Ebook Info
- Published: 2022
- Number of pages:
- Format: EPUB
- File Size: 0.00 MB
- Authors: Stephen King
Story of the ultimate car obsession, a simple story brought to the heights of fear as only Stephen King can do it.
User’s Reviews
Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:
⭐A red 1958 Plymouth Fury with a feminine disposition and a deep capacity for hatred. Does a demon inhabit the vehicle or is the machine itself inherently evil? We may wonder about this as the story unfolds but we’re quickly distracted by the interplay between high school friends Dennis and Arnie. Dennis is the popular jock and Arnie is classic bully-fodder with an over-bearing mother and an unassertive father. But they’ve been friends since they were children and we come to their story just as that friendship is ready to be tested.Christine is a pitiful sight when Arnie first spots her while driving by her owner’s home with Dennis. Rusty, dusty, and dilapidated, she sprawls on a side yard. The story of her resurrection to the full glory of a bright red classic 1958 Fury and the ultimate manifestation of her evil presence in the lives of those around her make up the backbone of the story. Murder and mayhem ensue as Christine asserts her malevolent sentience.I highly recommend the audio format for the same reason that Stephen King says he does. Listening to someone else read the words as the author wrote them keeps one from skipping paragraphs or chapters. It keeps the author’s voice intact.
⭐Interesting and scary story about men who can fall in love with a car. Although destroyed at the end one cant’t but have some admiration for Christine, she sure does protect her man.
⭐It’s Stephen king. Love his writing
⭐One of the old time favorites…..one of Stephen King’s best, before he got so wild and crazy in his stories. My 13 yr old granddaughter loves to read and this story is right down her ally. I wouldn’t recommend any of King’s rescent books for her to read because I knew she wouldn’t understand half of what the book was about…..to far out.
⭐The book cover was missing, and the spine was partially torn. Item was listed as “very good.” Although the price was fair, I would have purchased elsewhere knowing its true condition.
⭐Probably my fault for not looking more in depth of the description. But I was expecting a hardback book and got a soft back and it was worn-out more than expected
⭐Reading the reviews and even in the opening of the book, this story is described as a love triangle. As this is true I found it to be just as much of a ghost story. This was the first King book I read almost 30 years ago, over the years I have seen the movie a number of times, but rereading this book now, I find it less of a supernatural, evil, car story and more of a ghost story. An evil spirit of a angry man whos rage goes beyond the grave and into the young awkward teenager who buys his most precious belonging, his 58″ Plymouth Fury. And anyone who tries to get between him and his car is supject to his fury.
⭐I think this is one of SK’s best novels which the film could not quite live up to but this audio version has been read to perfection and I picked up things that I missed reading it myself!
⭐Read it in grade 7 and enjoyed it a great deal. Now, as an adult, the Rock & Roll references that begin each chapter are still rewarding. What a great recurring motif (a lietmotif if you think of the music – as if we are listening to the car radio).
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