The Empty Beach: Cliff Hardy 4 by Peter Corris (Epub)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2003
  • Number of pages: 300 pages
  • Format: Epub
  • File Size: 0.3057727814 MB
  • Authors: Peter Corris


The early 1980s found Cliff Hardy well established as a private investigator but still battling his demons. He has quit smoking and moderated his drinking. The memory of his brief marriage still haunts him along with other ghosts from his past.

A case in Bondi attracts him as an ex-surfer and admirer of the suburb. It began as a routine investigation into a supposed drowning. But Hardy soon finds himself literally fighting for his life in the murky, violent underworld of Bondi.

The truth about John Singer, black marketeer and poker machine king is out there somewhere amidst the drug addicts, prostitutes and alcoholics. Hardy’s job is to stay alive long enough in that world of easy death to get to the truth.

The truth hurts.

User’s Reviews

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Reviews from Amazon users, collected at the time the book is getting published on UniedVRG. It can be related to shiping or paper quality instead of the book content:

⭐ This is two stories, not one. I had a hard time following his use of British slang. Even my Kindle didn’t know the meaning of some words. It was a first try on this author from Austrailia, I believe.

⭐ I love Peter Corris character Cliff Hardy and empty beach was no exception

⭐ not up to peter corris’s high standard, two books in one not really riveting reading

⭐ Very good read

⭐ A top read for someone like me who lived in complete backpacker squalor in Bondi for two years in the late eighties!! It was like being back there…and I do remember reading some of Peter Corris’ books back then and enjoying them. So happy to have rediscovered them and happy to offer them a strong recommendation if you like great PI fiction!! If you do you will love it….Cliff Hardy is Australia’s…Marlowe and Spade with a bit of a broken down Reacher chucked in!! Go for it!!

⭐ Hatte nie von diesem P. Corris gehört, kannte nur die Verfilmung des Buchs (mit Bryan Brown), von der ich sehr angetan war. Leider scheint der Film im Fernsehen nicht mehr zu laufen und ist auch auf DVD nicht zu haben. Der Stil des Buchs ist eine ziemlich offensichtliche Referenz an die Spenser-Bücher von Robert B. Parker.Noch nicht fertig mit der Lektüre wollte ich schon mal für Nachschub sorgen, musste aber feststellen, daß die Bücher, wenn überhaupt als solche lieferbar, horrende Sammlerpreise haben. Schade.

⭐ Corris takes Cliff Hardy into the seamy Sydney underworld where he is taken on a grinding ride amongst those familiar surroundings in a way that only Corris could do.

⭐ Good story with cliff hardy sorting out his clientGives a good sense of place. The Black hole of Clovelly has changed

⭐ I have yet to find a Cliff Hardy mystery I haven’t liked. They are short,,witty episodes of Mystery, good verses bad or bad verses worse, Well told with a pathetic lovable rogue as a hero and almost over before you start.

⭐ A Cliff Hardy fan from way back. Another gripping gritty crime novel in NSW


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