Ebook Info
- Published: 1996
- Number of pages: 311 pages
- Format: PDF
- File Size: 40.26 MB
- Authors: Noam Chomsky
Chomsky takes on the international scene since 1945, devoting particular attention to events following the collapse of the Soviet Union. He develops a forceful critique of Western government, from imperialist foreign policies to the Clinton administration’s empty promises to the poor.
User’s Reviews
Editorial Reviews: Review For nearly thirty years now, Noam Chomsky has parsed the main proposition of American power-what they do is aggression, what we do upholds freedom-with encyclopedic attention to detail and an unflagging sense of outrage. World Orders Old and New… may be his best book; it’s certainly his most concise and far-ranging. ― Utne ReaderWith his customary mastery of the historical record and his command of enormous amounts of source material, Chomsky here debunks the notion that the ‘new world order’ of Bush and Clinton is different in any essentials from the old world order…. Impressive. ― The ProgressiveJudged in terms of the power, range, novelty, and influence of his thought, Noam Chomsky is arguably the most important intellectual alive. ― New York Times Book Review About the Author Noam Chomsky is Institute Professor (emeritus) in the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Laureate Professor of Linguistics and Agnese Nelms Haury Chair in the Program in Environment and Social Justice at the University of Arizona. He is the author of more than 100 books, including What Kind of Creatures Are We? (Columbia, 2015), The Science of Language (with James McGilvray, 2012), and Requiem for the American Dream (2017).
Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:
⭐This classic delves into the world order of the US imperialist system right after the fall of communism and the Soviet Union after 1991, this book was published in 1996 after-all and it is relevant for its time and today. World orders old are said by Chomsky symbolically to be North-South a euphemism and reference to old world European colonialism. East-West is symbolic reference by Chomsky to describe cold war relations of US and the Soviet Union. Chomsky said the calumny of the cold war was all pretense and that the USA was clearly the dominant force during the cold war and easily implemented its policies with minimum Soviet interference. New world order post Soviet Union communist collapse was a return to the same policies and imperialist economic control of the globe only now with new patsies and excuses to continue US aggression. The book abounds with examples of how the USA controls Latin American client states, Asia and finally the Middle East (the extension of the Monroe Doctrine) with Israel as its sidekick along with Saudi Arabia as a partner. The book does get tedious at the end describing US-Israel rejectionist of the Arab peace process that started with Kissinger post 1971 in describing the arduous peace process of Palestinians and Israeli’s from that time to the 1993 Oslo Agreement. That last part gets into very boring minutiae of detail and was not very interesting to read through. Could have been a shorter more concise section. I would definitely recommend this book for any Chomsky fan out there as its profound in its ideas and conceptions of US control of the globe economically, politically and militarily.
⭐World Orders, Old and New is 99% new and 1% old. Though Greece, Rome and a few other empires are made reference to in the early going, the book mainly centers on the United States and Israel. I was hoping for a more historical interpretation of World Orders, but this book is current events as seen through Professor Chomsky perspective.It is a long story but according to Mr. Chomsky the two biggest terrorist nations in today’s world are the United States and Israel. He establishes this with page after page of facts and quotes. To fact check this book would be a lifetime endeavor for any young scholar or “fact checker.”I would guess that all the facts and quotes are accurate; the questioning would be with the interpretation of the facts and quotes.I don’t at this moment know where I would go to find a more critical analysis of the U.S. role in the last century. Mr. Chomsky sticks the sword of his criticism in the body politic of the U.S.A. and doesn’t stop until it comes out the other side – then he twists it several times for good measure.Professor Chomsky credits the Cold War as beginning with the Russian Revolution in 1917.With this I agree.On page 41 he credits a fact from a study done by Christopher Simpson that I found interesting.”U.S. investment in Germany accelerated rapidly after Hitler came to power … by some 48% between 1929 and 1940 while declining sharply everywhere else in continental Europe … and barely holding steady in Britain.”In a recent review of British records, Lloyd Gardner concludes that `for the British, the immediate problem was still Russia’, not Germany, during the period of the Hitler-Stalin pact (until June 1941). Deciding that war was necessary, high British officials `centered not on German efforts at partition [of Poland], which London had already dealt with as acceptable, but on the Nazi-Soviet pact, which was not acceptable.'”My research on who actually financed Hitler substantiates the above quote as does my reading in the history of the time.I would be interested in the percentage of investment coming from the U.S. and going to Japan and Italy during the same period also.Woodrow Wilson is described poorly in this work and I think justifiably.It is pointed out that fascism was admired