Ebook Info
- Published: 2015
- Number of pages: 311 pages
- Format: Epub
- File Size: 0.36 MB
- Authors: S. E. Smith
Kali Parks is a shadow in the war between two factions that are fighting to gain control of Chicago. Born and raised on the streets, she stands as a silent sentinel at her brother’s side as he battles to gain control. She will do whatever it takes to bring peace to those she has pledged her life to protect, including fighting against the creatures that came to their world almost six years before.
Razor, a High Chancellor for the Alliance, has been sent to oversee the remaining Trivator troops on Earth and make sure the transition for the induction of Earth into the Alliance goes smoothly. He is the one the Alliance calls when they have a situation that needs to be resolved once and for all. His reputation for dealing with difficult rebels is renowned. He asks no questions and takes no prisoners. His job is to eliminate all threats to the Alliance.
He finds himself torn between duty and something he is unfamiliar with, his heart. When a shadow warrior saves his life and disappears, he discovers his world is no longer as cut and dry as he thought. The more he learns, the more he discovers he is not immune to the warrior’s passionate desire to fight to protect her people.
Forced by duty to settle the conflict, he must decide between the Alliance and his own desire to claim the unwilling warrior. When the conflict escalates, he does the only thing he can; he makes a pact with one of the factions in exchange for a prize that will surely cause a battle of a different kind – the one for his traitorous heart.
Will he be able to claim her before she escapes from him again? Or worse, will she sacrifice her life to protect those she loves before he can?
User’s Reviews
Review “With a perfect blend of science fiction and romance, I can’t resist a book by S. E. Smith…” (Veronica Scott, Award-Winning Author of The Sectors SF Romance Series)This is the second book in S.E. Smith’s Alliance Series and it is a must read!By Twin Sisters Rockin’ Book ReviewsOverall Rating: 5 Rockin’ ★★★★★Razor had been sent to Earth as the final resort to bring the rebellion under control. As a High Chancellor for the Alliance it is his duty to take care of things that need to be done quickly and efficiently. His methods are often brutal but at the same time he is fair when dealing with the hold outs and he insures that justice is done. He does not negotiate! Since coming to Earth, he has quickly eliminated all but one of the rebellion’s strong holds. The Chicago resistance is divided into two fractions that are waging war against each other. Razor is on a tour of the area when he is shot out of the sky by a rocket. He is rescued by a woman like none other he has ever seen. She gets him out of the rubble, tends his wounds, gets help for him and then disappears. Razor knows that this woman is his Amate, his life mate.Kali Parks is part of the resistance that is fighting against the Alliance and the takeover of the northern resistance. She fights at her brother’s side and her jobs are to act as his personal guard and protector. Her brother is the leader of one of the two fractions that control Chicago and has yet to surrender to Alliance. After she rescues Razor from the attack, Kali cannot get the alien out of her mind. The reaction she had to the big guy is not normal for her! She has avoided every involvement with males since the invasion and had promised herself to focus only on protecting her brother and her people. However, that does not stop her from returning to the place where she saved her alien. Call it a feeling but she knew that he had been watching her and would be there. When Kali is wounded, Razor returns with her to his temporary base and claims her as his. Will Kali and Razor survive the war that is raging around them? Is there treachery involved? Can Kali accept him as her forever mate? Get this book and find out, you will not be disappointed by the ending! ~TSRBRHero –Razor: 5 starsHeroine –Kali Parks: 5 starsSteam: 5 starsPlot: 5 starsCliffhanger: NoWould I recommend this book: Yes! This is the second book in Ms. Smith’s Alliance Series and it is a must read. I love the way she takes two different races and builds strong relationships that can overcome any obstacles. Love according to Ms. Smith’s books does not see race, color or ethnicity. Only love!Would I read other books by this author: Yes! I look forward to reading any book that Ms. Smith publishes. She is one of my favorite all time authors and I have read all of her published books, some of them more than one time!***Received an ARC of this book from the Author in exchange for an honest review***
Reviews from Amazon users, collected at the time the book is getting published on UniedVRG. It can be related to shiping or paper quality instead of the book content:
⭐ Razor’s Traitorous Heart is a great sci-fi romance. It is much, much better than Hunter’s Claim (book 1). This is a stand alone book and can easily be read without reading the first book.Lately, I’ve been disappointed in some of Ms. Smith’s books. Star’s Storm, Jo’s Journey, and Cosmos’ Promise were boring to me due to the lack of romance. They were decent sci-fi stories but the romance was practically non-existent. Krac’s Firebrand was better but still disappointing to me. The romance took forever to start and then the story ended with a cliffy. Then there was Hunter’s Claim. It had started out with so much promise and then just fizzled for me (the romance). So, it was with great trepidation that I decided to purchase this book (having been so disappointed lately). I’m so glad I did! Ms. Smith, you have redeemed yourself! This was a great romance! THANK YOU!!!! THANK YOU!!!!