The Physics of Quantum Mechanics by James Binney | (PDF) Free Download



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2013
  • Number of pages: 416 pages
  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 4.40 MB
  • Authors: James Binney


The Physics of Quantum Mechanics aims to give students a good understanding of how quantum mechanics describes the material world. It shows that the theory follows naturally from the use of probability amplitudes to derive probabilities. It stresses that stationary states are unphysical mathematical abstractions that enable us to solve the theory’s governing equation, the time-dependent Schroedinger equation. Every opportunity is taken to illustrate the emergence ofthe familiar classical, dynamical world through the quantum interference of stationary states. The text stresses the continuity between the quantum world and the classical world, which is merely an approximation to the quantum world.The connections between observables, operators and transformations are clearly explained and the standard commutation rules derived from the properties of spacetime. A chapter is devoted to entanglement, quantum computation, density operators and their role in thermodynamics, and the measurement problem. Scattering phenomena, including the origin of radioactivity, are handled early on in the accessible context of one dimension, and at the end of the book with some rigour in three dimensions.Hydrogen and helium are discussed in some detail and it is shown that quantum mechanics enables us to understand the structure of the periodic table without engaging with the complexities of many-electron atoms.Dirac notation is used from the outset and students are trained to move easily from one representation to another, choosing whichever representation is best suited to a particular problem. The mathematical prerequisites are no more than simple vector algebra, Taylor series expansion and the use of integrating factors to solve linear first order differential equations. Rigorous algebraic methods are preferred to the solution of partial differential equations.

User’s Reviews

Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

⭐Professor Binney uses Dirac notation from the start and explains it very clearly along the way.

⭐This is an outstanding text. A well conceived presentation of the material. Binney highlights the unique role of probability amplitudes in QM and caries that thread through all the material, providing a consistent context.Math, in particular Dirac notation, is taught from the onset and its usefulness as a means of understanding the physics becomes second nature. This is in contrast to several texts either where math is saved for a later chapter, so what has come before is math-light, or where you have to plod through 75 pages of pretty unmotivating math till you get to the real thing.Various representations are used in analyzing the material, so you are exposed early on to energy, momentum representations; thus you are not limited to thinking of things only in the position representation.There is a clear distinction between what in the physics is based on math derivations, and what is known only through experimentation. And the text is extremely motivating, emphasizing the importance of various topics (the harmonic oscillator,in particular, comes to mind).Having explored several previously widely used texts at this level, in my mind, this is far superior.As an added bonus, the author and the Oxford University Dept. of Physics make available a very instructive set of 27 video lectures that compliment the text. The videos predate the text by several years, so the text has yet made improvements:[…]

⭐Not a good book unless you already have an extensive knowledge of quantum mechanics. Then why even buy it. I guess as a reference book. Still very difficult to follow.

⭐This book covers single particle quantum mechanics, favouring an algebraic approach using Dirac’s braket notation. It is drilled in that the position representation is a particular basis for an abstract vector space (and by no means usually a good one!) and the algebraic approach removes the need for some otherwise cumbersome derivations. The discussion of symmetries is excellent, deriving canonical commutation relations from the geometry of spacetime and hinting at Lie theory. A lovely aspect is Chapter 6 dealing with thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, quantum information and measurement. The discussion there is very followable and very helpful. This is an excellent first or second course in QM.

⭐Excellent second or third book on QM, essentially QM “done right”, meaning the subject – basic introductory QM – is presented with terse precision using the Hilbert space formalism. Not much waves or differential equations in this book, the author sticks to the concise elegance of bras and kets. I’m glad I bought it. But I’m also glad it wasn’t my first book, the elegant proofs and theorems can’t really be appreciated unless thicker, more verbose and noob-friendly texts that build more of a visual intuition have been studied first.

⭐High undergrad level textbook on quantum physics. Essential companion to his excellent QM course on iTunesU (or YouTube: […]There are easier QM books eg Griffiths but the use of Dirac matrices and no punches approach give an excellent grounding in a fascinating subject.

⭐So happy with this book, my granddaughters read it when they are round. I got this book to help me with astronomy and the cosmology.

⭐Just like his lectures; or rather, his lectures are just like the book. There is a fault with the book, to minor to have me give it less than five stars: for nearly any derivation, he will refer to previous and following chapters, and then you follow the reference, and then again he refers to some other chapter. In the end, for whatever you want to learn, you’ve got to read the whole thing.


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