and supported by the Capitalist nations of the world until it proved to be disadvantageous – economically and politically to the capitalists. “The `defense’ was mounted throughout the Capitalist world, taking a variety of forms, including the admirable achievements of fascism.”He then points out that history records, “Throughout the developed world conservative ruling elites had been discredited by their association with fascism.” Unfortunately this fact is only known to those who read history books.So it is established that the capitalist world was actually at war with Russia since the Russian Revolution in 1917.This notion should be obvious to anyone who has researched this historical period – but for some reason to speak or write accordingly still receives resistance.On page 82 the Professor makes this observation.”A look at who is celebrating after a conflict and benefits from it, and who is left in distress and suffering, often tells something about the true victors and defeated, and indeed what the conflict was about. By that criterion, the victors of World War II include the financial and manufacturing interests that were mobilized in support of the fascists regimes and were largely reconstituted and restored to power by the official victors; the losers of World War II include leading elements of the anti-fascist resistance worldwide, ranging from radical democratic to Communist in orientation, and violently demolished or displaced and marginalized by the official victors. Not the conventional picture, but an accurate one, and one that does not lack relevance to an assessment of what was at stake.”The book goes on to discredit the U.S. role in South America, Asia and the Middle East. The professor hits hard on Viet Nam and our present position in Iraq and Afghanistan. I really do not have enough information to argue with the professor. His description of U.S. behavior is nothing less than ruthless.His point is that America is not on the side of democratic rule anywhere. We sabotage democracy in favor of capitalist profit and progress in any way possible. And we support the establishment power structure that will work to the benefit of American capitalist objectives.I would only make the distinction between the American “Government” and the American “people.” But the professor does point out that the American people are kept unaware via a compliant or inept media and are not allowed to participate appreciably or to any consequence in their government because of the powerful propaganda of the corporate ownership of the American government.By the professor’s analysis we do not support democracy around the world and we are far from a democracy here at home. I would like to disagree but find his arguments substantive – and embarrassing.He continues:The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund are controlled by International capitalists manipulated by the U.S.A. and invariably programmed to institute policies that cripple, bankrupt, exploit and enslave the people of third world countries.Israel is a “client” state submissive and cooperative to U.S. hegemony. It is a partner in U.S criminal behavior. They are murderers and killers as is the U.S.A.The Palestinian populations within Israel and in surrounding areas are modern day slaves. They are treated as a subclass and are kept in such a condition via laws and manipulation reminiscent of Nazi Germany and its treatment of the Jews in the 30s and 40s.Because of necessary water sources in certain areas the Israelis will never, and have no intention of ever, submitting to a two state solution to their conflict. The Israeli Jews are attempting to exterminate the Palestinians in much the same manner as the native Indians were exterminated in the United States in its early growth years.From the Israeli perspective peace will only come to the area when all reluctant and uncooperative Arabs are dead.This is the situation as Professor Chomsky writes and describes it.As for hope for the future or a possible solution, the professor states: “Much will depend on cultural conditions within the United States, the global power that dominates the region and has succeeded in imposing its will. But whatever the outcome, what has taken place, and how it has been interpreted, constitute an impressive testimonial to the rule of force in international affairs, one that should be considered carefully by those who care about the fate of the world.”Richard Edward Noble – The Hobo Philosopher – Author of:”Hobo-ing America: A Workingman’s Tour of the U.S.A..”
⭐shows what a state our country n world is in.. not great, but this is a good book to tell you why
⭐I highly recomend reading this book, this will open your eyes on reason why U.S politics is where it is today
⭐Le livre a été en 1994. Il analyse le nouvel ordre du monde sorti de l’effondrement du bloc soviétique et de la première guerre du Golfe. Ce livre a 25 ans et pourtant il est toujours une lecture éclairante et un témoignage de la profondeur d’analyse de Chomsky. A la lecture on est bluffé par la culture historique, la qualité de l’analyse et on voit se dessiner les lignes de force qui verront naître notre présent. Pour ceux qui ont une connaissance un peu lointaine de l’histoire d’Israël, de la Palestine, de Rabin et Arafat la mise en perspective de Chomsky est si puissante et fait comprendre que l’impasse palestinienne d’aujourd’hui est une longue construction historique. L’histoire d’une souffrance et d’une domination si elle ne libère pas, elle ouvre la conscience sur le sens d’une lutte.
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