*********SPOILERS**********In Razor’s Traitorous Heart we actually have a romance! Yipee!!!!!!! Razor is a powerful man. He’s High Chancellor of the Alliance and the Commander of the Trivator warriors. He is a huge (nearing 7 ft), muscular, warrior that other’s fear. He first meets our h when his helicopter crashes and she rescues him. Now, I’m typically NOT a fan of the h rescuing the H but it was written so well that I really liked the scene. Razor is immediately attracted to the h and quickly realizes she is his “amate” or mate. I LOVED that he recognized her as his amate so quickly and she was oblivious! Due to his injuries, he loses consciousness and the h disappears after making sure he received help.Razor then spends his time searching for the h (because she’s HIS!) and catching glimpses of her in his binoculars. The h “feels” him watching her and decides to confront him about it and tell him to stop. When this scene occurs, he can smell another male on her and is jealous! He doesn’t like it at all, growls and proceeds to “mark” her with his scent by rubbing his nose on her jaw and neck. I loved it! It was very sexy and well done.Shortly thereafter, the h escapes him to warn her brother and she is injured. The H rescues her (yay!), takes her to command headquarters for medical care and proceeds to “mark” or tattoo her as his amate. I loved that Ms. Smith included this scene in the book rather than skipping over it like she did in Hunter’s Claim. It was interesting to read about how the mark (tattoo) was done. At command headquarters, their relationship developed into an intimate relationship (about 50% into the story). Then the h overhears the H and (justifiably) decides to escape to tell her brother of his plans. Her escape seemed very logical given the circumstances. The H, of course (yay again!), had to chase after the h. (I love it when the H has to chase the h!) Yet again, the H rescues our h and then soon they head off world.**********END SPOILERS**********There was just so much that I loved about this story. I LOVED the H! (And h). I loved that the H recognized his amate right away and pursued her. I loved that the lovemaking didn’t occur until 50% into the story (because it adds tension) and the “I love you’s” didn’t occur until 75%. I absolutely despise, DESPISE it when couples have great sex and then magically profess undying love without any relationship building and I really, really, REALLY despise it when the h becomes a simpering idiot and loses her backbone after being intimate with the H. This didn’t occur here. (Thank you again, Ms. Smith!) And finally, I loved the romance. There was an actual romance here and it was terrific!
⭐ Okay, this book took me for a bit of a loop because I wasn’t expecting it to be of a new character that wasn’t introduced in the form of the Alien Trio from the first book. But it had my heart pounding, laughing and crying. But always on the edge wanting more. It took me less than 3 hours to read this book. It was really worth the purchase. And right now the friend who has recommended the series to me is wanting to beat the crap outta me cause I bought all the books that were out, but won’t tell her a lick about any of the books 2-4. I mean if you like Aliens, Romance, and Sci-fi this is a book that covers it all, just like the others in this series. Give it a shot. Please! S.E. Smith is amazing…. Also, it is nice to see her tie the other books she has written into this series, making it really hard to not want to read those other books….. GENIUS! a way to up sell her other stories with suspense as well as a sweet, sweet plot throw.
⭐ I can not believe how drawn in to this series I am. This is the first time I have read SE Smith, and this is the second book in the series. I loved it. All the characters are amazing, from the earth people to the Warrior from another planet. I would suggest reading them in order, although this is the second, the first book gives a lot of insight into the story line. Kali is so strong, and an amazing girl, the perfect girl for Razor. How are they to come together when Razor’s job is to decide if all the fighting among the humans in Chicago does not stop, he will level the city to let the humans start again .Kali’s brother is head of one part of the city, can her brother work with Razor to stop the fighting, and also save Kali after she is taken by the other side? This book has everything. I had trouble putting it down, and I am going to star the next one right way.
⭐ Kali Parks rescues Razor when he crashes into some trees. Razor is the older brother of Hunter from bk1. Razor claims Kali as his Ameta wife.Kali is head of her brother Dustin’s security. Her brother is in a rivalry with there old friend to claim and control Chicago.I liked Razor and Kali they have a sinuous adventurous romance. With Kali helping Razor to help Dagger whom we though was dead escape the fighting rings.Good quick read. Very good Audible narrations.
⭐ This is the second in S.E. Smith’s Alliance series and has certain similarities to the first book. Like the first book the heroine is a tough smart survivor in a world that self destructed after first contact with aliens. This book takes place two years after the first book and six years after the aliens arrived. Chicago is divided between two rival gangs and is the last major city on the planet that needs to be pacified. Razor, who has leveled to the ground two other cities who failed to stop fighting, has come to Chicago to put an end to the fighting. Failing that he would level city to save it and put an end to the fighting. While flying over the city his helicopter is shot down. Kali Parks, the sister of one of the gang leaders, is in a position to save Razor before the helicopter makes its final plunge from near the top of the building where it crashed and she is hiding.Razor must somehow stop the fighting or he will be forced to destroy the city and anyone sill in it and at the same time find and save Kali for he cannot think straight without her. Kali must save the city, its inhabitants, her brother and deal with growing feelings for the alien who is the one that is threatening them.
