The Beast (Black Dagger Brotherhood Book 14) by J.R. Ward (Epub)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2016
  • Number of pages: 521 pages
  • Format: Epub
  • File Size: 0.50 MB
  • Authors: J.R. Ward


Fan favorite couple Rhage and Mary return in this gripping novel in the #1 New York Times bestselling Black Dagger Brotherhood series.

Nothing is as it used to be for the Black Dagger Brotherhood. The slayers of the Lessening Society are stronger than ever, preying on human weakness to acquire more money, more weapons, more power. But as the Brotherhood readies for an all-out attack on them, one of their own fights a battle within himself…

For Rhage—the Brother with the biggest appetites, but also the biggest heart—life was supposed to be perfect. Or at the very least, perfectly enjoyable. But he can’t understand or control the panic and insecurity that plague him. Terrified, he must reassess his priorities after suffering a mortal injury. And the answer, when it comes to him, rocks his—and his beloved Mary’s—world…

User’s Reviews

Review Praise for The Beast“Intimate, evocative…the last quarter or so of The Beast had me breathing fast, furiously flipping pages. Emotional surprises and plot twists signal big things to come as this consistently compelling and exciting series evolves. This immersive, introspective yet rousing next installment will leave you clamoring for more.”—“The Beast is a joy of a novel…Ward is a master of her craft.”—New York Journal of Books“A beautiful experience meant to be savored by fans.”—Under the Covers“Intense, intoxicating and uplifting…J. R. Ward will captivate your imagination; pull you into the story line; and never let go when the passion and emotions roll away with your soul.”—The Reading Cafe“The beauty of this story totally BLEW ME AWAY…The Beast made me feel like I had come home, everything was as it should be and even better than I had remembered. It met the criteria for what I want in a romance, heart and panty-melting goodness. It was magnificent and one of the most beautiful stories I’ve read in a really long time. Well done, well done indeed.”—Guilty Pleasures Book ReviewsMore Praise for the Novels of the Black Dagger Brotherhood “Delicious, erotic, and thrilling.”—New York Times bestselling author Nicole Jordan “Dark fantasy lovers, you just got served.”—New York Times bestselling author Lynn Viehl “To die for. I love this series!”—New York Times bestselling author Suzanne Brockmann“J. R. Ward’s urban fantasy romance series is so popular I don’t think there’s a reader today who hasn’t at least heard of the Black Dagger Brotherhood.”—USA Today “Hold on tight for an intriguing, adrenaline-pumping ride.”—Booklist

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⭐ Ahhhh… how I missed Rhage and his humor. Leave it to J.R. Ward to bring it out full force as he struggles with his beast in this somewhat self-titled fourteenth edition of the Black Dagger Brotherhood, ‘The Beast’.For any fans of this Brother, the beginning will put fear into your veins as to where this book might take our beloved Hollywood. But Rhage’s book is all about the existential crisis he’s embarking on. Which boils down to him realizing the fact that Mary can not sire, and carry on the race, is subconsciously bothering him. So much so that he’s willing to run to his death…Like any couple, when the honeymoon is over, the distance of real life begins to set in. But it’s how strong you are together and apart, and how willing you are to communicate, that make all the difference. For Mary and Rhage it is no different, and this connection takes them to a wonderful new place in Part I of Rhage & Mary & Bitty.That’s not all. Like any other BDB book so much more is going on, which make this review hard to write without giving too much away. Xcor is about to become a whole new player, but do we know if he will remain evil or change for good? What happens with Layla and the babies is agonizing and yet hopeful. Assail has decided to aid the Brotherhood and, in so doing, an act of heroism may just help him find the courage to turn a new leaf. Plus, with all the females in the house now it’s becoming a network of gossip (not that the Brothers don’t have their own loose lips).As a reader I love how Ward always has a way of bringing everyone’s histories and abilities back into the fold to remind us of their purpose and the progression of the world, as well as the series arc. However, having enjoyed this collection of books for so long, I will say you must be able to keep up by now as ‘The Beast’’s story line progresses from several old and new key players’ points of view. From the Brothers themselves, to their shellans, other fighters, enemies… and even “civilians”. Let’s just say, after so many years, I keep a four-page document of who’s who and what’s what.My only drawback with this edition is that there are numerous editing, grammar and content errors that kept pulling me out of my read. Missing words, words that didn’t apply, double words, capitalization in odd places, and even sentences that didn’t appear to be accurate, that in turn caused a need to re-read. Reaching beyond this, the Brothers, their mates and their ever-changing world still intrigue me. Speaking of… what’s up with the Virgin Scribe? That was so unexpected!With every testosterone fueled scene, brotherly spat, snarky comeback, spark of mated protection, and heartfelt moment, it makes me wonder why I wait so long between each scintillating and enticing read. My takeaway from ‘The Beast’ is that these men, all the Brothers, have changed, matured – so darn much. Yet they’ve kept their lightheartedness and vulnerability that made us fall in love with them in the first place.

