Ebook Info
- Published: 1994
- Number of pages:
- Format: EPUB
- File Size: 0.19 MB
- Authors: William F. Wu
A robot named Hunter and a team of three human experts travel back into time to World War II to stop a time-traveling renegade robot before he destroys the future of humanity. Original.
User’s Reviews
Editorial Reviews: From Publishers Weekly The fourth installment in Asimov’s “Robot Universe” finds Hunter, Steve, Judy and their colleagues time-traveling back to WW II Moscow in order to undo the nuclear destruction of Moscow, caused by one of their government’s gestalt robots, which has gone renegade into the past. Although Wu’s ( Perihelion ) protagonists are supposed to be crack government operatives–lead by Hunter, a super-sophisticated humanoid robot–all of them register dull surprise upon hearing of Moscow’s total destruction. This installment lacks any of its namesake’s famous wit, and it numbs the reader with juvenile philosophical arguments concerning Asimov’s famous Three Laws of Robotics–Hunter, for instance, is constantly weighing his conflicting responsibilities under the laws. The agents’ spouting of high school history facts, their ridiculous last-minute alibis to fool the Soviet secret police (Hunter claims he was a farm worker but can’t name the farm) and their general bumbling provide inadvertent amusement. Readers can bet that another adventure awaits: upon the group’s return, Steve grins when he hears that Beijing has been blown to bits. Copyright 1994 Reed Business Information, Inc.
Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:
⭐It’s Asimov and Robots – what’s not to love?
⭐but that is only because the setting itself makes the possibility of fun nonexistent. The time of Stalin and Hitler is not a time that you can have fun reading about unless there is something deeply wrong with you.However, the book manages to retain a light tone and avoids the concentration camps in favor of military camps. The dangerous and unpredictable climate (both social and meteorological) is shown adequately for us to remember where we are, but not so heavy handed as to make the book wholly depressing. Well-handled.Steve and Jane’s romance is proceeding apace, despite Steve’s being a jerk. Feeling jealous over the young Roman soldier, Steve initially decides that he is not going with the team, but he is drawn into the adventure regardless, and it is done seamlessly. The dialogue is getting better, but it is still a bit stilted and unpracticed.Overall, a good read. Recommended for precocious young adults and for adults who want to give their juvenile side something to chew on.Harkius
⭐Young forever
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