Ebook Info
- Published: 1972
- Number of pages: 224 pages
- Format: Epub
- File Size: 0.18 MB
- Authors: James Hadley Chase
An old lady’s will seems to be causing quite a stir. Suddenly everyone wants to get in on the action, everyone that is, including a master forger, a hospital nurse, a young delinquent, a bank executive and, to make matters worse, a professional killer. With such ingredients, a showdown seems inevitable and James Hadley Chase adds enough suspense to keep you guessing right up to the very last page.
User’s Reviews
James Hadley Chase was born in London and initially worked as a book wholesaler. He was heavily influenced by American crime and gangster writers and his own books fall within that genre, with many of them based in the U.S. Chase developed a number of series characters, with several books dedicated to each and all are fast moving tales of murder, intrigue, blackmail and espionage. Characters include ex commando Brick-Top Corrigan, Californian private eye Vic Malloy, former C.I.A. agent Mark Girland, and millionaire Don Miclem. Hailed as ” the thriller maestro of the generation “, Chase died in 1985.
Reviews from Amazon users, collected at the time the book is getting published on UniedVRG. It can be related to shiping or paper quality instead of the book content:
⭐ A lonely, half-blind old lady with an opulent life style in the penthouse of a high end hotel is not a safe creature even in the best of times. But with a master con-man and forger serving her as her chauffeur with a long term plan to fix for him a rich and comfortable life, she becomes a sitting duck. When the con-man gets serious about his intentions and lines up a motivated pack of partners in crime it appears as if the old lady’s ruination is just a matter of time. But is it really?Here James Hadley Chase brings his true genius into play and transforms this apparently simple proposition into a highly contrived game of hits and misses.Chase, the `Master of Deception’ deceives the actors at many points, introducing improbable turns of events to the plot. When the mission is almost accomplished, the old lady could suddenly ask her banker–one of the conspirators–to bring to her the original will. The impetuous nephew of the old lady, in whose name the conspiracy is hatched, could suddenly go berserk and kill himself, bringing the game to naught.These sudden twists in the plot appear so natural in the hands of the master story teller, whose understanding of human nature is impeccable. He makes the best use of his insights while painting his characters, even though events rather than characters normally dominate this particular genre. The old lady of the story is a complete character with her dominance along with her vulnerabilities, her convictions and also her doubts, her grace as well as her girlish coquettishness. She has her kindness, her arrogance, her sadness and her gullibility. Like her, all the other characters are creatures of flesh and blood, and at no point do they appear two-dimensional.Probably his ability to present these true to life characters and credible turns of events in a tight plot that endears Chase to his readers of all ages.I had grown up on a staple diet of James Hadley Chase in my school days. I picked up this book with a view to recreate my youthful thrills. While I found my desired stimulation, I also saw my familiar world in a new light.Many things I’d have glossed over as a teen-ager struck me as compelling truths of life. For instance, the restless night the old lady had had is described thus: “she had spent a disturbed night and she was now glad to see the sunshine again: the kind of night old people often have…stupid dreams…thoughts of the past and feeling sad about living alone”. Again when the old lady’s youthful banker asks her why she should be sad for no reason, she replies, “You are young. You don’t understand sadness.” How true!Chinmay HotaAuthor of ‘Hits and Misses’
⭐ James Hadley Chase was a lousy stylist but a good storyteller. He was hugely popular in Europe, especially in France, but his books failed to click with American audiences due to his second-hand knowledge of location and unconvincing use of slang. “Just A Matter Of Time” is a case in point. The story is a mixture of noir tropes but it moves at a brisk pace to a well-timed climax and an ironic conclusion that explains the title.
⭐ Great read ..really enjoyed this book
⭐ So easy to read….the mark of a great book, the pages fly and you have to force yourself to put it down. The suspense is electric as the story races towards it’s resolution .
⭐ one of his best ….. definitely a page turner ….. i was hooked to the very end.
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