the assertion, and I admire the science. But I do not consider it possible for science ever to realise what I call the nucleus of life. To me, science is like the innocent kitten fighting its mirror image. Genuine and clever but that blocks its progress by insisting on empirical evidence where there is none to have from a mirror image.Western Christian Religion though is a treacherous mind virus that betrayed the original knowledge in exchange for the power of a pervasive power hierarchy and financial gain. I suggest a different perspective though that maybe you have not experienced before.Evolution over Creationism, I suggest they are mutually the same from a physical perspective; the so-called Big bang started somewhere as did the so-called God intelligent designer. Just because we do not know the answers directly in our manifested world, does not automatically imply support for the core argument of the book. Namely, God does not exist.I do not like to use the word ‘God’ because of the status Assumed in today’s world has become so twisted and mocked it is meaningless. As stated in the book, there had been many Gods, and the author took the last one out of the equation. Richard Dawkins is like many humans in today’s world they do not know who they are! There is a subtle issue that slips past his intellect and slips past most; he is not alone. Dawkins advocates that humans are just meaningless chances that come from a zillion chances of evolution. If anybody were to ask Richard Dawkins to identify himself, he would point to a passport or a driving licence or some other equivalent document. The subtle slip that seems lost is that these documents are the property of another legal entity linked to the Catholic Church. Essentially Dawkins is stating that he is the property of the Catholic Church! So, after all, his hard work he still claims to be the property of the Catholic church. The irony!​

    ⭐While I agree with Dawkins’ conclusions before reading, it is disappointing that he is unable to present his case with well-reasoned, LOGICAL, arguments. He might do well to go back and at least study logic, then take another turn at making his case. It is truly unworthy of him to base so much on the practice of building straw men just to knock them down. Dawkins’ insults his audience.From a purely rational perspective, Dawkins fails miserably. If you already agree with his basic premise, don’t bother with the book: it advances the argument against religion not at all.

    ⭐THE GOD DELUSION BY RICHARD DAWKINS: Dawkins latest book is as brutal and honest as its title. For those who aren’t looking to have their faith and beliefs gravely challenged, you may want to skip this book. Though Dawkins is looking for everyone to read this book with an open mind, whether you’re devoutly religious, agnostic or atheist.


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