Topology and Geometry (Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 139) by Glen E. Bredon (PDF)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 1993
  • Number of pages: 557 pages
  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 14.60 MB
  • Authors: Glen E. Bredon


This book offers an introductory course in algebraic topology. Starting with general topology, it discusses differentiable manifolds, cohomology, products and duality, the fundamental group, homology theory, and homotopy theory. From the reviews: “An interesting and original graduate text in topology and geometry…a good lecturer can use this text to create a fine course….A beginning graduate student can use this text to learn a great deal of mathematics.”―-MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS

User’s Reviews

Editorial Reviews: Review G.E. BredonTopology and Geometry”An interesting and original graduate text in topology and geometry. The topics covered include . . . general topology, smooth manifolds, homology and homotopy groups, duality, cohomology and products . . . a good lecturer can use this text to create a fine course at the appropriate level . . . There are various innovative things, which are accessible but not traditionally covered. A beginning graduate student can use this text to learn a great deal of mathematics.”―MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS

Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

⭐I actually did not like this book as a first year grad student. The treatment of general topology is sufficient, but not the best (the author doesn’t make any claims that it is either). I think this is a good book for those that are interested in getting into topology and also want to understand the relationship between topology and differential geometry. My research is starting to move in the direction of symplectic geometry and this book has been a great source for understanding differential geometry for a topologist. The treatment of DeRham cohomology, products, and duality are good. Bredon gives the reader just enough information to proceed in proofs, so this book is quite an exercise and forces the reader to understand what is going on-I really like that aspect of the author’s style.Overall, a good book.


⭐Wide background in a lot of algebra and analysis is required just to make sense of the first chapters. More of a reference than a text.

⭐It was a gift and was perfect for this person.



⭐it’s a good book. I am a physics major, and still undergraduate, but I can access to the book.

⭐While I agree with reviewers generally that this is a good book, i should warn that bredon isnt for the faint of heart. He makes use of simple language from category theory, doesnt always completely introduce his discussions (see for example the chapter on the tangent bundle where tangent bundle is never defined), and some other things that are nuisances to the newcomer.I do think this is a good modern readable textbook, but for the student who has a solid foundation in mathematics. I didnt find it as accessable as other topology books, say Hatcher or Lee’s books (but lee’s are not as complete).

⭐With the help of this book I’ve understood many subiects I never understood before! Thanks to the autor for his present !!


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Topology and Geometry (Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 139) PDF Free Download
Download Topology and Geometry (Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 139) 1993 PDF Free
Topology and Geometry (Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 139) 1993 PDF Free Download
Download Topology and Geometry (Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 139) PDF
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