A Beginner’s Guide to Scala, Object Orientation and Functional Programming 2nd Edition by John Hunt (PDF)



    Ebook Info

    • Published: 2018
    • Number of pages: 730 pages
    • Format: PDF
    • File Size: 34.82 MB
    • Authors: John Hunt


    Scala is now an established programming language developed by Martin Oderskey and his team at the EPFL. The name Scala is derived from Sca(lable) La(nguage). Scala is a multi-paradigm language, incorporating object oriented approaches with functional programming. Although some familiarity with standard computing concepts is assumed (such as the idea of compiling a program and executing this compiled from etc.) and with basic procedural language concepts (such as variables and allocation of values to these variables) the early chapters of the book do not assume any familiarity with object orientation nor with functional programming These chapters also step through other concepts with which the reader may not be familiar (such as list processing). From this background, the book provides a practical introduction to both object and functional approaches using Scala. These concepts are introduced through practical experience taking the reader beyond the level of the language syntax to the philosophy and practice of object oriented development and functional programming. Students and those actively involved in the software industry will find this comprehensive introduction to Scala invaluable.

    User’s Reviews

    Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

    ⭐Great book and I’m thankful to the author for making the effort to provide step-by-step details with accompanying screenshots as appropriate. I also appreciate the Scala environment setup details, especially the focus on the use of Eclipse IDE. There are some typos throughout the book though none interfere with comprehension. Overall a great instructive book that I reference often.

    ⭐It’s generally a good book, but I cannot give more than 3 stars due to the insane amount of typos/faulty examples. Nobody reviewed this book before publishing for sure.

    ⭐Full disclosure, I didn’t get past the 10th chapter before tossing this book aside in contempt.It’s not the rushed way every topic is presented (two paragraph’s worth of explaining what a class is in a BEGINNER’S book?!)It’s not the endless dribble at the beginning of the book on stuff that are irrelevant (first 6(!) chapters could have vanished into thin air and no-one would be any the wiser).What made me give up on this book was the misleading examples which suggest either the author (and the TWO tech. reviewers) doesn’t know Scala or that he simply couldn’t be bothered to check himself with a REPL before sending his manuscript to print. Examples abound in chapters 9 and 10 (which is where, as mentioned before, I had quit reading).I’ll conclude in saying there are better Scala tutorial (free at that) on the internet, if only because the owners of those tutorials/blogs/etc. allow comments, so mistakes are caught by the community and fixed so later the text is correct on second (and further) inspections. This, obviously, can’t be done in print (not do I think the author and publisher could care less).Stay away. Get some other titles, go online, ask a knowledgeable friend. Just stay away from this book!

    ⭐Very detailed information and well presented. The flow was very well planned as well.


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    A Beginner’s Guide to Scala, Object Orientation and Functional Programming 2nd Edition PDF Free Download
    Download A Beginner’s Guide to Scala, Object Orientation and Functional Programming 2nd Edition 2018 PDF Free
    A Beginner’s Guide to Scala, Object Orientation and Functional Programming 2nd Edition 2018 PDF Free Download
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