Jurassic Park: A Novel by Michael Crichton (Epub)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2012
  • Number of pages: 466 pages
  • Format: Epub
  • File Size: 0.32 MB
  • Authors: Michael Crichton


An astonishing technique for recovering and cloning dinosaur DNA has been discovered. Now humankind’s most thrilling fantasies have come true. Creatures extinct for eons roam Jurassic Park with their awesome presence and profound mystery, and all the world can visit them—for a price.

Until something goes wrong. . . .

In Jurassic Park, Michael Crichton taps all his mesmerizing talent and scientific brilliance to create his most electrifying technothriller.

User’s Reviews

Review “[Michael] Crichton’s dinosaurs are genuinely frightening.”—Chicago Sun-Times “Wonderful . . . powerful.”—The Washington Post Book World“Frighteningly real . . . compelling . . . It’ll keep you riveted.”—The Detroit News “Full of suspense.”—The New York Times Book Review From the Publisher I sell books for a living. There are just a handful of authors in the world who sell at the multiple million copy level and if you’re a reader you can probably name them just as well as I can. (King, Koontz, Crichton, Rice, Ludlum, Clancy, Grisham, Steel etc.) And yet just because an author sells a lot of copies doesn’t mean each time a new one is released it’s an event, because everyone’s become accustomed to having the author sell well. An event becomes defined by the intensity of the sale and the magnitude by which the public is clamoring. Remember Peter Benchley’s JAWS? Thanks to the movie, that was an event. But I didn’t sell JAWS, which leads me to the other point. You may see a selling “event” once during a career, if at all. I happened to be selling JURASSIC PARK when the movie released and I don’t expect to have an experience quite like it ever again. Whereas a big best seller for me at the time would have been 40-50,000 copies in my territory, I literally sold hundreds of thousands of copies of JURASSIC PARK. It was incredible. I’ve never approached that number again. The success of this book changed the way publishers and authors looked at movies as a vehicle to sell books; it was truly an event. It’s also the reason why I recommend it.–Ron Lundquist, Ballantine Sales Rep. –This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Reviews from Amazon users, collected at the time the book is getting published on UniedVRG. It can be related to shiping or paper quality instead of the book content:

⭐ So the story is great. Highly recommend over the movie. Unfortunately the quality of the book is awful. There are soo many grammatical errors. Mostly just in the last 50 pages. But i had to stop several times and reassess what I just read. I attached several of the errors but there were at least 10. After proof reading you would think there wouldn’t be soo many! I recommend buying a different version of the book.

⭐ This is the THE technothriller, THE dinosaur novel, and THE best of Michael Crichtons works. I saw the movie first and even though it’s still great, I believe the book is far above it.After a bunch of mysterious incidents in Costa Rica, a team of experts is summoned to the new island resort of a biotech company and soon discover it is home to genetically recreated dinosaurs. However, it soon becomes apparent that those running the park have arrogantly overestimated their control over nature. A corporate espionage plot is just the final nail in the coffin needed to tip the park into total chaos.With scenes of heart-pounding action, terror, and suspense and also interesting characters and fascinating discussions of chaos theory and mankind’s hubris, Crichton’s novel is truly a great read.

⭐ Welcome to Jurassic Park. I’m sure that most of you have seen the movie or read the book. But if you haven’t — Jurassic Park is a “theme” park that’s main attractions are genetically brought back Dinosaurs. No animatronics or misdirection. These are real flesh and blood dinos. The unfortunate part about using real animals is that they are unpredictable. And you can guess where this unpredictability goes.The narration for the 25th Anniversary Edition of Jurassic Park was done by Scott Brick who just absolutely blows this away. It has to be hard to narrate such an iconic book when it has a cult following and when there is a movie based off of it too. You would already have voices in your head for some of the characters. But Brick just crushes it. He gave me goosebumps numerous times in his reading of this.This book has a lot of memory tied into it with me. It is one of the first books I ever remember not going outside to play to read more of. I think it was one of the first books I ever got on my own from the library (to which I’ve later owned numerous copies over the years). Jurassic Park was the first book that made me realize that a good book would keep you entertained. A great book would make you forget that there was the world around you.Jurassic Park the novel is probably one of the books I keep highest on my review pedestal. I was a little worried that going back to it more than 10-15 years after first reading it and having seen the movie probably 30 times that it wouldn’t have the same edge. I couldn’t have been more wrong. I knew that Crichton could write. I knew he was innovative, writing about powerful computers in books like Jurassic Park and Congo before they were even on the horizon. But I forgot just how good Crichton was at holding my attention.Jurassic Park STILL gave me goosebumps years later. It still had me hiding under the covers. And wondering what would happen next. If you are one of those people who think, “is the book really that much better?” Yes, yes, yes. A thousand times over yes. You need to read this book. You will see how visionary Crichton was. You will also notice that pieces of ALL FOUR movies were picked from this novel (and if you pick up The Lost World After, you’ll see even more). There are scenes in this that made it into every movie that was associated with the Jurassic Park namesake.I could write for days about this book, but know that this 25th Anniversary Edition is incredible. Scott Brick brings this book to life, which when you’re reading it makes for some scary stuff! Please do yourself a favor and check this book out. I promise you won’t regret it.

