Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, Global Edition by William Stallings (PDF)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2014
  • Number of pages:
  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 26.62 MB
  • Authors: William Stallings


Intended for use in a one- or two-semester undergraduate course in operating systems for computer science, computer engineering, and electrical engineering majors Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles provides a comprehensive and unified introduction to operating systems topics. Stallings emphasizes both design issues and fundamental principles in contemporary systems and gives readers a solid understanding of the key structures and mechanisms of operating systems. He discusses design trade-offs and the practical decisions affecting design, performance and security. The book illustrates and reinforces design concepts and ties them to real-world design choices through the use of case studies in Linux, UNIX, Android, and Windows 8. Teaching and Learning ExperienceThis program presents a better teaching and learning experience–for you and your students. It will help: Illustrate Concepts with Running Case Studies: To illustrate the concepts and to tie them to real-world design choices that must be made, four operating systems serve as running examples. Easily Integrate Projects in your Course: This book provides an unparalleled degree of support for including a projects component in the course. Keep Your Course Current with Updated Technical Content: This edition covers the latest trends and developments in operating systems. Provide Extensive Support Material to Instructors and Students: Student and instructor resources are available to expand on the topics presented in the text.

User’s Reviews

Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

⭐Really bad writing style, very confusing, lots of grammar mistakes. This guy needs an editor really badly. He uses examples to explain examples to explain examples. Nesting “for examples” makes things really confusing. Also, using a term like “process” 4 times in one sentence, where each time its used means something different, means that maybe you should define your terms better and/or find better/other terms to describe what you mean. Also has several cases of circular definitions, like: says that a process is part of/must include one or more programs, but in another section in the same chapter, he says that a program is part of/must contain one or more processes. Now, while this may or may not be accurate, it is also very confusing and needs to be re-written to make it make more sense to layman/students.

⭐A bit dated, but the concepts are still there. I was forced to get it for a college class in 2019/2020 and was very sad to find one of the first things it mentions about Windows is, “Microsoft’s newest operating system, Windows 8”. But considering the price, it’s not a bad starting place to start learning more about operating systems. Some other info about Linux was also wrong due to the info being old.

⭐Great book. Fairly understandable even for a non-computer science major. I definitely feel that I would have gotten more out of the book if I had more experience working with system calls and C programming but this is not the book’s fault. Some sections are more difficult to understand than others so I had to look up some material but again this is most likely due to my lack of experience with this type of programming rather than a problem with the book.

⭐Stallings is a pro. Needed it for an advanced course in OS. If you need it you should not try to go without the updated version of the book!

⭐Interesting and tough material. Definitely read the material before diving into the questions

⭐This is a good and very dense book. I rented this book for a college class and it was very helpful.


⭐Best book for learning operating systems.

⭐Good book, I recommend it using it with an implementation focused one such as https://www.amazon.co.uk/Design-Implementation-FreeBSD-Operating-System/dp/0201702452 or https://www.amazon.co.uk/Linux-Kernel-Development-implementation-Developers/dp/B00IJ0LRSC/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1515423297&sr=1-2&keywords=linux+kernel+development

⭐Great text book for OS.

⭐Non capisco perchè un editore così importante e che dispone i diritti per un testo fondativo come lo Stallings debba fare il pulciaro utilizzando carta velina al posto di normali pagine, imponendo comunque un prezzo di copertina assai alto. Comunque c’è poco da fare con queste critiche sulla qualità di prodotto: se vi serve il testo cartaceo, non ci sono alternative.

⭐l’aquisto del libro nuovo da la possibilita’ anche di accedere ai materiali online pero’ l’azienda Pearson ha fatto tanti casini. Siccome la 10a edizione e’ usuita poco tempo fa e loro non hanno aggiornato la sua libreria online, non c’e’ la possibilita’ di usare materiali online.Ho speso 2 ore con support team provando di registrare il libro ma senza successo.

⭐Tutto OK con questo ordine.


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Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, Global Edition PDF Free Download
Download Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, Global Edition 2014 PDF Free
Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, Global Edition 2014 PDF Free Download
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