Essays in Love by Alain de Botton (PDF)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2016
  • Number of pages:
  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 4.10 MB
  • Authors: Alain de Botton


Essays in Love is a stunningly original love story. Taking in Aristotle, Wittgenstein, history, religion and Groucho Marx, Alain de Botton charts the progress of a love affair from the first kiss to argument and reconciliation, from intimacy and tenderness to the onset of anxiety and heartbreak.

User’s Reviews

Editorial Reviews: About the Author Alain de Botton, FRSL is a Swiss-born British philosopher and author. His books discuss various contemporary subjects and themes, emphasizing philosophy’s relevance to everyday life. He published Essays in Love, which went on to sell two million copies.

Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

⭐Good book

⭐An articulate account of ‘first true love’ and heartbreak. One is astonished by the record of fine detail and lucidity that de Botton maintains right all the way through the relationship,but again,no surprise from de Botton. It’s a shame that such self-awareness didn’t make for a better result(blinder mortals have achieved greater loves). Spoiler alert- But,without irony, therein lies the key to love- the ability to just be as lucid in heartbreak.The bullet-point format is a clever variation that rids the book of unnecessary detail. It would have added further richness if he had expounded on the process of ‘forgetting’,in the last chapters though. However,this book has helped me especially understand the mechanics of how ‘love at first sight’ happens in a real life relationship, a concept I’d always mildly abhorred.A sequel on long-term relationships and tragic love would complete Essays on Love, but it’s also clear that deBotton’s personal experience separates this from a psychological/philosophical work.

⭐The beautiful and complex prose is enough alone to make you read it but then there’s that incredible insight that you can only give when perceiving something from a subjective second person position. It will make you analyse not only the way you are affecting your beloved but the ‘how come’ and ‘why’ they affect you.

⭐This is a fascinating read, and it has been narrated very well for the audible media. It is very unique in the way it follows an ordinary love story, and then interjects with deep analysis. It branches into psychology, philosophy, religion, etc. It is very soothing especially if you are going through an emotional heart burn.

⭐Personally I didn’t like the style of how the spey was written, however in saying that, there were some beautifully put statements about certain aspects of love which I took note of for future use.More than a few times, aspects hit home and I found myself nodding in agreement as I had experienced what was happening. Realistically a truth on love, and threw complications.

⭐What a beautiful roller coaster of a book. He says the most obvious things, the things we know but ignore in such a way that I was left speechless. I guess we all want to know what THIS thing is, and he does a pretty damn good job at getting below the surface. A beautiful fast read for anyone wanting some insight and a bit of a slap in the face.

⭐Alain de Botton has a good sense of humour, and it makes this book very enjoyable. It’s all the good and the bad about love put into words, which so many of us find hard to explain.

⭐I have enjoyed the reflective, sensitive style that Alain uses in this book. It’s funny, ironic, smart and poignant. His characters shine through brilliantly.

⭐This book is for those readers wanting to be instantly immersed in the story and to learn or have someone share some universal experiences we al have in relationships. full of short paragraphs that make the book smooth and wickedly addictive to read, the genuine and honest fears,highs,lows and confusion that comes with any relationship along it’s timeline just felt so relatable and De Botton masterly hands us some gems of advice and thoughts to consider about love. I recommend this for anyone interested in people,relationships, self-help,love, romantic philosophy and how we live our lives.

⭐Another insightful and inspirational one by Alain de Botton. This guy really is philosophy for the ordinary person. He doesn’t confound people with high-minded terms, but keeps it simple and puts you in the picture. He never disappoints and the titles of his books are usually clear and very indicative of what you’re hoping a book will be. Brilliant author and a great speaker, if you’re about on YouTube sometime.

⭐Thoroughly enjoyed this. I’d recommend it to anyone, whatever stage of life they are in and no matter how much in or out of love they are. Refreshing, fun, heartfelt and very easy to relate to. Great read!

⭐This book is funny, insightful, charming and extremely well written, Such well formed sentences! A must for anyone who’s ever fallen in love, which I guess is all of us…Alain knows the score! x

⭐Very good condition, even it was used.On time deliveredExcellent sellerThank you


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