Wit’ch Storm (Banned & the Banished Book 2) by James Clemens (MOBI)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2002
  • Number of pages: 544 pages
  • Format: MOBI
  • File Size: 0.78 MB
  • Authors: James Clemens


Elena bears the mark of the wit’ch upon her palm, the crimson stain that testifies to the awesome power of unimaginable potency: wild, seductive, difficult to control. Only a mistress of blood magick can stand against the foul minions and all-corrupting evil of the Dark Lord. But Elena is not yet the mistress of her magick. Protected by an ageless warrior and a band of renegades, she quests for a lost city where prophecies speak of a mystic tome that holds the key to the Dark Lord’s defeat. But if the Dark Lord finds her first, Elena will become his most fearsome weapon.

Sy-wen is a girl-child of an ocean-dwelling clan, bond-mates to the terrible and majestic sea dragons. But ancient bonds tie Sy-wen to the land she does not know, to a man she has never seen . . . and to a legend asleep in stone deep beneath A’loa Glen–a legend beginning to wake.

Now, as Elena and Sy-wen converge on A’loa Glen from land and sea, will the forces they unleash lead to a future of freedom–or an eternity under the Dark Lord’s yoke?

User’s Reviews

Review “Clemens has constructed a world of magic that’s never been seen before, with a cast of beings who are so engaging and entrancing that you never want the story to end.”—John Saul

Reviews from Amazon users, collected at the time the book is getting published on UniedVRG. It can be related to shiping or paper quality instead of the book content:

⭐ WIT’CH STORM continues the tale of Elena and her band of heroes as they travel across a continent to a lost city from which they must retrieve a magical item that is needed to end the reign of an evil Dark Lord. If that sounds generic, the storyline largely is. A young heroine discovers latent magical abilities, is told that she is the prophesied savior of the realm, and begins a quest against impossible odds. Along the way she is joined by a motley group of companions, gradually learns to harness her powers, and accepts her role as a lynchpin of history. The way this story stands out from the legions of other fantasy-adventures is in the interesting mix of characters. Flawed heroes and sympathetic villains, combined with both familiar fantasy tropes and totally novel creations, makes reading these books a unique experience with some degree of staying power. And Clemens meets success in drawing the reader on with hints of dramatic relationships and epic confrontations in the future.There is an interesting mix of immature silliness and gory violence in these books. Characters are not safe, and are sometimes terminated rather unexpectedly. Dues-ex-machina occur regularly. Characters behave foolishly but predictably. One thing that I thought was a little too ridiculous was the idea of traveling as a circus in order to “hide in plain sight”. After much build-up, the whole idea was scrapped after unsurprisingly failing to hide their identity for even a moment.The setting for Clemens’ world is expanded dramatically in this second book of the series. A whole new base of characters from a different part of the world is introduced, with whom Elena’s brother gets mixed up with. There are pirates and mer-folk and seadragons, and the book ends with another huge shift as this new group meets up with Elena and company. I’m on the fence about dedicating my precious reading time to continuing The Banned & the Banished with Wit’ch War. Based on the Amazon reviews, people seem to like where the story goes, so I’ll probably stick with it for another book at least. Recommended with some reluctance.

⭐ Very creepy start! If you suffer from arachnophobia, this certainly won’t help!I really liked this book. Just enough characters to fully develop yet not get lost in their importance (as in, every one played a significant role), histories revealed, more mysteries presented, and teasers for what’s next to come.As an aside, I don’t mind the apostrophe’s. How else can you know how to pronounce a name? RA Salvadore used them in Menzoberranzen.

⭐ Title says it all. If you have read the first book, the second book is a no brainer to pick up and immerse yourself in. Somehow, James Clemens managed to pick up the pace of his fast paced action in this sequel. There was never a boring moment. Most of the time, you will feel as if you want to skip chapters just to see what will happen. Plenty of times, when he did his characteristic skip of cliffhangers to shift the spotlight to other developments, I did. Then I dutifully went back and paced myself while I read through it all.I’ve noticed a lot more cliffhangers at the end of chapters and a lot more shock value. This series has quickly become on of my favorite fantasy series. I’m appalled and surprised how it has such a small following. I’m even more surprised there has not been a TV series or movie on this as there was with the ‘Sword of Truth’ series by Terry Goodkind which spawned the TV series ‘Legend of the Seeker’ or the upcoming movies based on Stephen Kings ‘Dark Tower’ series.Having been a loyal fan of Stephen King’s Dark Tower series and Marion Zimmer Bradley’s Darkover series, James Clemen’s Banned and Banished series is now on my top list of fantasy series.

⭐ I read the first book because it was a free kindle download on Amazon. Well, if their plan was to get people interested in the series, it worked like a charm! I loved the first book & couldn’t put it down. This second installment carries on with the journey of our witch & friends. It’s a little darker than the first, but I think as adults we’ve all moved past the everything must be sunshine, roses and happy endings, right? If you enjoyed the first book, I highly recommend you read this one and the rest of the series. This is the best series of books I’ve read in quite some time! I’m thrilled that the 1st was offered free for the Kindle or I’d have never discovered this author!

⭐ It might sound a little dramatic, but this series changed my life. I found it when i was a teenager (many years ago) and i loved every page so much. I would read and read and read and it got me through a lot of bad stuff. Every book in this series is amazing, and worth the read. I have reread them and replaced them more times than i can remember.

⭐ James Clemons has caught the essence of really really good fantasy. He is as good writer of fantasy as he with his international thrillers. His writing moves his characters constantly. I’m never bored when I read anything he written.

⭐ I’m a big fan of this second book. The first book sets up the story but this one just completely opened up all the possibilities of this series. We get a new set of characters to follow with very interesting back stories from different cultures that just drew me in. I actually liked reading more about the new characters than anything else in the book. Clemens does a very good job in telling the history of each race and weaving the characters into their own history and the history of others. There is also plenty of action with a good amount of violence that keeps the pages turning. Very good read and have picked up the next in the series.

⭐ This story really builds off of the first book! The tale grows and flourishes more and more! I couldn’t put the book down. New characters and great story lines that intertwine and mix made it impossible for me to stop reading. I loved this book and didn’t stop reading until I was done. Now I’m moving on to book 3!

⭐ Started collecting all of (Rollins aka Clemens) books. Early publication as with all his books, great story content difficult to put down.

⭐ I should admit that I have actually read the entire series and am just now getting around to reviewing the books… none of which disappointed. In fact, I thoroughly enjoyed the storyline with its intriguing characters and richly described world. In this book it was nice to see the evolution Elena went through, as she did struggle a bit. And no one can discount her lively friends.Overall, these are great books and are fun to read.


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Wit’ch Storm (Banned & the Banished Book 2) 2002 MOBI Free Download
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