Ebook Info
- Published: 2014
- Number of pages: 167 pages
- Format: Epub
- File Size: 0.9316320419 MB
- Authors: Peter Corris
Newcastle is a stretch for Cliff Hardy from Sydney’s mean streets, and following up the mystery of Oscar Bach’s death means he has to cover some unfamiliar and dangerous ground. Bach’s death was classified as another tragic statistic from the Newcastle earthquake – but how could he have been seen alive five minutes afterwards?
The quiet and unassuming Oscar was not all he seemed, and several people want to prevent Hardy from probing into his past. However, he finds support, and more, from policewoman Glen Withers and together they attempt to uncover the truth.
User’s Reviews
Peter Corris is best known as the godfather of Australian crime fiction and the author of Cliff Hardy detective stories. He is also the author of A Round of Golf: 18 Holes with Peter Corris and the coauthor of Fred Hollows: An Autobiography. –This text refers to the paperback edition.
Reviews from Amazon users, collected at the time the book is getting published on UniedVRG. It can be related to shiping or paper quality instead of the book content:
⭐ When PI Cliff Hardy was approached by Horrie Jacobs, a spritely almost seventy year old from Newcastle, he was in his office in Sydney, wondering where his next pay cheque would come from. But when Horrie explained why he wanted to hire Cliff, he was intrigued to say the least. Horrie’s fishing mate and long-time friend, Oscar Bach had been killed in the devastating Newcastle earthquake; the one which had killed a number of others and decimated the Newcastle Worker’s Club and the Kent Hotel, among many other buildings. But Horrie was positive Oscar hadn’t died in the actual quake – he had seen him five minutes after it struck…Arriving in Newcastle to begin his quest to uncover the truth about Oscar’s death, Hardy made himself known at the police station first. Sergeant Ted Withers wasn’t very receptive but his daughter, policewoman Glen Withers was prepared to help Hardy. But there was trouble on the horizon, and it made itself known pretty quickly to Hardy; he wondered what he’d got himself into…Would Hardy find the answers Horrie was after with opposition coming from every direction? Or would the truth be too deeply hidden in amongst the lies and deception which abounded?Aftershock by Aussie author Peter Corris was a great crime/mystery novel; Cliff Hardy is an excellently crafted character; flawed, never perfect, but extremely likeable. The fact that Aftershock is set in and around my home town made it so much more entertaining. But Mr Corris, Kahibah is spelt with the “h” on the end!! Thoroughly enjoyable and highly recommended.
⭐ Another great read. Corris captures the characters perfectly with turn of phrase.A great finishing sentence too. They don’t get much better.
⭐ Love Peter Corris books, Hardy is such a laid back,laconic character. No pretensions, just a smart individual hidden under the demeanor that would have him judged otherwise. Lots of action, but best of all the series are set in Australia in familiar settings. This adds another layer of enjoyment f you are an Aussie. Gradually working my way through the entire series.My introduction was via a Richard Fidler “conversation” with Peter Corris. So deleted delighted for the introduction.
⭐ Another really well written book from Peter Corris. Mr Corris has woven a fast moving plot with the mystery of an Australian historical event and old relationships. I’ve read a number of books written by this author and enjoyed this book as much as any other. I recommend this book to any reader who likes intriguing mystery set in Australia.
⭐ A very Australian novel. Set in and around New Castle and Sydney the story line takes as many twists and turns as the highway between the 2 cities. I would read another Peter Corris novel.
⭐ This is a good one. Writing & stories get better with each passing book. Looking forward to the next one
⭐ A good fun read, set in Sydney and Newcastle (a bonus as both have been home towns for me). Well-developed hero, an Australian version of the hard-bitten PI. Nice development of a story with one man’s search for a missing friend eclipsed but not forgotten in something much bigger.
⭐ Good read. Good suspense.
⭐ Any Peter Corris book is fun to read. Hardy is a great Aussie character and his exploits are legendary.
⭐ You need to read all the Cliff Hardy series. I can’t get enough of them. Read the lot. Fantastic
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