⭐ This book is the perfect blend of reality and imagination. I applaud Michael Crichton- this concept is solid as well as reasonable. This book includes all of the character’s perspectives, which I find a little confusing at times, but does an awesome job of telling the story. There is equality of all types, as there are two strong female characters, and the book takes place on an island near Costa Rica. The only thing is that this book includes lots of gore, people and animals dying, and a single sexual reference necessary for the storyline. I therefore recommend this to anyone ten years old and above.

⭐ This is a very good book, way better than the movie could ever hope to be, but the mass market paperback version is complete garbage. The spelling and grammar mistakes in the book are unimaginable – periods in the middle of sentences, all kinds of extra commas that didn’t appear in the original version, dozens of instances of “th” being replaced by “m” (for instance, “mat” instead of “that” and “mere” instead of “there”). The book is incredibly well written but the printer royally f***ed up their job. Buy it at Barnes & Noble and get a copy where you don’t constantly have to stop and figure out WTF is supposed to be written there.

⭐ Michael Crichton was writing intelligent design theory for a mass audience before the theory was put on trial in Dover. Dinosaurs are created from genetic code recovered in fossils, just as if it were a software program. Wu points out in one part of the book how most of the genetic code appeared all at once, and all organisms just have minor dissimilarities from each other. Chaos theory and the computer system show how fragile chance and necessity are, and how their normal course is to devolve into random chaos, but the teleological drive of life allows it to triumph despite whatever catastrophes occur. This, whatever originally created the genetic code is a teleological force beyond the capabilities of chance and necessity. The only thing that saves the day in the end is human ingenuity and intelligent design, along with social virtue ethics a lá Alister MacIntyre. I doubt Crichton followed all these themes on purpose, but he has a keen mind for countercultural truth, suppressed by the status quo (i.e. state of fear) so is unsurprising he figured it out. Also, Ian Malcolm reminds me a lot of William Dembski, the mathematician who first formalized intelligent design theory.

⭐ I read this years ago and loved it. Helluva page turner. So when my boss/client told me to pick a popular writer of thriller-type novels, and study one of them to get the tone he wants for his novel, I chose JP because I was familiar with it, not just from having read it but from multiple viewings of the film which I love. A familiar work would allow me to study the structure without losing myself in the story. I thought. Turns out I was dead wrong about that. I got caught up immediately.Because I was interested in how it worked as narrated as well as how it read, I purchased the Audible version of it at a discount, and moved back and forth between it and the ebook. (By the way, it’s nice that at least some Kindles will play the audio right along with the ebook. Audio broadens my understanding of a work, and listening while reading, though it slows down the latter dramatically, even though I normally listen at 1.5x the normal speed, is a highly immersive way of approaching the text.But what about the book??? Yes, okay I’m getting to that. The book. Well… It still counts as a page-turner, no question. I got caught up in the narrative so often that I found I had to consciously slow down and look for the things I wanted to study. Crichton could tell a story! And in that respect, he’s like Tolkien, a damn fine storyteller, but kind of a crap writer.Yeah, I’m sorry if there are Crichton fans out there foaming at the mouth, but the drawbacks of his writing are so clear, and in some cases so dire, that I couldn’t overlook them. The most egregious problems are his characters. None of them have real internal lives. Crichton gives lip service to family, exes, jobs and the like, but they’re not terribly developed. But this is a thriller, you say, they don’t have to be. And I would agree up to a point. But consider:John Hammond is a joke. He’s an uber rich guy who exists for two reasons: First to pay for and supervise the development of the park, and second, to be annoyed when people tell him the park isn’t going to work. He’s so obtuse that when Ian Malcolm explains things to him, his consistent response is to ask the rest of the people in the room what Malcolm is talking about. There’s nothing about him that isn’t cardboard, and even the cardboard doesn’t ring true.Ian Malcolm, or as I like to call him Information Dump Malcolm, exists to explain things. From the get go, all he ever does is lecture. He doesn’t have conversations, he doesn’t connect with anyone. He’s like an AI. Say: “Chaos Theory,” and off he goes, explaining it. Say: “Look, real dinosaurs,” and you get pages of explanation about what’s wrong with science today. After a while I just skimmed over his dialogue. The kids: Two of the most utterly pointless, useless characters ever penned. Lex is so annoying that I kept hoping the T-Rex would gobble her up like an hors d’oeuvre. She never shuts up, never does what she’s told, screams, whines, and makes endless noise when everyone is telling her to be quiet or the dinosaurs will eat them. She’s an insufferable know-it-all, who knows virtually nothing about anything, and doesn’t really want to know anything. All she wants to do is play “pickle” and whine about how none of this is fun and she’s hungry. The only time she’s bearable is when she’s unconscious. Tim is a virtual non-entity, but at least he’s an improvement over his sister.Everybody else: Almost totally interchangeable except for their area of expertise.I don’t really feel like I’m being harsh here either. I’m willing to give props for a compelling story told in such a break-neck fashion that had I not been paying close attention to the text, I might never have caught these problems. Or at least they might not have gotten up my nose so completely. What you have is a decent thriller with a great plot and a damn good hook: cloning dinosaurs. It was timely then and it still is, it plays to our fears and our desires, and Crichton knows how to manipulate both.I think I’m pretty much finished with this book now, I doubt I’ll ever need to read it again unless I want to remind myself of the spare, efficient style of it. Crichton proved to me that the advice about dialogue — use “said;” the eye skips right over it — is completely true. His work is an education for any writer, but particularly those who are going to write fast-paced stories. He tells a great story, and that’s really the bottom line.

