Ebook Info
- Published: 2013
- Number of pages: 250 pages
- Format: Epub
- File Size: 0.18 MB
- Authors: Osho
Eleven classic anecdotes provide starting points to demonstrate the relevance of Zen to every aspect of 21st-century life. From the professor so full of his own ideas that he has no room for any new learning, to the monastery cook who solves a koan by kicking over a jug of water, readers will see themselves, their friends, and even modern-day celebrities and politicians reflected in the characters who populate these fascinating Zen stories. In each chapter, following the discussion of the story at hand, Osho responds to questions from his audience about matters of love, life, relationships, and “the search.” Throughout the book he emphasizes the importance both of honoring our “roots” in the simple pleasures of everyday life, and nourishing the “wings” that allow us to experience our connection with that which is universal, transcendent, and eternal.
User’s Reviews
Editorial Reviews: Review “Be rooted in the body so you can have wings in the soul. Be rooted in the earth so you can spread into the sky; be rooted in the visible so you can reach into the invisible. Don’t create duality and don’t create any antagonism. If I amagainst anything, I am against antagonism. I am against being against anything; I am for the whole, for the complete circle.” – Osho From the Inside Flap Zen masters are dangerous people! While many of their stories have an entertaining aspect, the real meaning behind them is the total and radical transformation of human beings. Osho is a contemporary ?Zen Master and according to his own statements even more dangerous than the ancient masters.Like the masters of old, Osho tries to create situations for modern seekers that allow instant awakening, or enlightenment ? to bring us out of the old habits and patterns of the mind and its illusions, out of the fog of conditioned beliefs and assumptions, and into the reality of the atomic, clear moment ? the here and now.?Be rooted in the body so you can have wings in the soul, he says. ?Be rooted in the earth so you can spread into the sky; be rooted in the visible so you can reach into the invisible. Dont create duality and dont create any antagonism. If I am against anything, I am against antagonism. I am against being against anything; I am for the whole, for the complete circle. A Bird on the Wing is an invitation to enter the world of Zen: to move from words to silence and from theory to experience.This book will take you as far as words can go; the rest is up to you. This is the very essence of Zen. From the Back Cover Zen masters are dangerous people! While many of their stories have an entertaining aspect, the real meaning behind them is the total and radical transformation of human beings. Osho is a contemporary “Zen Master” and according to his own statements even more dangerous than the ancient masters.Like the masters of old, Osho tries to create situations for modern seekers that allow instant awakening, or enlightenment – to bring us out of the old habits and patterns of the mind and its illusions, out of the fog of conditioned beliefs and assumptions, and into the reality of the atomic, clear moment – the here and now.“Be rooted in the body so you can have wings in the soul,” he says. “Be rooted in the earth so you can spread into the sky; be rooted in the visible so you can reach into the invisible. Don’t create duality and don’t create any antagonism. If I am against anything, I am against antagonism. I am against being against anything; I am for the whole, for the complete circle.” A Bird on the Wing is an invitation to enter the world of Zen: to move from words to silence and from theory to experience.This book will take you as far as words can go; the rest is up to you. This is the very essence of Zen. About the Author Osho is a contemporary mystic whose life and teachings have influenced millions of people of all ages, and from all walks of life. His often provocative and challenging teachings generate today more and more interest and his readership is dramatically expanding around the world in more than fifty languages. People can easily recognize the wisdom of his insights, and their relevance to our lives and to the issues we are facing today. The Sunday Times in London named Osho as one of the “1,000 Makers of the 20th Century”. He is known around the world for his revolutionary contribution to meditation — the science of inner transformation — with the unique approach of his “OSHO Active Meditations” acknowledging the accelerated pace of contemporary life and bringing meditation into modern life. Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. Excerpt from Chapter 3The Gates of Heaven and HellA warrior came to the Zen master Hakuin and asked,“Is there such a thing as heaven and hell?”Hakuin said, “Who are you?”The warrior replied, “I am chief samurai to the emperor.”Hakuin said, “You, a samurai? With a face like that, you look more like a beggar.”At this the warrior became so angry he drew his sword.Standing calmly in front of him Hakuin said, “Here open the gates of hell.”Perceiving the master’s composure,the soldier sheathed his sword and bowed.Hakuin then said, “And here open the gates of heaven.”Heaven and hell are not geographical. If you go in search of them you will never find them anywhere, because they are within you, they are psychological. The mind is heaven, and the mind is hell, and the mind has the capacity to become either. But people go on thinking everything is somewhere outside. We always go on looking for everything outside because to be inwards is very difficult. We are outgoing. If somebody says there is a God, we look at the sky. Somewhere, sitting there, will be the divine person.A psychologist working in a school in America asked small children about God, what they think about God. Children have a clearer perception: they are less cunning, truer. They are more representative of the human mind, they are unperverted. So he asked the children and their answers were collected. The conclusion was very ridiculous. In conclusion almost all the children depicted God something like this: God is an old man, very tall, bearded, and very dangerous. He creates fear. If you don’t follow him, he will throw you into hell; if you pray and follow him, he will give you paradise and all the pleasures. He is sitting on a throne in the sky and watching everybody. You cannot escape him; even in your bathroom he is looking.The outgoing mind projects everything outside. This is your God. Don’t laugh and don’t think that this is a child’s conception – no, this is you. This is how you think about God: a cosmic spy, always searching to condemn, to throw you into hell, to punish, and very ferocious, revengeful. That’s why all religions are based on fear: if you do this you will be appreciated, rewarded; if you don’t do this you will be punished. But the base seems to be fear, and God seems to be just a very powerful emperor sitting on a throne in heaven. The whole concept is foolish, but human – the human mind is foolish. The whole concept is anthropocentric.In the Bible it is said: “God created man in his own image.” The reality seems to be quite the contrary: man created God in his own image. We have projected God in our own image. It is a blow-up of the human mind – a bigger human mind, that’s all. Remember, if you think God is somewhere outside you, then you have not even taken the first step towards being religious.The same happens with all concepts: heaven is without, hell is without, as if there exists nothing like that within. What is within you? The moment you think of the within it seems that everything goes empty. What is within you? The world is without, sex is without, sin is without, virtue is without. God, heaven, hell – everything is without. What is within you? Who are you? The moment you think of the within the mind goes blank: there is nothing.In reality everything is within. The outer is just a projection. Fear is within you; then the fear is projected as a hell. Hell is just a projected image on the screen of the fear that is within you – the anger, the jealousy, and all that is poisonous in you, all that is evil in you. Heaven is again a projected image on the screen – of all that is good and beautiful, of all that is blissful within you. The Devil is the fallen human being; God is the risen human being. God is the ultimate possibility of your beautitude; the Devil is the ultimate fall of you. There is nobody like the Devil existing somewhere. You will never meet him unless you become him. And you will never encounter God unless you become God. Read more
Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:
⭐For those who don’t know, this is a new edition of one of Osho’s first international bestsellers, “Roots and Wings.” These are the kinds of stories that stay in your head and pop into mind in all sorts of everyday encounters. Talking to someone who is so full of their own ideas, you know it’s pointless to say anything? The philosopher who goes to the Zen master to seek the meaning of life comes to mind. And the great “aha moment” captured so beautifully by the story of the monk who answers a koan by kicking over a jug of water. Those who are familiar with Osho’s vision of “Zorba the Buddha” will recognize the foundations of it in this book, as well. This is a “classic” in the Osho canon for sure, one of those you’ll go back to again and again and find something new each time.
⭐thank you perfect
⭐”…once roots are there your wings will reach to the highest sky possible. Compassion is the sky, meditation is the earth, and when meditation and compassion meet, a buddha is born…”Nothing more needs to be said…without goal, there is no tension, this is one of the secrets to achieve meditation, says Osho…
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