My Name Is Lydia: A Jack Nightingale Short Story by Stephen Leather (Epub)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2014
  • Number of pages: 30 pages
  • Format: Epub
  • File Size: 0.06 MB
  • Authors: Stephen Leather


Supernatural detective Jack Nightingale is called in to investigate a young girl who appears to be possessed by an evil spirit. My Name Is Lydia is about 10,000 words, about thirty pages, perfect if you have half an hour to spare. Stephen Leather is one of the UK’s most successful thriller writers, an ebook and Sunday Times bestseller and author of the critically acclaimed Dan “Spider’ Shepherd series and the Jack Nightingale supernatural detective novels. You can find out more from his website and Jack Nightingale has his own website at

User’s Reviews

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Reviews from Amazon users, collected at the time the book is getting published on UniedVRG. It can be related to shiping or paper quality instead of the book content:

⭐ Jack Nightingale is my favorite Stephen Leather creation. I’ve read and loved all 6 novels (although the most recent one, SAN FRANCISCO NIGHTS was the weakest of them all and a tad disappointing) and some of the Jack short stories. This one, MY NAME IS LYDIA, is a perfect micro version of a typical Jack Nightingale novel. Jack is called in by a family friend of Jenny’s (his girl Friday) to help with her friend’s 11 year old daughter, Christine, who has started behaving oddly. Jack susses out the situation pretty quickly and then has to figure out what to do about it. To say more risks unnecessary spoilers. If you are looking for a very quick bedtime read (31 pages, about 30 minutes or so), you can’t do any better than this.Highly recommended.JM Tepper

⭐ Horrible story that kept the reader fascinated. Easy five star rating.

⭐ This was a great read that was unicorn and extremely entertaining. I have enjoyed every one of the Jack Nightingale stories to this point.

⭐ BUT here’s the thing … I’ll never read another Jack Nightingale short story … They’re so good and suspenseful and then THEY DON’T HAVE AN ENDING!!! I need another complete book!

⭐ I’m a big of JN and this short story was up to its usual high standards. I’m hoping that there I’d a new novel soon.

⭐ I have enjoyed every one of the Jack Nightengale stories including “Lydia.” I look forward to the next one.

⭐ J’aime bien les histoires de Jack Nightingale!!! S’inscrit bien dans le style!!! Mais trop courte nouvelle et nous laisse sur notre faim!

⭐ All I can say is that all of this author’s work is awesome. You will not be disapointed

⭐ A Jack Nightingale short set in London prior to “Lastnight.” Good solid story that introduces a Proserpine plot thread that has yet to be fully developed. I’d like to see Lydia reintroduced in a novel-length Nightingale story in the future.

⭐ Gripping story. Got nightmares from it when i nodded off to sleep. I hope it was not the evil me messing around.


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