⭐ Let me start by saying this is strictly a review of the product and not the story. I love the book Jurassic Park, and have read it multiple times. Over the last couple years I have been building a library of audio books, and decided to add this to my collection. The story itself would have deserved 5 stars, but this product does not. It loses one star for me based on quality. The disc is a cheap CD-R copy, and feels flimsy. The second star was lost because I tried it on both my 2017 iMacs with external optical drives and my brand new MacBook Pro with a external optical drive and my son’s Dell laptop that has a internal DVD drive, and it was not detected by any of them. I even checked a different disc to make sure it wasn’t a hardware issue. I had no issues with any of my drives detecting it. I ended up having to use my 1999 iMac G3 which surprisingly detected it to transfer the MP3s to a flash drive so I could load it onto my Music library. Normally I would wait to write a review until after I completely listened to the book, but I wanted to make sure this was a potential problem customers might run into. After I have been able to listen to it I will update further if there’s any other problems.

⭐ I’m ashamed to admit this, but I saw Jurassic Park in the theaters years before I got around to reading this book, and now after reading it again for the first time in a decade, I’m still blown away by how much awesome content never made it onto the silver screen. Yes they did pick up some of the ideas here in the sequels, but it would have been awesome to see in the original.Anyway, this review is about the book and although you probably know the main storyline coming in, there’s so much more involved. Characters like Gennaro, Muldoon, Wu, and Malcolm are much deeper, all with their own agendas. Nedry is given suitable motivation for his evil schemes, Hammond is much more antagonistic, and Grant is excellent as the leading man, thrust into a guardian role for the kids. Admittedly, like most books of this genre, the technology hasn’t aged well – I burst out laughing at Tim’s awe at the control room having a…. (drum roll) TOUCH SCREEN!, but that just adds to the charm. There’s way too much in the book to get into here, but it’s a fast moving story that keep surprising you at every turn. Highly recommended

⭐ 466 pages5 starsIt’s hard to decide which is my favorite Michael Crichton novel, Jurassic Park orThe Andromeda Strain. Because of my fascination with dinosaurs, I think I’ll stick with this book.What else can I say about the book. Well, not much that hasn’t already been said. As with all of Mr. Crichton’s books, the ethics of the situation is brought up. I really appreciate his discussing such things, for we certainly must be careful when dealing with biological materials, whether DNA or stem cells, or etc. What about Hammond’s dream? As stated in the book, his technicians were thrilled with the recreation of the dinosaurs – that they could do it, but not at all concerned with whether they should do it. Haphazardly adding other species’ DNA to complete the genome seems a little cavalier to me as well as to Drd. Grant and Malcolm.The book is exciting and very well written. As speculative fiction, this book is a real winner! I absolutely loved it.The first movie Jurassic Park had some differences from the book, as they generally do, but it was a first class effort. Very exciting, filled with tension and action. The next four seemed to get worse as they went along. But, of course, I am looking forward to the next in the series, Jurassic Park: Dominion, to seeing how the original cast members have fared, especially Jeff Goldblum’s “Ian Malcolm” character.


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