Ebook Info
- Published: 2017
- Number of pages: 224 pages
- Format: Epub
- File Size: 3.66 MB
- Authors: Neil deGrasse Tyson
What is the nature of space and time? How do we fit within the universe? How does the universe fit within us? There’s no better guide through these mind-expanding questions than acclaimed astrophysicist and best-selling author Neil deGrasse Tyson.
But today, few of us have time to contemplate the cosmos. So Tyson brings the universe down to Earth succinctly and clearly, with sparkling wit, in tasty chapters consumable anytime and anywhere in your busy day.
User’s Reviews
From School Library Journal Celebrity scientist Tyson’s profound intellect is matched by his charm and wit. In this slim title, he attempts to explain some of the most complex astrophysics concepts in layman’s terms. Readers should be prepared for a challenging yet edifying experience from the get-go: “In the beginning…all the space and all the matter and all the energy of the known universe was contained in a volume less than one-trillionth the size of the period that ends this sentence.” Tyson riffs on topics such as gravity, the speed and makeup of light, the shape of space, and dark matter, maintaining as chatty a tone as possible as he tries to make these important principles comprehensible to the uninitiated. VERDICT Likely to resonate the most with those with a scientific bent, but Tyson’s pop culture appeal expands the audience somewhat.—Jamie Watson, Baltimore County Public Library Review “Neil deGrasse Tyson makes a big bang with Astrophysics for People in a Hurry.” ― Sloane Crosley, Vanity Fair”Tyson is a master of streamlining and simplification….taking mind-bogglingly complex ideas, stripping them down to their nuts and bolts, padding them with colorful allegories and dorky jokes, and making them accessible to the layperson” ― Salon”This book will keep you fascinated with succinct and dynamic explanations of a wide variety of astronomical topics. A winner that every astronomy enthusiast should have on the bookshelf!” ― David J. Eicher, Astronomy”This may have been written for people in a hurry, but I urge you to take your time. It will all be over far too soon.” ― BBC”Engaging and illuminating.” ― GoodReads”Tyson manifests science brilliantly….[his] insights are valuable for any leader, teacher, scientist or educator.” ― Forbes”Astrophysics for People in a Hurry will blow your mind….it is awesome.” ― Hackernoon”Infectiously enthusiastic, humorous and, above all, accessible….reading Astrophysics for People in a Hurry is both a humbling and exhilarating experience.” ― BookPage
Reviews from Amazon users, collected at the time the book is getting published on UniedVRG. It can be related to shiping or paper quality instead of the book content:
⭐ I needed to “cleanse my palate” after binge reading a fantasy series. I decided to step as far from fantasy as possible, so I ventured into the far more complex realm of…Fact.Astrophysics, to be precise.What’d I learn?I learned the universe is much bigger than I can comprehend, and we puny humans are much less significant to the universe than we imagine.I learned I’m glad there are people who are good at Astrophysics, because I’m notMostly, I learned that Astrophysics is really (Really, REALLY) complicated. Even having Neil deGrasse Tyson spell it out for me couldn’t get topics like quantum mechanics, prolate spheroids, dark matter, or E=MC2 to be more than curiosities beyond my reach.Getting through the book was worth it just to get to the last chapter, where Neil deGrasse Tyson brings the “our universe is so big and we are so insignificant” talk to a climax with some great comparisons. For example…Did you know there are more molecules in a cup of water than there are cups of water on Earth?Of course you didn’t. Because you’re not an Astrophysicist.Instead of feeling small, however, I was left feeling part of something very, very grand.Some call it science. Some call it God. I call it both.Interested in Astrophysics but clueless about Astrophysics? This is the book for you. You’ll still be clueless, but you’ll feel okay being clueless once you get a sense for the overwhelming complexity involved in with the physics of the universe.It’s a big place.Happy Reading.
⭐ I was hoping that this would be a good addition to my library, but I was quite disappointed. I understand that it’s meant to be a short overview, but it feels a touch too short and almost unfinished. In comparison to books by Carl Sagan, all of which I’ve read, this pales in comparison. Neil is not nearly as likeable, his ego shines through in a number of passages. This feels less like a chat with a friendly, intelligent friend and more like a monologue by a college professor that loves himself too much.
⭐ I was introduced to Neil DeGrasse Tyson with the video series “Cosmos” on Netflix. (They recently removed the series from Netflix – very disappointing.) I listened to him speak on some radio programs and other interviews and eventually caught wind of this book. I’m fascinated with the subject matter (I imagine everyone would be – it’s about our history, present and future). This book is easy to read, informative, and leaves me feeling more aware without being overwhelmed with information that’s beyond my knowledge base. Plus, I’m so busy that I am notorious for starting books but never really getting through them. I read this weekend morning and a few evenings. Very light and yet rich. Extremely pleased.NOTE: I was NOT paid for this review. These reviews are too often polluted with fake, paid reviews. I want to be clear that my review is NOT paid for. My review is REAL.
