The Original Watergate Stories by The Washington Post (PDF)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2013
  • Number of pages: 202 pages
  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 1.65 MB
  • Authors: The Washington Post


“5 Held in Plot to Bug Democrats’ Offices”: The legendary articles that exposed a crime, ended a presidency, and changed a nation. The Washington Post’s seminal Watergate stories have been gathered together for the first time as an e-book, including a foreword by journalists Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein assessing the impact of their stories decades later. “5 Held in Plot to Bug Democrats’ Offices Here”, said the headline at the bottom of page one in the Washington Post on Sunday, June 18, 1972. The story reported that a team of burglars had been arrested inside the offices of the Democratic National Committee in the Watergate office complex in Washington. On assignment, Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward uncovered a widespread political scandal and cover-up at the highest levels of government, culminating with the resignation of President Richard Nixon. The Post won a Pulitzer Prize for its work, which became the subject of two bestselling books and a renowned movie, All the President’s Men. This eBook is a look back at the dramatic chain of events that would convulse Washington for two years and lead to the first resignation of a U.S. president, forever changing American politics.

User’s Reviews

Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

⭐I was a new mother when the Watergate stories first appeared. My great-aunts had retired from their Washington jobs and returned to Billings, Montana, but they had kept their subscription to the Washington Post. From the very beginning, they were sending cutting and quotes to my mother in Western Montana. Mom kept me updated in Ohio. All this news was traveling the country pre-internet and before the then three networks caught wind of the details.Once the stories hit TV news, I never missed a broadcast. During the long sad arc of the disastrous cover-up of corruption that brought down Nixon, I was watching, listening, cheering, at how Woodward and Bernstein had pulled the puzzle together piece by piece to alert government agencies to dig into the chain of crimes and corruption. This was a blockbuster story that has changed how Americans view their government officials. It was a sad and moving moment when the scales fell from the eyes of a nation.I am so excited to be able to relive the story again through the original stories that I got piecemeal by mail or through phone conversations. And, after seeing the movie and knowing how tough Ben Bradlee was on his reporters, making certain they double- and triple-checked sources and versions of the truth, I know that true journalists can never be enemies of the people. In Watergate, they were the soldiers of truth. KL

⭐On flight from Johannesburg to Bombay, I saw the film ‘All the President’s Men’ and I liked it immensely. Till then, although I had heard the word ‘Watergate’, I had not known what exactly was ‘Watergate’. I did further reading on the internet and came to know the identity of ‘Deep Throat’, a valuable ally of Bob Woodward. I said to myself, ‘I must read this book’, but alas, the kindle edition of ‘All the President’s Men’ is not available for us, the ordinary folks who live in South Africa. However, this book ‘The Original Watergate Stories’ was available and I read it. The foreword written by , Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein is so interesting that this book is worth purchasing only to read the foreword. They have written how ‘Watergate’ came to signify different personal wars Nixon waged against American democracy. I was astonished to read that Nixon won one of the greatest landslide victory in his re-election bid, so the complete ‘Watergate’ was not really necessary.This book must be read by everyone who wants to know what it means if a democratically elected president of the most powerful country on earth starts acting like a mafia don. The book also conveys successfully the real strength of American democracy and its independent institutes. A must for everyone who likes investigative journalism.

⭐I was just entering my teens when this all happened. At 12 I didn’t really understand it all. Then, I was away at camp and we hear that the president is resigning. I remember many of us kids kind of cried; not becuase of then President Nixon, not all. You see, we were all military families. We just didn’t know if our dads would have to go to war. We didn’t understand. We were all assured that all will be well. It was.This compilation of every story about Watergate, with minimal editorial, is beyond fascinating. The authors fill us in on the stories that made the NYT and the television networks – remember, there were only three at that time. I could not stop reading this book. Go for it. Whether you lived it, no matter how you experienced it, if you didn’t experience it, this is a truly fanastical read. Read it now….

⭐I was driving in my car listening to All The President’s Men ,an audio book. They often refer to the Washington Post stories that Woodward and Bernstein wrote as the Watergate story was developing. I was Wondering if there was a book out there that might contain those original articles from the Post.When I got home, I jumped on Amazon and quickly found The Original Watergate Stories and ordered the Kindle version and synced it with the audio version. In a matter of minutes I was listening and following along with all the “Wood-stein” stories, from the first story of the break in at the Watergate Hotel to the resignation of Nixon and beyond.I like audio books,My reading speed has nerer been great ,so this kindle audio version is perfect for me. I can’t wait to do it again with another book.

⭐As a history buff and Watergate aficianado, I hoped this would be a day by day collection of all the stories — ideal for someone like me who has read all the books but was too young to read the newspaper at the time (I was born a year before the break in). Instead we start on June 19th and quickly skip to the beginning of August, then immediately on to Spetember. I wanted to read the first mention of Howard Hunt, but instead we skip to August when when liddy and Hunt have already been identified (and charged, I think).What’s here is fun, and the analysis leading into the news articles was intersting, but why not give me the entire collection? Especially since this is only e-book form, it seems they have really lost out on an opportunity.

⭐This is an indispensable resource for anyone studying Watergate. The narrative passages help place time and context. I was a little surprised at some of the articles. They did not seem to be as “tight” as what you would expect in a newspaper today; although this neither detracts from the book or the articles themselves. A fascinating history.

⭐I purchased “The Original Watergate Stories” thinking I was getting a compendium of all of the stories related to the Watergate scandals that were published by the Washington Post in 1972-74. Much to my disappointment, relatively very few stories are actually included in this Kindle Single. There are huge gaps in the dates of many of the stories. As a result, much of the immediacy of the events, and the pervasive “crisis atmosphere” brought on by the relentless staccato of stories appearing in the Post almost daily, is lost.”The Original Watergate Stories” is okay as far as it goes, but that’s about all. I certainly wouldn’t buy it again.

⭐Pretty much what it says!Reading in conjunction with other accounts of the period (including Fear on Loathing on the Campaign Trail (H. S Thompson), Boys on the Bus (T. Crause), Watergate (F Emery)) and lays out what was known when. A good resource if you like that sort of thing.Covers the breaking of the story through to the resignation of Nixon…

⭐I would easily put away All The President’s Men and The Final Days and instead go for reading the original articles. They have that sense of immediacy and somehow more credibility than the books themselves. The journalists come thru as journalists rather than as historians. Deep background enhances the credibility of the articles whereas the same reference structure in a book tends to raise certain misgivings about the ‘insights’ into the characters.

⭐Para saber mas sobre el Watergate y de los distintos personajes que, en diferentes bandos, participaron en esta historia que marco la politica americana en los 70 y el periodismo.interesting to read the actual Washington post articles from the time. The book concludes with a report on Deep Throat’s identity being revealed in 2005.


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