Book of Revelation, Paperback by Matt Dorff (PDF)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2012
  • Number of pages: 192 pages
  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 0.59 MB
  • Authors: Matt Dorff


THE CLIMACTIC BATTLE BETWEEN GOOD AND EVILThe final book of the Bible has challenged, inspired, and astonished readers for nearly 2000 years. The book of Revelation may be the most analyzed text in all of Scripture. And yet it remains the most mysterious. Now comes a graphic novel version of this amazing book, including all 404 verses of this scriptural masterpiece. Stand in the Apostle John’s sandals and watch the New Testament’s climactic war between good and evil unfold in dramatic and dazzling imagery. See the Lamb, the Seven-Headed Dragon, and the Beast as never before. Take a thrilling ride through ancient prophecy. Discover anew the story of the ultimate fulfillment of John’s faith as the final battle is fought between God and Satan…Including a translation by Fr. Mark Arey and Fr. Philemon Sevastiades, an adaptation by Matt Dorff, and illustrations by renowned artist Chris Koelle, The Book of Revelation is an emotionally stirring and thought-provoking way to experience this timeless narrative.

User’s Reviews

Editorial Reviews: From Booklist This dramatically colored and concrete visual presentation of the final book of the canonical New Testament is accompanied by text that has been translated from the original Greek. Little interpretation is offered; the images illustrate the visual descriptions the colorful text itself is famous for offering. Pages have a black background, usually with three to five panels that are highlighted in red, yellow, or dramatic shading. The garb appears to be dated from the first century, as do any living accoutrements like pottery, bricked passageways, and so on. More than a graphic novel that integrates words and pictures in a narrative sequence, this is nearly an illustrated text that presents a straightforward representation of what the words indicate in discrete images. Still, the full traumatic and ecstatic content of the original text is highlighted by the striking, colorful imagery. For collections where there’s interest in both graphic texts and religious interpretation. –Francisca Goldsmith Review “Visual tour de force…vivid depiction that strikes the perfect, tasteful tone…a page turner…spectacular art.”-Publishers Weekly (11-26-12) “No adaptation that I know has captured the scope, the terror, or the glory of the Apocalypse more completely than “The Book of Revelation,” a graphic novel adapted by Matt Dorff and illustrated by Chris Koelle.””To Bible fans I say read it for the beautiful translation of Scripture and stay for the stunning art. To graphic novel fans I say open it for mind blowing visuals and let the poetry sweep you away.”-Therefore I Geek PICK OF THE MONTHThe book of Revelation***** (5 stars)”…the illustrations are extremely detailed, intense and at times very brave. It’s refreshing to see an artist depict the devil and the darker elements of Revelation in their full horrific and grotesque nature…a fair few of the pieces of art are not for the faint-hearted…Chris Koelle is an exceptional artist and as Christian comic books go, this is a bold step forward in the right direction. When reading this, you actually forget that you know this story and that it is scripture.”-Youthwork Magazine (U.K.)”The translators have attained here a readability that invites comparison with literary levels of the finest literature. At the same time, they have employed contemporary idioms so that the text bears a fresh and, at times, stunning ‘newness.’ The Book of Revelation is exciting again.”-Randall Balmer (from his Preface for the text translation edition of “Apocalypse: The Book of Revelation”)”The only less-than-literal license taken by the creative team is the frequent view of John reacting to what he must witness, both its glory and its horror. As the closest thing readers have to a relatable common man, even one as extraordinary as the biblical revelator, John provides a vital touchstone for a visceral experience of Revelation’s prophecy. What the adaptation sacrifices in interpretive nuance or comic book purity, it makes up for in raw impact. For the first time in centuries, audiences can feel the awesomeness of John’s vision of a world to end and one to come.”-A. David Lewis”Dorff and Koelle have produced one of the first solid Bible-based graphic novels that can stand on its own two feet and command the respect of fans of the medium. What’s always been a visual story has finally been done right.”-The Phantom Tollbooth


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