Calculus: Early Transcendental Functions 6th Edition by Ron Larson (PDF)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2014
  • Number of pages: 1312 pages
  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 47.97 MB
  • Authors: Ron Larson


Designed for the three-semester engineering calculus course, CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS, Sixth Edition, continues to offer instructors and students innovative teaching and learning resources. The Larson team always has two main objectives for text revisions: to develop precise, readable materials for students that clearly define and demonstrate concepts and rules of calculus; and to design comprehensive teaching resources for instructors that employ proven pedagogical techniques and save time. The Larson/Edwards Calculus program offers a solution to address the needs of any calculus course and any level of calculus student. Every edition from the first to the sixth of CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS has made the mastery of traditional calculus skills a priority, while embracing the best features of new technology and, when appropriate, calculus reform ideas.

User’s Reviews

Editorial Reviews: About the Author Dr. Ron Larson is a professor of mathematics at the Pennsylvania State University, where he has taught since 1970. He is considered the pioneer of using multimedia to enhance the learning of mathematics, having authored more than 30 software titles since 1990. Dr. Larson has also authored numerous acclaimed textbooks, including the best-selling calculus series coauthored with Dr. Bruce Edwards and published by Cengage. Dr. Larson received the 2017 William Holmes McGuffey Longevity Award for PRECALCULUS and for CALCULUS. He also received the 2018 Text and Academic Authors Association TEXTY Award for CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS. In addition, Dr. Larson received the 1996 Text and Academic Authors Association TEXTY Award for INTERACTIVE CALCULUS — a complete text on CD-ROM that was the first mainstream college textbook to be offered on the internet.Dr. Bruce H. Edwards is a professor of mathematics at the University of Florida. Dr. Edwards received his B.S. in mathematics from Stanford University and his Ph.D. in mathematics from Dartmouth College. He taught mathematics at a university near Bogot�, Colombia, as a Peace Corps volunteer. While teaching at the University of Florida, Dr. Edwards has received many teaching awards, including Teacher of the Year in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Liberal Arts and Sciences Student Council Teacher of the Year and the University of Florida Honors Program Teacher of the Year. He was selected by the Office of Alumni Affairs to be the Distinguished Alumni Professor for 1991-1993. Dr. Edwards has taught a variety of mathematics courses at the University of Florida, from first-year calculus to graduate-level classes in algebra and numerical analysis. He has been a frequent speaker at research conferences and meetings of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. He has also coauthored a wide range of award-winning mathematics textbooks with Dr. Ron Larson.

Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

⭐This text is one of the best thing that has happened to me. I am literally reading it all, that is from CH01 to CH15. I started it on February of this year (2015) and I am in CH11 now. Will probably finish it in 4 more months.For math lovers: Don’t worry it does not really take that long to read all the chapters, it might actually take just about 8 months at most to 1 year, perhaps less, say 6 months? The reason why it is taking me so long is because I have a full time job and I’m also taking other classes, so I only get to read it twice a week, that is a section per day, and work on Exercise problems also twice a week (different days).About the book: This book is very comprehensive. There are some people who say that most of the examples don’t explain much, well in reality they are straight forward, and most of the basic stuff, such as algebraic or trigonometric calculations is omitted from the example, which is logic because if all of the calculations were developed through this text then it would probably be much longer, like 2000 pages? And besides before taking any Calculus course you ought to know the basic stuff in your head already, correct? Like algebra, trigonometry, geometry, arithmetic. However, if you have a base knowledge on algebra and trigonometry and forgot some of the stuff, don’t panic. You have CH 01 and the appendixes for review of this stuff.Bottom line: Like in life, not everything is pink color and flowers and roses-figurative speaking-I have had my hard moments with this text like anyone who is studying calculus, if you are a math lover, and by that I mean you really love math because there are some people who say “oh I love math but calculus sucks” no! I’m talking real math lovers, then you’ll get through it. The hardest chapter for me so far was CH09: Infinite Series, I still don’t like it that much, but I managed to learn the material at the end.Furthermore, I love how this book is made. Everything is so neat and organized. Well, actually the majority of college textbooks are neat and organized, but this one is outstanding. What I mean is for instance: There is not a single example through the chapters that covers more than a single page. In other math textbooks, like one that I have for Differential Equations, I have seen that the example starts on one page and ends on the next page. To me that’s a con because you have to turn the page back and ford in order to figure out the context in the example. This textbook, in the other hand has all of the examples neatly organized. You don’t have to be turning the pages to see the entire example and that’s a super plus because you get to cover more material in less time.

⭐What a deal bought a month before school like new condition it was a fraction of the price because bought over the summer.

⭐I recently decided to take a course in calculus as a refresher after a career in engineering that spanned 40+ years. This is the book that was required for the course. At first I felt a little sticker shock compared to the books I bought (and still have) from back in the day but this book is well worth the money. It is a thorough treatment of the subject with clear explanations of the concepts and methodologies for solving complex problems, augmented by great graphics. The publisher also provides great on-line resources that students can use to check their work. The book is a definite ‘keeper’ for those with academic or technical career goals. My old books need to make room on the shelf; this one is so much better.

⭐This book is one of the better intro books for calculus along with Thomas calculus. I took calc 1 and 2 out of this book and it was “okay”. Then I in calculus 3, my professor used stewarts calculus and that book was awful.

⭐it has some paper ripped away from the pages and random papers in it too when i recieve it, the cover is also a bit messedup, shows that alot of ppl have used it.

⭐They say this is one of the better Calculus and Analytic Geometry textbooks out there. I have mixed reviews…This does give you good information on the subject but the problems are very “here and there”. I wish that the problems were progressive in the sense that they started off in the easiest example and gradually got harder. I had a PHENOMENAL Calc professor and would say I learned more from him then from this textbook. For an easy “read” (lol) be extremely well versed in Trig, logarithms and advanced Algebra. This is a great book for Engineering majors.

⭐I bought this textbook to use for my Calculus I class in university, and even though it was a required purchase I really did enjoy this book. There are many helpful practice problems and explanations to help you understand the contact. I also loved that there were solutions on the back of the odds, the problems were similar in one study section so if you used the solution to one problem as a reference, you could easily use it to understand other problems!

⭐Amazon was the cheapest among reliable e-book sellers when I did a research. I like that I can access to a page to page instantly on offline and don’t feel the content is very heavy on my kindle. I also like the highlight and bookmark functions. The textbook is not cheap, but it was a good buy!

⭐This book explains everything very well in easy to understand terms. I’m in engineering, not a out math student, and it makes the complex concepts (no pun intended) quite easy to grasp at first read. There are an abundance of questions, but I do wish, however, that there were a few more example questions in the textbook. A very solid book!


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Download Calculus: Early Transcendental Functions 6th Edition 2014 PDF Free
Calculus: Early Transcendental Functions 6th Edition 2014 PDF Free Download
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