Ebook Info
- Published: 1988
- Number of pages:
- Format: EPUB
- File Size: 0.20 MB
- Authors: William F. Wu
Derec, an amnesia victim, learns the secret of his true identity and must face Dr. Avery, the deranged scientist who controls Robot City
User’s Reviews
Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:
⭐I ordered several books to complete a series I started. All of them were in good shape.
⭐The quality of the item was what I was most pleased with. As a SF collector of sorts, I sometimes get over promised and underwhelming books. This item and seller response was everything I hoped for.
⭐I love these books, I started reading these when they first came out many, many years ago. Read the entire Robot City series but never got the chance to finish the Robots and Aliens series. Awesome story with lots of twists and turns. Loved that they used many different authors and gave them a chance to show what kind of writers they are.
⭐For 1cent, the book was in excellent condition. The book had no markings in the book, no torn pages, and the cover was fine. Just the right book to complete the series.
⭐This novel is very entertaining, although it does have problems. Featuring the introduction of Steve, Jane, Hunter, The MC Governor Robot, and Wayne Nystrom, it starts a series about a chase through time involving six small robots, their obsessive and selfish creator, and a group of people attempting to keep the robots from detonating in nuclear-warhead like fashion.The creator is a jerk, and he is an easily hatable villain, which is nice. However, some of the other characters are a bit thin. Chad, for example, was a paleontologist who butts heads with Steve for most of the book. This is a poor method of character development in a novel this short, and more thought needs to be given to it being a character development on the part of Steve throughout the series. He, Jane, and Wayne have that time, but Chad should have been a bit less antagonistic.Another problem is that there are pacing issues. Sometimes the action moves along nicely and everything makes sense. Other times, the story seems disjointed and the characters seem to have some knowledge that they shouldn’t, merely to keep it going.It is an entertaining book with a modicum of good scientific data in it. Well worth reading, and worth purchasing, although it is geared more toward a younger audience, I think.Harkius
⭐This book was very well organized and had a good imagination behind the story. Some other people who have read this book, don’t let themselves get absorbed into the book, instead they try to overanalyze the charaters, as if they were some psychologist. This is a book that could be read at any age and that can’t be done with every sci-fi book, so I feel that the writer did a very good job.
⭐The Good Doctor’s good name is used merely as a marketing device for Wu’s series that reads like the description to a bad TV show and is far inferior to almost anything Asimov wrote.First off, anyone familiar with any of Asimov’s robot stories or novels will find this story inconsistant. The newly built city in the book seems to possibly be a precursor for the Cities in the Robot Novels, yet the MC Governor, able to divide into six robots, is far more advanced than anything that appears in Asimov’s work.It does separate into six robots, which then are shrunken down to microscopic size and sent to different eras in the past. Surprize! This may have the effect turning each of the six into atomic bombs (gosh, didn’t MC Governor know that already? I thought everyone did). So its up to another robot and two humans, a robotics expert and a survivalist, to find them all. For their first mission, described in this book, they have to go to the Cretacious Period, and they need a palaeontologist to come along.We are never told why, but for some reason, the palaeontologist sees fit to criticize and argue with the survialist from the moment they meet. Apparently, palaeontologists hate people who go camping. The reader is denied the pleaure of his being eaten by a dinosaur.Seriously, what’s up this guy’s butt? Is it one of MC Governor’s other selves? That’s it, isn’t it? In one of the later books, they have to retrieve MC Governor from up the paleontologist’s butt.It might have made sense for the roboticist to be the one to not get along with the survivalist, as these two characters continue in the series after the first book. They would then eventually have to learn to get along in the course of future books. Since the survivalist is a man and the roboticist is a woman (and has barely any personality at all), they probably become romatically involved in later books as well, and it might, just might, make their romance more interesting, if they hated eachother first. But then, I saw no reason to read any of the later books. I have enough pain in my life.At one point, the hero robot rides a triceratops. This is a dead end plot device. At another point, the group corralls another dinosaur with the intention of training it; which they apparently think will take less time then they have to stop the atomic explosion.I am sorry I have to give as many as one star, it certainly doesn’t deserve that many, but Amazon won’t allow less. Five negative stars is my rating. It was a long time ago when I read this, but seeing that they are soon to publish a new edition renews my anger at being conned into reading this awful piece of hackwork, I don’t want anyone else to get fooled the way I did. If you are determined to write a bad novel, Mr. Wu, that is your own business, but don’t try to scam the rest of us into buying and reading it by exploiting Asimov’s name and reputation after he is gone and can’t defend himself.With this so-called “I, Robot” movie now available on DVD, it now more important than ever that those of us who care protect the Good Doctor’s good name.
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