Hope and Help for Your Nerves: End Anxiety Now by Claire Weekes (PDF)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 1990
  • Number of pages: 221 pages
  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 1.25 MB
  • Authors: Claire Weekes


The bestselling step-by-step guide that will show you how to break the cycle of fear and cure your feelings of panic and anxiety.My heart beats too fast. My hands tremble and sweat. I feel like there’s a weight on my chest. My stomach churns. I have terrible headaches. I can’t sleep. Sometimes I can’t even leave my house….These common symptoms of anxiety are “minor” only to the people who don’t suffer from them. But to the millions they affect, these problems make the difference between a happy, healthy life and one of crippling fear and frustration.In Hope and Help for Your Nerves, Dr. Claire Weekes offers the results of years of experience treating real patients—including some who thought they’d never recover. With her simple, step-by-step guidance, you will learn how to understand and analyze your own symptoms of anxiety and find the power to conquer your fears for good.

User’s Reviews

Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

⭐By the time I read “Hope and Help for your Nerves” for the first time, I was 10 years or so into my anxiety disorder and fairly well into my recovery. I had decided to read it because I have always been interested in other people’s views on anxiety and I love finding new ways to look at it, and I had heard great things about this book on various anxiety message boards.Well I read it and, “spoiler alert”……… I loved it. I knew that this was the best anxiety book I had ever read or ever would read, and when I started my blog and decided to do anxiety book reviews, I knew this book was going to be one of the first books I wrote about.As I started reading this book again a few weeks ago, it immediately came back to me what a genius Dr. Weekes was. Sadly, she passed away about 25 years ago and what a huge loss to the mental health world it is because there is nobody on Earth, at least that I can think of, who “gets” anxiety the way that she does. I have always said to myself that she should have won a Nobel Prize for her work in self help and psychiatry, and after reading this bio the other day, I discovered that she actually was nominated for the Nobel……. twice. She was that brilliant.Another thing I have wondered in the past, while reading “Hope and Help For Your Nerves”, is HOW Dr. Weekes knew what she knew. I knew she “got it”….but how did she “get it”? Anxiety disorders are a pretty difficult thing to grasp for people who haven’t experienced it themselves. I knew she was a well educated woman in the field of mental health…..but how did she know anxiety so well?I later found out that it is because Dr. Claire Weekes had an anxiety disorder herself while studying to become a doctor. She usedher knowledge and personal beliefs about anxiety to heal from her “nervous exhaustion” and decided to use her experiences and knowledge to help others. What an amazing, remarkable happening it was that THIS particular woman happened to get an anxiety disorder. Without that happening, her interests in medicine and research may have steered elsewhere and hundreds and thousands of people may not have found the help that they needed.Okay, back to the book. “Hope and Health For Your Nerves” is brilliant not only for the information that it contains…but for the way that it is written. Dr. Weekes’ goal with this book is not to inspire, or motivate, or hold the reader’s hand. She is not trying to share the story of her life and “tell her tale of strength and courage”. There is nothing self indulgent about her writing style. This book is about YOU….the reader.This book was written to be an instruction manual for people who live with anxiety disorders. And it does the job beautifully.If you don’t know why you are feeling the symptoms of anxiety, she is there to tell you why. If you don’t know how to make those symptoms better, she will tell you how to make them better.I honestly think that every person who goes to the doctor with an anxiety problem should just be given a copy of this book, told to go home and read it and then call the office for another appointment if they still feel like they need some help.I’m not sure all that many people would call back for another appointment.Dr. Weekes says that she will show you how to “cure” your anxiety. I don’t think she meant cure permanently, because she herself admits that she still suffered from bouts of panic later on in her life. But I think this book could definitely cure you of the idea that there is something seriously wrong with you…and that is 90% of the answer to anxiety right there. She demystifies it so much, that it just all starts to make perfect sense and seem like a pretty “normal” thing. This book takes the “overwhelming” out of anxiety. It makes it a “real” thing, that exists for a reason…as opposed to some strange force that comes in and blows your world apart.”Hope and Help For Your Nerves” is so full of information that it practically bursts at the seams. Dr. Weekes discusses the physical aspects of anxiety, as well as the mental aspect. She touches on every anxiety symptom there is….depersonalization, jelly legs, palpitations, panic attacks, insomnia, morning dread………if you are experiencing it, chances are she has written about it in this book and will explain it confidently, swiftly and efficiently. Dr. Weekes does not waste a single space in this book with frivolous details. There is no fluff…..only substance. Every single word is there to serve one purpose: to teach.She teaches in a way that makes it easy to learn and understand. Every anxiety topic that she covers is explained in a way that is so easy and simplistic that you almost feel a little silly for not having figured it out for yourself. That is where the beauty of this book lies. Dr. Weekes knows her reader doesn’t have the mental energy or focus to read a bunch of medical terminology and scientific explanations for why they have anxiety. She was a research scientist at the beginning of her career and could easily have chosen to use the same “textbook style” approach that some physician – self help authors use…..especially those authors who were published back in the 1960’s, which is when this book was first published. But Dr. Weekes understood who her reader was and knew that for them, a different, more simple approach would be the most beneficial. And that approach still holds up to this day. No matter how tired you are….no matter how anxious you are….this is a very readable book that will have you feeling better about your anxiety situation from the very first page.In my opinion, this book gives you everything you need to know about your anxiety disorder. There are no questions unanswered. It will tell you how you ended up where you are, and it is the closest thing you will ever find to a map that will take you back to where you are supposed to be.If you have an anxiety disorder, or a loved one with an anxiety disorder, I highly recommend this book to you. Its not only a game changer….its a life changer.Fleur de Lisa, Anxiety Blogger at TheWorryGames.com

⭐Book gives a lot of food for thought. I’m ADD and reading helps me with my anxiety. I’ve got a lot of stress these days. My daughter is developmentally disabled. My son is ADD and doesn’t take life seriously. And my husband keeps turning a deaf hear towards me. I’m a recovering bone cancer patient.

