The Partner: A Novel by John Grisham (Epub)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2010
  • Number of pages: 418 pages
  • Format: Epub
  • File Size: 2.07 MB
  • Authors: John Grisham


They watched Danilo Silva for days before they finally grabbed him. He was living alone, a quiet life on a shady street in Brazil; a simple life in a modest home, certainly not one of luxury. Certainly no evidence of the fortune they thought he had stolen. He was much thinner and his face had been altered. He spoke a different language, and spoke it very well.But Danilo had a past with many chapters. Four years earlier he had been Patrick Lanigan, a young partner in a prominent Biloxi law firm. He had a pretty wife, a new daughter, and a bright future. Then one cold winter night Patrick was trapped in a burning car and died a horrible death. When he was buried his casket held nothing more than his ashes.From a short distance away, Patrick watched his own burial. Then he fled. Six weeks later, a fortune was stolen from his ex-law firm’s offshore account. And Patrick fled some more. But they found him.

User’s Reviews

Review #1 New York Times bestseller!”One terrific book—smart, fast, stingingly satiric, and almost criminally entertaining.” —Entertainment Weekly”An irresistible read…packed with surprises.”—People”Brilliant…John Grisham may well be the best American storyteller writing today.”—Philadelphia InquirerFrom the Paperback edition. Review Literary slugger John Grisham returns with a story about– surprise!–a lawyer in trouble. Patrick Lanigan had been a young partner in a prominent Southern law firm. He had a beautiful wife, a new baby girl, and a bright future. Then one winter night Patrick was trapped in a burning car; the casket they buried held nothing but ashes. A short distance away, Patrick watched his own burial then fled. A fortune was stolen from his ex-firm’s offshore account. And Patrick ran, covering his tracks the whole way. But, now, they’ve found him. From Booklist Grisham tries his hand at the fake-your-death-and-change-your-identity theme. From Kirkus Reviews Grisham (The Client, 1993, etc.) justifies a colossal first printing of 2.8 million copies with his best-plotted novel yet, gripping the reader mightily and not letting go. Nor is there the dispersal of belief that often follows his knockout openings. Patrick Lanigan is tracked down to his hideout in Brazil, where he lives modestly near the Paraguayan border. Surely, Jack Stephano thinks, Patrick could not have spent the $90 million he ran off with four years ago. Jack has spent $3 million tracking Patrick down, and he wants that money. He wants it so much that he’s blithely torturing Patrick to discover its location. The problem is that Patrick doesn’t really know. He’s given power of attorney to his lover, the brilliant Brazilian lawyer Eva Miranda, and she has been shuttling the money from bank to bank around the world, keeping it untraceable. When Patrick fails to call her at four in the afternoon, per usual, she skips out, as they’ve planned, and goes into hiding. And as planned, she phones the FBI office in Biloxi, Mississippi, and tells them that one Jack Stephano has very likely captured Patrick and is holding him in Brazil. The FBI puts pressure on Stephano to bring Patrick back to Biloxi, where the embezzlement took place and where Patrick’s cremated remains were buried after his car went over an embankment. Patrick even attended his own funeral, watching through binoculars. As it turns out, the $90 million he ran off with was dirty money his law firm had helped collect in a criminal conspiracy to rob the government. Will the money be returned? Will Patrick escape trial for the murder of whoever it was that died in that accident? And what of Eva, now hiding in the States and helping Patrick orchestrate his defense? Grisham comes up with a masterfully bittersweet end (with his title taking on a sly double edge) that may be his most satisfying ever. (First printing of 2,800,000; Literary Guild main selection) — Copyright ©1997, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved.

Reviews from Amazon users, collected at the time the book is getting published on UniedVRG. It can be related to shiping or paper quality instead of the book content:

⭐ First, I won’t spoil the story, but I hated the ending. And not only because it was a pound of bitter and a dash of sweet. The author keep me reading out of fascination at the main character’s resolve and methodical planning–the execution of that plot is masterful. The problem is the only thing I found I came to care about the author destroys with the ending, and it seemed completely forced and unmotivated. The love interest goes from a complex character to a shallow Hollywood trope just so the main character doesn’t “get away with it”. I defend this opinion because it’s written in third person omniscient–we know her thoughts page after page, nothing is hidden. I could list many details of why, like the relationship with her father for instance, but I promised to not ruin the story. I simply expect more for my time spent than legal cleverness, but if you don’t then the machinations are interesting.

