Books I Have Loved by Osho (Epub)



    Ebook Info

    • Published: 2009
    • Number of pages: 258 pages
    • Format: Epub
    • File Size: 0.11 MB
    • Authors: Osho


    An extraordinary book written under extraordinary circumstances. Osho, the enlightened master who has over 600 books to his name, speaks not in his usual lecture hall to thousands of seekers, but in an intimate and eccentric setting to only four disciples. He tells stories and gives poetic and profound descriptions of books thad helped him “…when nothing else was shining in the darkness.” Osho talks about 168 books in all, from the great seers of the Far East and Indian mystics, to Nietzsche and Western philosophers and novelists. Here is a whole rainbow of the world’s literary genius, woven together with wonderfully humorous personal comments and swings of the Zen stick from Osho to his notetakers.

    User’s Reviews

    Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

    ⭐Very informative.


    ⭐Here’s what Tim Guest says about this book in his “My Life in Orange”:”As he spoke, Bhagwan inhaled nitrous oxide from a canister by his chair. Like all his other words, these laughing-gas monologues were transcribed by devoted sannyasins, later published (with no mention of the anaesthetic gas) as BOOKS I HAVE LOVED, billed on the back cover as ‘The very last words of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh before He went into silence for an indefinite period.’ ‘I don’t think anybody has spoke in a dentist’s chair,’ he chuckles. ‘I feel privileged. I see Buddha envious of me.’ BOOKS I HAVE LOVED is a gem, the private indulgence of a high-as-a-kite guru; at once charming and hilarious, full of aggrandized pleasantry and sweet theatrical emotion. Bhagwan weeps tears of joy at the memory of a favorite author, then tears of sadness at forgetting to mention them sooner.”

    ⭐So many beautiful authors and books from so many different spiritual plethora’s of life. Just beautiful. If you want access to the most intelligent and beautiful literature of all of time, this book has the secrets.BTW – there is absolutely NO proof or evidence that Osho took Nitrous Oxide for personal use, let alone recited books while under its influence. Do your research buddy – your just Holly-er than Thou.

    ⭐It is in between his dental treatment that Osho talks about the books which he has loved. According to Osho he has read more than 100000 books. He talks about as many as 168 books , of which Friedrich Nietzsche’s ‘ Thus spake Zarathustra ‘ tops the list of his most loved books. The second is Brothers Karamazov by Dostovesky followed by The Book of Mirdad by Mikhail Namy, Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach, Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu, The Parables of Chuang Tzu, The Sermon on the Mount ( from The Bible ), Bhagavadgita ( The Divine Song Of Krishna ), Gitanjali by Rabindranath Tagore and the tenth is The One Thousand Songs of Milarepa.Osho talks about the book , talks about the author, talks about why he likes or dislikes a particular book, why he included a particular book in the list etc.etc. His comments and observations on those books are interesting as well as thought provoking. For eg. Osho says while talking on Being and Nothingness by Jean Paul Sartre ‘If you can read ten pages of Being and Nothingness, either you will become sane or insane. But to read ten pages is a difficult task’. Yet he included the book in his love list saying that ‘it is one of the most monumental books ever written, with such skill, such logic.’About Das Capital by Karl Marx , Osho says “ ‘Thousands of pages , and all rubbish, written neither logically nor rationally, but as if someone had gone insane. This is the worst-written book ever. It is a calamity. But in a way it is a great book , because it dominates millions of people..but I still mention the book – not that you should read it , but so that you do not. Do not read it.’ Regarding Tolstoy’s Resurrection, Osho says that he was continuously carrying the book with him when he was young . The whole village knew about it that he was continuously carrying a certain book called Resurrection with him Osho says that The book was with him not only during the day , but during the night too it was with him by his bed… Osho says “ I loved it..the way Leo Tolstoy reflects the whole message of Jesus.” Osho’s list of his loved books also includes books like Tolstoy’s War and Peace & Anna Karenina, Maxim Gorky’s Mother, Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett, Zorba the Greek by Nikos Kazanzakis, Siddhartha by Herman Hesse, The outsider by Colin Wilson, etc etc.This book is about books which Osho has loved. A very special book indeed. I like it very much.

    ⭐Any book lover who don’t know about the world’s best books, about world’s famous self realised personalities. This transcription of great osho helps them the most.


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