⭐ This book is exactly what its title purports — lessons on astrophysics for people in a hurry. Each chapter is a bite-sized look at various topics, ranging from the big bang, the discovery of invisible light, the space between the planets, all the way to the mysteries of dark matter and dark energy. While astrophysics is a challenging field of study, Neil deGrasse Tyson delivers his essays in clearly written prose, with relatable examples used to highlight the most difficult concepts. The chapters on dark matter and dark energy are two of my favorites, piquing my interest to search for additional writing on these subjects. One of the best and most thought provoking chapters comes at the end: Reflections on the Cosmic Perspective. If we could all view our lives through the lens of the cosmos, we might come to the same realization the author does. “We do not simply live in this universe. The universe lives within us.”
⭐ In the early pages of the book NDT is giving a timeline of events shortly after the big bang(BB). On page 26 he has covered events up to one second after BB. The next time point given is at two minutes after BB on page 27. In between one second and two minutes he tells us that the universe has expanded in size from less than a microscopic dot to a few light years in size. I obviously don’t understand what he means here but I do understand what he is saying. In less than two minutes something has moved on the order of 1000000 times faster than the speed of light. NDT, I love you man! Please straighten me out!!!The one star is only because I want someone to notice this review and tell me where I have gone wrong. A fair review would be four stars. I would normally give five stars but I disagree with his premise that people in a hurry have any hope of understanding astrophysics.
⭐ First off, I love Neil deGrasse Tyson. He’s one of my idols and I aspire to be where he is. My issue with this book is that I read it directly after reading his book “Death by Black Hole”…and A LOT of the content from that book is inserted into this one…word for word. It was disappointing to say the least. I pre-ordered this book two months ago and was excited when it came. I actually do really like the size of it, but the content troubles me.I will always read his books but I don’t like that there is very little original content in this one. If you already own Death by Black Hole and Origins, save your money. You already have this entire book. 3 stars because it is informative IF you’ve never read any of his other books.
⭐ In this book you can tell that Dr. Neil Tyson put his heart and intellect into this book. I’ve learned more reading this book than I have in all of my science classes throughout the years altogether. I’m so happy that I purchased this book and the narration(narrated by Dr. Tyson)on my Kindle Fire because the narration just adds so much more. This book gives you the facts that are the most interesting, informative, and important, this book doesn’t “dumb-down” any of the topics mentioned either. Neil Degrasse Tyson is my role model because I myself want to be an astrophysicist, or aerospace engineer, and reading this book just inspired me even more to go to college and major in one of the two when I get out of High School. I mean who isn’t interested in the big questions of the universe? Please buy this book if you’re at all interested in the universe and want to support Dr. Tyson too. Sorry for any grammatical mistakes I may have overlooked, this is my first written review.- Aiden A.
⭐ I think this book was intended for a young audience. Say 10-15 year olds. This is a hardback book but it is SMALL….typeset is large and spacing in the print is large as well so although it is a 200 page book if you printed it in a normal hardback format and font size and spacing it would be about 80-100 pages. The book is hard to hold with adult hands due to its small size, would of been much better as a soft cover book. Granted it did say down lower in the description what the physical size was but hey, if I buy a hardback I guess i expect a normal sized book.Subject matter is very very basic with no details and is basically an over view with nothing behind it. Again, makes me think its target audience was originally for 10-15 yr olds. I’ve read a number of books from Hawking, Smoot, Kaku and others and this book is definitely not in that realm. Again, very very basic as if written for kids.It’ll go on Ebay to find a new home…..as it definitely won’t go on my bookshelf
⭐ Perhaps the target audience is in more of a hurry than I am. But some of the topics were too summary and brushed over some explanations that could have been given in pretty short form, so may be confusing if you have not already done a fair amount of reading. Was interesting to see how many things were addressed as “we don’t know”. Still, if you only want a smattering to impress your grandkids, the explanations are pretty clear to the extent they exist.The irritating, to me, part was that the author was very needlessly dismissive of anyone with a Christian approach to any of this. Present your facts and let them speak for themselves. Don’t go out of your way to dismiss anyone who thinks there may be something more than random chance at work as a deluded or even ignorant Luddite. Those who agree with the author on that point will probably rate this 5 stars. I believe we can have a civilized discourse but the author is clearly not interested.
⭐ If Neil could spend less time listening to the sound of his own voice and more time thinking through what he’s explaining, this might be a very informational book. Instead, I’m an aerospace engineer for crying out loud, and even I am struggling to follow his explanations. It’s difficult to continue without reading such pompous sentences aloud to my friends.
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