The Republic of Plato: Second Edition by Plato (PDF)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 1991
  • Number of pages: 512 pages
  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 10.38 MB
  • Authors: Plato


Long regarded as the most accurate rendering of Plato’s Republic that has yet been published, this widely acclaimed work is the first strictly literal translation of a timeless classic. This second edition includes a new introduction by Professor Bloom, whose careful translation and interpretation of The Republic was first published in 1968. In addition to the corrected text itself there is also a rich and valuable essay—as well as indexes—which will better enable the reader to approach the heart of Plato’s intention.

User’s Reviews

Editorial Reviews: About the Author Allan Bloom is professor of social thought at the University of Chicago. The author of many books, including The Closing of the American Mind, he is also the translator of Rousseau’s Emile (Basic Books, 1979).

Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

⭐Reviewing Plato’s Republic is pointless, in a way because this great work don’t really need any review. However I think there’s no harm if I review it one more time. Republic is probably the most known philosophy book by Greek philosopher, Plato. This book is a Socratic Dialogue written by Plato, which is considered Plato’s best known or influential work on philosophical and political theory. I have read the translated version by Allan Bloom who is a professor of Social Thought at the University of Chicago. There are actually many translated versions of this book, though I personally praise Allen Bloom’s version because of its endnote and the way he translate an old classic book, like Republic .It makes the book enjoyable. Currently, I’m talking a philosophy course while pursuing my undergrad in Finance and investment. It was a real confusion for me when I had to take Philosophy as a business major undergrad student. It took me a while to build up the link of business and philosophy. After finishing reading Republic, I understood why everyone should take Philosophy, regardless of their major. I will quote an advertisement I saw in the subway which says, “Philosophy is inescapable”. In other words, Philosophy cannot be avoided. It actually teaches us how to question ourselves about the error or contradiction we have in our knowledge and help us acquire the truth.Plato’s Republic is divided into ten books from book I-X, and in each book Socrates answers many questions such as, what is justice, forms, ethics, democracy, and so on in a conversational manner. Republic is such a fascinating book, where Socratic clarify the confusion between justice and injustice, ethical and unethical, reality and hypothesis. In Republic, Socratic used many figurative, specifically allegorical and metaphorical example which we know as parabola of the cave, the myth of metal, the divided line, which is explain the form. I believe Plato’s Republic can change ones understanding and approach to the life. This book will influence you to think twice about what you know about justice and ethics. Reading this book can change your overall perception about knowledge. As a student, I think studying philosophy, especially when we read such a great work like Republic can help us build constructive argument skill and make us a good negotiator, which is very important for our future job field. In the end, I can confidently say that reading this book will positively influence the truth seeker within you, as well as our ego, so therefore Republic is a must-read book.

⭐There’s no point in reviewing the Republic, giving it 5 stars would only prove that i’m not an idiot and giving it any less would only prove that i AM an idiot (for the record, i would give it 5). However, translation is crucial when dealing with philosophy that was written in other languages and in other times and edition is also very important, so that is what i intend to review. Bloom’s translation of The Republic is great. it gets 5 stars no problem….. But i have a couple little quibbles with the edition:1. the notes are at the end instead of on the page. Now i grant that it would have been difficult to put them at the foot since some of them are quite long but its still a pain to have to flip back and forth constantly. its also somewhat helpful to have them all in one place since they are cross referenced so that when it says “Cf. note 35” or something it isn’t as difficult to find it as it might have been if they were scattered throughout the text. All in all the cross-referencing is quite helpful, but that brings me to quibble number…2. the numbering of the notes starts over in each book, but the cross-referencing just gives a number, so when it says “Cf. note 35” it might be talking about Book I’s note 35 or Book 3’s or… etc. this becomes more frustrating as you go along, since you have to go back and check as many books as you’ve already read to figure out which note and passage makes the most sense to compare with the one in question. It seems to me that this could be fixed so easily that its almost unreasonable that it hasn’t been, especially in a second edition. all they’d have to do would be to change “Cf. note 35” to “Cf. note III.35” or “Cf. note I.35”. So if Basic is paying attention, that’s what would make this a perfect edition.All in all, given that we live in the Cave, this edition is as close as we will get to The Form of The Republic.

⭐Plato’s Republic is a book that will change an individual’s understanding and approach to life. This is one of those books that you hear about, usually in your High School years and may be smart enough to pick up and attempt to read on you own or may always pass it up because of the belief that the contents are too esoteric. This is anything but true. This is one of the greatest books ever written!Yes, it will be more challenging than reading the daily newspaper or the latest Twilight book. The major difference is that a newspaper keeps you informed and the Twilight series allows you to escape. The Republic will make you search inside of your own mind it will make you think and reflect, you will be a different person if you take the time to work through it. It should strike people as interesting that a book written so long ago can and does carry so much weight today. This is the beauty of the Republic.I have noticed that some of the negative remarks of the book deal with the translation and not the actual book. I must declare ignorance as far as the worthiness of the translation. All I can say about the translation is that when we read this in school, this was the text that our professor told us we needed to have because of the translation. I found it to have a nice flow to it, but, having not read other versions and not being versed on Classic Greek, all I can say is that it worked for us in the class.Do your self a favor and pick up this book. You will be challenged but never disappointed.

⭐This is different from some other versions of Republic, and somehow reads more easily. I prefer this to most others, except the Cambridge text, with which it is on a par. Reading this translation (or is it the typeset?) it feels as if I am actually watching Socrates.

⭐Superb book by one of the greatest philosophers to have ever lived!

⭐Translation is excellent. Book came quickly.

⭐Absolutely essential reading.

⭐the book is good


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The Republic of Plato: Second Edition 1991 PDF Free Download
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