⭐ I love coming back to the Black Dagger Brotherhood after a while and being able to jump right back into the lives of the Brothers and their mates, families and associates without missing a beat. It’s like catching up with old friends and finding out what’s going on again. For a while their I had been reading book after book in a row, but they are fairly long books at 500-600 pages each, so I sort of went into BDB overload. Now I just read one or two every few months and I hope to finish this year.I really liked this installment because Mary wasn’t as frail as she was in her first book when she was dying of Cancer, though she will always seem a bit frail next to Rhage since he every description of him is about how huge he is and how much he eats, and how small Mary is compared to him. But despite that, the fit together so well. Mary is the perfect foil to Hollywood. She is quite an gentle whilst he is loud and boisterous. He has the curse of the beast on his back and she is the only one that is able to calm the beast. Mary can even talk to the beast whether the beast is out or just on Rhage’s skin as a tattoo and inside him.This book began with Hollywood knowing something was wrong in his marriage but not what that something was. He figures it out one day when Beth asks him to watch LW (Little Wrath). Rhage gets emotional and figures out hid issue is that many of his Brothers are starting families while he knows he and Mary will never be able to have a child together.The funny thing about the vampires in Black Dagger Brotherhood is that despite the fact that they do live very long lives, it seems that they are not really that hard to kill. I mean a good shot to the head or the heart will kill them, even a few shots in other places if they star losing more blood than their healing can handle and if they don’t get to a clinic. Also the women often die during pregnancies, and those last eighteen months so that is a long time to wait to find out if you will survive the birth or not.Anyway, I also have been waiting to hear more on the story about XCor and Layla and that was furthered in this book. While Layla was on bed rest with twins in the clinic below the BDB Mansion, she sensed that XCor was near because she had fed him with her blood. She found out he had been captured and was worried that the Brothers would kill him. Which is in fact what they planned to do after interrogating him.What I really loved about this book was the focus on the Brotherhood as a family. From Layla, Qhuinn Blaylock and her babies to Rhage and Mary and this little girl at the Safe place where Mary and Marissa work. The little girl had been abused by her father and her Mother finally left him only to have lost her baby boy and now after a long battle the mother died and the little girl Named Bitty was all alone in the world.Mary had been doing her best with Bitty but not quite able to connect with her until she started bringing Rhage along on some outings and the girl has taken to both Rhage and Mary and started to open up more. This book has turned into one of my very favorites and Rhage is now one of my favorite characters.

⭐ This was classic J.R. Ward at her finest. Wow! Talk about book hangover. I didn’t want to finish it. I wanted this book to go on forever. The Beast reminded me more of the original stories than any other recent book in the series, even The King.Rhage and Mary’s relationship is the core story. We, and Rhage, find out what has been causing this melancholy he’s been experiencing since the previous book. Early on in the story The Beast comes out in his full glory during a massive battle scene. Thank the Scribe Virgin that Rhage was blessed with this “curse”.We see Mary Luce in her day-to-day job at Safe Place. She has become healthier mentally since becoming Rhage’s shellan in “Lover Eternal”. Before having met Rhage she had lost her faith in miracles and in this book she found so many more. There are miracles in spades really.Other stories highlighted in this book as well are Layla, Qhuinn, and Blay’s pregnancy; and Assail’s drug addiction. I was shocked at the death of one of the series’ biggest characters. Two new characters are introduced. We get a lot of Vishous’ POV of things as well.All of the 40 plus characters of the series, from the king to the doggen, make an appearance in this book. I love grand finale’s. My only complaint: I’m very tired of the metaphorical adjectives. They impede the flow of my reading.The world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood is the only book series that I have ever seriously craved to live in. I want more, NOW! This book made me laugh, made me, cry, made me sigh. For me those are the best kinds of stories.The next book will be THE CHOSEN and will star Xcor and Layla.

