The World as I See It by Albert Einstein (PDF)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2018
  • Number of pages: 80 pages
  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 0.00 MB
  • Authors: Albert Einstein


The most advanced and celebrated mind of the 20th Century, without a doubt, is attributed to Albert Einstein. This interesting book allows us to explore his beliefs, philosophical ideas, and opinions on many subjects. Subjects include politics, religion, education, the meaning of life, Jewish issues, the world economy, peace and pacifism.Einstein believed in the possibility of a peaceful world and in the high mission of science to serve human well-being. As we near the end of a century in which science has come to seem more and more remote from human values, Einstein’s perspective is indispensable.

User’s Reviews

Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

⭐I bought this book after reading The World As I See It in a library copy, . What an unpleasant shock! This edition left out the entire final section, The Jews. In the library edition (published by Citadel) this section was about 22 pages and it contained some of Einstein’s most interesting reflections. The title of this abridged, abridged Snowball Publishing edition should not be the same as the Citadel one. Will see if I can send it back to Amazon.

⭐This is now in the public domain, is abridged, and completely lacking in sources.

⭐The message I sent to Snowball Publishing:”I’ve ordered a copy of your printing of Albert Einstein’s “The World as I See It” from Amazon. The quality is shameful. The book is riddled with errors, including early line breaks, uneven printing, missing headings, duplicate paragraphs, and typographical errors, like “Hen” versus “Herr” Einstein. I have asked Amazon for a refund based on a defective product. They don’t even want me to return the book.”

⭐Warning! This listing is for an abridged version of the book yet conveniently fails to mention it. I want to read all of what Eintstein had to say—not just what some editor thought was worthy of inclusion.

⭐This book is an abridged collection of some of Einstein’s letters, speeches, and writings. I did not realize this was an abridged version and it is a quick read.Some of the writings are incredibly interesting and provide insight into this amazing man. Others are just plain boring and add little. The better writings are clearly towards the front of the book and elucidate his humanity and thoughts on topics from God (“I cannot conceive of a God who rewards and punishes his creatures, or has a will of the type of which we are conscious in ourselves.” page 16). Knowledge (” . . . lecture-rooms are numerous and large, but the number of young people who genuinely thirst after truth and justice is small.” page 16). Nationalism (” . . . the greatest obstacle to international order is that monstrously exaggerated spirit of nationalism which also goes by the fair-sounding but misused name of patriotism.” page 60)There are a distracting amount of errors. A couple examples: page 20 “. . . put on uniform and kill and be BILLED (instead of killed)” Page 107 the entire last paragraph is duplicated.

⭐This book shows another side to Einstein besides special and general relativity. I wish it included the name of the author or authors. JH just does not cut it.

⭐This was a birthday gift for a relative. She is a fan of Einstein, and she loved it. Delivery was fast, book in excellent condition.

⭐To me, the real genius of Einstein is his ability to explain such complex ideas in a way that laypersons such as myself can grasp the basic concepts. It’s one thing to understand something but a whole other thing to convey it to someone who does not.

⭐This review is regarding this specific Hardback edition of “The world as I see it” by Einstein,published by ‘bnpublishing’. There are three reasons why one should avoid this book.1)This is an abridged edition of the book. The original edition has essays by Einstein on Relativity & other subjects. This edition didn’t have it. Now this is one reason to avoid this book.2)This second reason is even more serious. The book is cheaply produced. By ‘cheap’ I didn’t mean to refer to its physical appearance. The external appearance looks quite ok but the inside content is horrible. The book is divided into three chapters. And each chapters have subsections. And there is no mention of the topics/subjects discussed in the contents. So if you want to refer to this book for reference you have to look at the book page by page as there is no hints where the topic is. Worst of all there is no index. Chapter 1 is divided into 2 parts. Chapter 2 in 3 parts & finally chapter 3 in 5 parts. I really have no idea what’s the point of this ‘Parts’ when even each parts have many topics under it.3)Finally probably the worst part – the book is defective ! The book contains 107 pages(counting only the real content inside i.e. excluding extra blank pages etc.). The pages went normally from first one to page no.89, after that it suddenly jumps to page 97. From 97 it went to page 100 & again it starts from page 91 – 93. After this it starts from page 101-104. After that it starts from page 95-96. And finally it went from 104-107(the last page). You see what kind of poorly published book this is. Not only that , many of the pages have poor prints. Some of the words are barely visible as if you can expect from some cheap pirate edition ! All in all my experience of reading this book is a complete train wreck ! Avoid this book from this specific publisher.FEW WORDS TO AMAZON REVIEWERS -Amazon list all of the review from the readers purchasing from different publishers in one page. So when one review a book please name the specific publisher that one is reviewing coz many famous book are published by different publishers like the one that I am reviewing. Some of them are brought out in perfect form. But some are brought out in a very cheap form. So when you give a positive or a negative review don’t forget to name the publisher otherwise other original publishers who brought out books with great efforts will also be affected coz innocent customers will think that their book is also cheap coz Amazon list all of the reviews of the book from different publishers in the same page, I hope this will create awareness among the reviewers.UPDATE -If you want the authoritative edition of “The world as I see it” , it’s the one from Philosophical Library. But sadly the essays on relativity is moved to “ Essays in Science”(same publisher). Do note that the founder of Philosophical Library is one of Einstein’s friend. You will see that some of their books has the privilege of having Forward/Introduction written by Einstein himself !Thanks for reading my review.

⭐Lots of the content has no date attached, so you don’t know when Einstein was writing. His opinion on things would have been partly influenced by the large global events happening. Even when there is an idea of the time, it is not generally clear whether he wrote before or after an event, which is particularly important e.g. in Part II: Politics and Pacifism. It is however a thought provoking book, which stimulates you to consider things more deeply.

⭐The world has dwelt on the science that Einstein pioneered, yet is largely unaware of his good works to help others in despeate circumstances living in occupied Europe or living under its dictatorships or how he engaged after WWII to do his bit to make the world a better place.It is easy to see that this man was deeply moved by the Jewish experience at the hands of the Nazies and this galvanized him to promote World Peace. It is also a lesson for others in being humble and he certainly lived his beliefs, something that others will know little of …with the passing of the years.If you want more insight into Albert Einstein the man behind the stereotyped picture that the world often painted of him, then this book will give you that insight.

⭐The writing style has been simplified… and some of the facts have been omitted. This is not the original edition written by Einstein.

⭐Known principally for his contribution to science, this book reveals the social conscience of this great thinker. The book is an eclectic collection of notes and letters on a broad range of subjects, all written in the period between the two world wars and provides insight into the views if this extraordinary man.The subjects covered include the future of science, pacifism, economics, Jewish issues and many personal reflections on people he respected.I was struck by the quality of the writing. Though many of the contributions are taken from notes or letters, they have the feel of being very precisely honed, displaying great writing skill. As many of the issues discussed remain relevant today this is not merely a historical artefact of Einstein’s life, but also contains ideas that are well worth revisiting.


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