⭐This book is absolutely amazing. My anxiety and panic attacks have sprung up suddenly in the last 6 months or so, and I have been handling them terribly. I refuse to take anxiety medication as that stuff can be a nightmare to get off of, and I don’t want to make an already crappy situation worse.My family recommended therapy, which I tried once, but it wasn’t for me. I initially started reading ‘Dare: The New Way to End Anxiety and Stop Panic Attacks Fast,’ and while that was a good place to start, that book led me to this book, and it was SO much better for me.I realize this book was initially published in 1969, but it holds up incredibly well (save for the shock therapy recommendation…don’t think I’ll be trying that). Claire Weekes was a pioneer in the field of anxiety, and I can’t believe that her work isn’t more well-known.In just a few days, I have been able to manage my anxiety and panic attacks so much better. They haven’t completely subsided, but I’m now better equipped to deal with them. Instead of fighting against the attack and hiding myself away in fear of what my body is going through, I now know that it’s ok to face it head-on and to almost welcome the anxiety. The stimulations that come from anxiety will NOT kill me, and asking my mind and body for more confuses it into a place of calm. It still takes a bit of time for the shaking and nervous build-up of energy/anxiety to completely dissipate, but I’m no longer afraid of the feelings, and I finally feel like I’m back in charge of my own mind.I seriously cannot recommend this book enough. I am so thankful that I found this.

⭐This book explains anxiety in a very direct way and offers hope in regard to healing. It teaches you how to get out of your own way so that your body can heal itself. It takes timebut baby steps is still progress.

⭐95% of the advice was helpful for someone with panic disorder. The other 5%, and the reason for one star less, is because some of the advice needs to be taken with the reminder that this was written a long time ago. Things like the use of sedatives. But I would still recommend this for anyone suffering from panic. Any other book with the general idea of sitting with the panic and accepting it (i.e. DARE) is just a modernized copy cat of this book.

⭐The best thing I’ve ever read regarding my panic/anxietyI read the whole book in the space of 48 hours and felt the effects of its words on me instantaneously, obviously healing is from within but the words in this book definitely help guide youAs sad as it is, I found myself crying at intervals, big of sadness but just at how much it resonated with me, made me feel I am not alone and this anxiety can be beat

⭐Helped me through a very difficult time and gave me a great understanding of why my body was reacting the way it was with all the scary symptoms, clare weeks is so understanding and after reading the first few pages it was as if she was talking privately to me, it made me cry with relief that someone understood, so there is help out there, give it a go hopefully it will be your comfort blanket like it was mine on the road to recovery from this interruption in your life, happy healing

⭐This book has its virtues, but in the last analysis I find it predictable and patronising. I write as someone who has been afflicted with both anxiety and depression – the two often occur together in one form or another. The strengths of the book seem to me to consist in its clarity of expression and its convincing description of many, if not all, of the symptoms of anxiety that cause so much pain in those who suffer this condition.Towards the end of her book, Dr Weekes admits that doctors are divided over both causes and treatment, yet at the beginning, in almost her first words, she states categorically that:’ the advice given here will definitely cure you, if you follow it’. She follows this with the statement that ‘how you feel depends on what you think’. I take issue with both these statements. The first is arrogant beyond words and also deceptive. The ‘if you follow it’ assertion is nonsense, since the advice so often defies the action she prescribes, barred by the symptoms themselves, a Catch 22 situation from which she never escapes. The second sounds alarmingly like the main tenet of CBT, justly dismissed by many doctors as hopelessly simplistic and even more importantly an inversion of reality. To deal with both anxiety and depression we have to confront the emotions that dictate how we think, not the other way around. It is quite possible for many patients to understand the origins of their fears, but in itself understanding is no cure at all. We might well know why we feel as we do, but still be wholly unable to change our feelings. The same goes for Weekes’ instruction to banish self-pity and memory. These are most often ingrained features of the condition, themselves begging for therapeutic attention. It seems to me that the example of the woman, the bonfire and the bird, strikes at the weakness of her outlook – at best naïve.It is difficult to take issue with such extravagant claims for success. I wonder how far they have been independently investigated. I am suspicious of Weekes’ enthusiasm for ECT, but I don’t challenge that in the mildest states of anxiety and perhaps in the treatment of some phobias, Claire Weekes’ ideas may work, and I share her distaste and rejection of revenge. I certainly agree that at the root of all anxiety conditions lies the fear of fear. Beyond that I would strongly recommend Janov’s books and the whole process of Primal Therapy, neither readily available alas, nor cheap. For me and for many others, including incidentally John Lennon, who is eloquent in its praise, it was a life-enhancing experience. Neither do its exponents proselytise; they acknowledge that other theories may have value.I’m afraid that I found this book extremely disappointing.

⭐So many books about anxiety aren’t worth the use of paper. This one is. No clever jargon and simple to understand and apply. Many people have said this ook saved my life, and for good reason.

⭐If you suffer from anxiety or depression then buy this book. Can highly recommend. This book is like a bible and tells you straight how to cope with your symptoms. It doesnt promise any gimmicks or gives false hopes and Dr Claire Weekes gets straight to the point. Theres no telling you it will forever go away which if you are prone to anxiety you will always be prone again to getting it in future its a matter of how to manage the symptoms which the big key is acceptance and try not to fear the symptoms.


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Hope and Help for Your Nerves: End Anxiety Now PDF Free Download
Download Hope and Help for Your Nerves: End Anxiety Now 1990 PDF Free
Hope and Help for Your Nerves: End Anxiety Now 1990 PDF Free Download
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