⭐ OMG!!!! I’ve been waiting and waiting and waiting for this book, to revisit Rhage and Mary and find out exactly how they make their family complete! It was 1,000 x better than I ever could have hoped!!!! This book harkened back a bit to the early, early days of the BDB series, when the focus was more on the couple rather than the world. And, personally, that’s what drew me to these books in the first place. The characters. They become such a part of your life, and they live in your memory and in your heart. After Z and Bella, Rhage and Mary were my absolute favorite couple, and to get to spend so much time with them again, in the now, was the best gift JR Ward could have given me!!! BUT! There are other WONDERFUL moments in this book with other beloved characters, and that was the icing on the cake! Please trust me, if you’ve been reading this series since the beginning, and maybe you miss the character-driven early days, DO NOT MISS this book!!! Seriously! It’s my most favorite in a long, long time!!! LOVE IT HARD!!!!!! I’m SO THRILLED I ordered a signed copy of this book! It’s the first time I’ve participated in JR Ward’s Virtual Signing (which is closed now, just FYI), and this was THE PERFECT BOOK to do it with!! Thank you, Warden <3 ⭐ It seems all I see are complaints when it comes to this series. Mostly along the lines of it not being the same brotherhood as they started. Dear Scribe Virgin... I hope not. They have all been overcoming a lot of tragedies and life altering moments. I do believe that would change a person. I expect changes and worlds evolving. Honestly I feel the bitter Nancy's who just want to complain that things arent going the way they want it to, in a world not of their creating, just need a soap box to yell upon. Some people just cant put the books down and move on...whatever they are still contributing to this great author everytime they buy a book...but honestly it's ridiculous. Please find another series if this one is so miserable and leave those of us who still love BDB to our world.That being said.... I loved this book. As I love all the books. Just another beautiful couple evolving in this amazing world. While V has always been my favorite, I do believe Lassiter is stealing that role. Sshhhh do not tell V.Ward...I hope you know you still have a loyal group out here that love all you're doing. Social media has allowed the haters to Express their misery in so many forms but I promise, they are not the majority. ⭐ Ok, wow! This book is definitely the whole package: it makes you laugh, it makes you cry, it makes you angry, it makes you reflect... I absolutely loved it! There are so many things going on, and huge ones: *** SPOILER*** Layla FINALLY delivers the twins, I mean, we all know it was about time; Payne saves the baby girl, which means she's hopefully back in the action, as opposed to a couple of situations in The Shadows when she just stood by; we find out Xcor and Thor are indeed half brothers; Assail starts rehab with Manny! (loved that); we are introduced to new characters - Jo, Bill and Marckus; and the best one, Rhage and Mary become parents!The whole process was all very touching and sweet. Of course, as any JRW BDB book that are glitches with timeline (like when Mary refers to the movie Frozen **heavy sigh**) and continuity (V "remembering" Jane's death *smh*) but I have long learned to overlook those and that's why I'm giving it 5 stars in spite of all that. And yes, I absolutely recommend it! ⭐ Rhage has always been a hot mess, in every sense. It was great to see him, while still screwing up in spectacular fashion, taking more responsibility for his mistakes, and maybe even maturing a bit. Not that he should ever lose all of his toys'r'us kids sensibilities, but maybe he could grow a bit more tactically and strategically savvy instead of relying on his dragon to always pull his ass out of the fire. The one thing that I think the author could still be a bit better about, is the development of her female characters. She does great with the ones who aren't strictly, traditionally feminine, but the Queen is still more a part of the scenery, and I'm more than a bit disappointed that Payne is barely mentioned until her powers are needed. Please work on your female characters, as you have with the males, they need a makeover that can't be found in a cosmetics shop ⭐ This is by far the best BDB book in some time. I love the series and I'll read anything about the Brotherhood that comes out, regardless of cost. There was just so much more going on in The Beast than Rhage and Mary's ongoing story.Assail - never been a big fan, seemed like an "extra" character that served a basic purpose. But in The Beast he finally redeems himself, and in wonderful way. I felt real emotion and connected with the character.Which ties in with Zsadist. Oh how I have always loved Zsadist. Not only do you get to experience him as a doting father and hellren (briefly), you get to experience him at his best - when he's seeking revenge and justice. As always, Zsadist is a real hero, not only in assisting Assail, but in his interaction with Bitty.Layla, Quinn, and Blay - too big of a spoiler to go into too much detail, but now we know what Quinn's vision was about when he was beaten by the honor guard.And of course, Rhage and Mary. This is not a simple re-telling of their story (though there are several sweet memories to experience throughout the book). I've never been much of a fan of books that involve children. I wasn't very crazy about The King because of this fact. But Bitty is a fantastic character and her interactions with Rhage are both extremely touching and hilarious. ⭐ I purchased this hoping it would be an improvement on the first Rhage/Mary story. The story started great till the point where Rhage yearns for a child, flesh of his flesh, blood of his blood. I imagined we would get a miracle and Mary would conceive but to my disappointment, we got an adoption-of a 13year old not even a newborn. I mean, come on! How is adopting going to fill that void in Rhage's chest? He had wanted a child who was a piece of him and Mary adoption doesn't fit the bill. The presence of Xcor/Layla again made me literally ill. I hate that couple. And why would the brotherhood imagine they can make Xcor give up his bastards? Dude is a hardcore criminal, has been thus for centuries. If the lessers couldn't break Butch when he was human, how did the brotherhood think it would break Xcor? I really can't stomach more of the series. I've given up on things getting better. Unless there is a future book where Xcor and Layla die. ⭐ I was expecting so much more of Rhage and Mary’s continuing story. I mean there life is for the most part perfect except they don’t have children. I guess because I don’t have children and have never felt this all-encompassing need to propagate that I was kind of like yawn. I couldn’t relate to their feelings on the subject. All of their issues revolve around them each wanting children and not being able to have them. Or can they? It was so obvious where the story was heading as soon as Bitty was introduced, which was annoying. One thing Ward does well is have a multi POV story that she moves the overall plot along of both the lessening society and BDB in every novel. It’s one thing I look forward to and why I continue to read this series. In The Beast, I enjoyed the secondary characters story more than I did the primary. I like where she left things because it is enough that we are hungry for the next novel and there are several plot threads left dangling. Overall The Beast was just OK for me, I think I would have liked it better if this was a secondary story going on and someone else got the lead. Much like Butch and Marissa in Blood Kiss.


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