⭐ A worthy successor to Hunter’s Claim. Trivators seem to be tailor-made to capture the hearts of surviving earth girls, as Earth becomes a more perilous place to eek out an existence in. The alien male Trivators who have travelled to earth to enlighten and “help” the indigenous Homo Sapiens, find their efforts unappreciated and the surviving population is in a constant state of war with themselves as well as the aliens. This is deemed unacceptable and if humans don’t start toeing the line, they will be wiped out in order to save the planet.Razor is in charge of eliminating the pesky pockets of human rebellion, after six years of war. Wiping out millions of earth people doesn’t trouble him at all, as he has exterminated other sentient beings often during his military career. As High Chancellor, he is called in as a last resort to bring the population under control. When human female Kali Parks saves his life and immediately wins his heart, he’s still not convinced we’re worth saving; however, if he wants to win Kali’s heart, something will need to change in short order.The chemistry between Razor and Kali is both smart and believable. The story makes sense and the world-building is logical and terrifying. This is a good read, and the sex is fun and romantic. Razor doesn’t feel the need to humiliate or dominate Kali. (I wrote this so you will know this series is different than the Cosmo’s Gateway series. No BDSM. Yay!!) I look forward to many more books in this series.
⭐ Razor is the oldest brother of Hunter who was the star of the first book of the series. While Hunter is a warrior, Razor is the one who is called in when total destruction of city is deemed necessary to end the high death count on both sides and to end the conflict on the Earth. He comes in tries to negotiate a peaceful solution. If it can’t be done he calls in the destroyers and levels the city and kills all who resist. Thus the conflict is ended and the rebuilding can begin.Into this mix add a freedom fighter female who while on patrol is at the scene of his helicopter crash and saves his life. You now have the beginnings of a wonderful, fun and very hot romance. She and her brother lead one of factions, while an old childhood friend is the leader of the other faction dividing Chicago and the last hold out from the Alliance. Thus the need for intervention by Razor.This is one you will want to read as the sequel to the first. Both are stand alone stories but the are a smooth transition for one another. I love this series.
⭐ I loved S.E. Smith’s 2nd book in The Alliance series. I am talking about gorgeous, strapping, sexy alphas and strong, intelligent, heroines who can take care of themselves. Just like the first book, I was pulled into this futuristic world where if you want to survive you have to be strong not just physically but mentally. Razor has been brought in to end the hostilities from those on Earth who resist being brought under the Alliance. To many lives on both sides have been lost and he is the basically the last option. He never planned meeting his Amate or mate, let alone having an earthling as one. When Kali, sister to leader of the resistance in Chicago, saves his live he know that she is his and nothing was going to stop him from taking her home with him.. But how do you do your job when it could cost the lives of his mate’s brother and all she holds dear. I loved that Kali saved Razor’s live and then disappeared, going back to stand at her brother’s side and fighting for what she believes in. I love the strength and dedication she shows and her kick your butt attitude with the skills to back it up!!. I loved this book and I am very excitedly waiting for the next book!!
⭐ Overall, it was an entertaining read. I enjoyed how the hero/heroine were written. As a matter of fact, I’ve liked both the author’s heroines in this series so far. However, I felt like at the end, Kali’s character didn’t really stand up to her “kick ass” persona at the beginning. I also didn’t like the fact that their story line became intertwined with Jordan and Dagger’s at the end. It’s great reading a snippet about something up and coming, but that was a bit more than a teaser, and I felt it drew away from Kali and Razor’s story. I wouldn’t necessarily say it was unwelcome since you were already introduced to them in the first book. However, it also goes to show that many of these series novels can not really be read as “stand-alones” as they usually say in reviews. My suggestion to any new reader of this series is to make sure you read the first one, first.
⭐ The Trivators have been on Earth almost 6 years. There are still violent pockets of rebellion and the Alliance is fed up with the wasted resources and lost lives. Enter Razor. He is the clean up man. He goes in and talks to the leaders telling them enough is enough and giving them 24 hours to cooperate or else.Kali Parks is the head of security for her brother, Destin. Chicago has pretty much been divided into a Northern half and a Southern half. Destin gives food, shelter, medical care and protection to the people he is leading.Kali saves Razor’s life. Razor realizes that she is his Amate. There is plenty of danger and misunderstanding before these two come together.
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Razor’s Traitorous Heart: The Alliance 2015 Epub Free Download
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