Man’s Greatest Fear: The Final Phase of Human Evolution by Tim Marshall (PDF)



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  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 44.46 MB
  • Authors: Tim Marshall


MAN’S GREATEST FEAR examines the fears of man which drive him to dominate woman, destroy his environment, and slaughter his own kind in war. The psychological defenses of man, which prevent him from facing his fears and thus changing his destructive behavior, are also identified and explained. In conclusion, Dr. Marshall maintains that woman’s quest must not be for equality with man, but instead for control of his destructive nature if the human species is to avoid extinction.

User’s Reviews

Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

⭐This is a novel idea. Now I would like the Second Edition in book form, not Kindle. To me, nothing is as good as a BOOK!

⭐Tim Marshall hates Republicans. He hates capitalists, religion, Israel, the military, industry, the United States, oil companies, and bankers. He loves abortion, Bill Clinton, Hillary, environmentalists, Freud, Jimmy Carter, Palestinians, and anyone who hates people in the previous group. This book is nothing more than a smokescreen which uses the pretext of championing the peaceful, life-giving nature of woman, to praise leftist policies and blame the right and Republicans for everything that is wrong in our world. It is really ironic in a book that claims to have so much regard for the God-like ability of women to create life within their bodies and grow and give birth to that life and then nurture it after birth, that the author then goes on to exalt the billion-dollar abortion industry which makes money by preying on frightened, pregnant women, leading them into invasive medical procedures and persuading them that there is no moral problem with allowing a doctor to destroy the lives they are carrying by tearing the babies apart limb by limb or using violent chemicals to destroy these infants. Apparently he sees no relation between this and other violent acts which destroy life like war and environmental destruction. This author’s idea of a great man, our best president – he offers us Bill Clinton – the rock star of the Democrat Party, a man who publicly humiliated his good wife and took a misguided near-adolescent, snuck her into the Oval Office and had her, pardon my bluntness, suck him from under a desk while he wheeled and dealed with world leaders. Bill Clinton is a very, very rich man. How does the author think he amassed all that wealth – by aiding the poor or by knowing how to align himself with rich and powerful business enterprises? This author is trying to snow women by stroking their egos. He is the classic deceitful womanizer, the Rodolphe Boulanger in Madame Bovary, a man who seduces dozens of women by knowing what they want to hear. Ha, no wonder he loves Bill Clinton! He tries to tell women that they are superior to men, not part of a natural balance of soft/hard, passive/aggressive, emotional/rational which nature or God created to sustain life, but a force superior to man who has only been brutalized by man since the beginning of time. That the efforts of man have given the world shelter, food, protection, the humanities, the sciences, modern advancements that make life easy for all of us like computers and clothes washers – none of this counts. In this author’s mind all of that is just a compensation for uterus envy. Since this author makes much of the story of Eve and the Devil, let’s bring him into that tale. Is this author whispering in the woman’s ear the lie that she is not only equal to man, which is true, but that she is more than that – that she is God and thereby that man should worship her and not God. But what was the original sin really, because it wasn’t sex. No, the original sin was wanting to be God, to be as powerful as God, to replace God. By whispering to the woman, Tim Marshall is placing himself in the role of the serpent.

⭐This book upset my wife and so she made me read it. Being a man, at first I thought it was a joke; women taking control of the world. However, after watching the news about the war in Iraq yesterday, I stopped laughing and started thinking. I served in the Vietnam War were 57,000 Americans were murdered – my two uncles fought in WWII and my father’s cousin was killed in WWI. The author is right about war – men have killed each other for thousands of years. It’s also true that men are destroying the environment; the author’s examples can’t be denied. The quotes from famous men from many ages and cultures were interesting. The connection of male domination of women with man-made religion and over-population is plausible. Over-all, the book’s theory is thought-provoking and depressing. I now see why this book upset my wife; it makes you aware of the ugly side of man which is why I’m sorry I read it.

⭐I found this to be an excellent and very thought-provoking book. Dr. Marshall presents a theory that is both timely and relevant given the state of affairs we are currently faced with in the world. He supports his ideas with a wealth of detailed information, and the reader is left with the impression that he has spent a very long time gathering all of these facts and presenting them in such a cohesive and unified manner. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who cares about what is happening in the world, from those concerned with the environment to those worried about social/political issues on local, national and international levels. This book gives the reader much to think about and, equally important, gives one concrete and achievable action steps that can be accomplished on an individual level to affect positive change in the world.

⭐El tema es muy feminista, quizás demasiado. Explica el afán del sexo masculino por destruir lo que le rodea. Queda constancia con las innumerabes citas, el lavado de cerebro de ammos sexos por creer que la mujer debe servir al hombre. Se empezó con Adan y Eva, ¿no?.En el último capitilo, se le va la pluma y su ataque a una de las religiones, con razón o no, se le ve su parcialidad.De tim Marshall he leido Prisoners of Geography…, que me encantó y fascinó. Tenía interés en saber más de su obra y por eso compré uno de los primeros que encontré.

⭐Not found.


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Man’s Greatest Fear: The Final Phase of Human Evolution PDF Free Download
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