⭐ Definitely NOT one of Grisham’s best. I’d like the time spent on this one back, please.Grisham takes you on a long ride, a good ride (at first) by telling you a detailed story that constantly has you asking “how’s this going to end (cue suspense music)” and then he lets you down drastically. He just gives up on the whole “good writing thing” and quickly drops the story with the most pitiful of endings. As if he literally just wanted to go do something else. Sadly, he creates an ending my 10 year old nephew could have thought up. Why? Your a seasoned writer, why waste a good storyline for a rushed and thoughtless ending? It would seem Grisham readers enjoy his books because they make you think. They’re not meant to be fluffy, “I could have written this ending myself” books so I can’t explain the ending in this one.This book could have ended in several amazing ways… unfortunately, it seems Grisham was in a rush this time and didn’t care to choose any one of them. I have truly enjoyed other Grisham books but this one just felt like a bad date… Great dinner but then he bolts, leaving you sitting there (embarrassed) with the bill. Just pass on this one, this date isn’t going to end well for you either.

⭐ I enjoy John Grisham’s books. Having a brother in law who is a lawyer helps me appreciate his legal background even more.This book focuses on a lawyer who has stolen $90 million dollars from his former firm and is captured hiding in Brazil. But why did he do it? Why would a partner steal the money and run? The story unfolds from there set in Biloxi, Mississippi.Overall this was a good read. The very ending was somewhat tough but a good read nonetheless.

⭐ I cannot give a full opinion of this novel at this time, as I have just started on it. Thus far, as my reading have progressed, I am enjoying the way the story unfolds. No dull moment, particularly after the subject met his big setback, where I had paused. I am also reading A Time to Kill concurrently. This works for me, odd as it may sound to other readers. There are at least 8 titles on my desk and w/ a batch more coming, I either keep up or left em sit idly. For those who have been ignoring The Partner for whatever reasons, have another look..Grisham is a natural storyteller. • A novel is nothing but a mode to provide entertainment. Let the author/book’ critics delight hearing themselves – they need to earn a living. Buy what serves your fancy, listen to your drummer. • I intend to update my comments, for those interested.

⭐ I really enjoyed The Partner. It is a story of a lawyer who steals millions of dollars and ends up living a very quiet life in Brazil. The story deals with efforts of several very wealthy men to locate him and force him to divulge the location of the money. The FBI steps in and they bring him back to the USA to stand trial. The story goes on to show how the thief stole the money and how he tries with the help of his girlfriend to avoid jail and get back to Brazil.This is a terrific book. It is interesting how you begin to cheer on the thief.

⭐ I loved this novel from beginning to end but the ending made me want to scream!! I won’t give it away but I started suspecting something fishy about 2/3 way through. But regardless, a great read, as John Grisham novels always are. Can’t believe I hadn’t read it yet! Worth your time. Couldn’t stop reading, as usual.

⭐ I hated the ending! An author has an obligation to his reader, one who has spent hours with his characters and story. Not only is there a betrayal for the author’s main character but one for the reader!

⭐ This was my second read of this book as it had been many years since I read it the first time. Grisham is my go-to author for an assured good read and in my opinion this is one of his best. He thought of everything and it’s very clever and engaging. Love this book!

⭐ This is one of the best books that I’ve ever read. It’s not one thing about it it’s the totality of it. The way it’s written more than anything. It’s just a really good read. I’m not saying it’s the best book but to me, it’s one of the best books I’ve read. Because I still enjoy reading it

⭐ This novel is top-notch as all of his are. The story features many twists and turns always keeping the reader in suspense and guessing. Grisham has a writing style that never bores the reader and always keeps it interesting. The ending is not what is very unexpected and a big surprise. If you like Grisham, you’ll love this book.


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