The Dead Zone by Stephen King (Epub)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2016
  • Number of pages: 530 pages
  • Format: Epub
  • File Size: 0.38 MB
  • Authors: Stephen King


Johnny Smith awakens from a five-year coma after his car accident and discovers that he can see people’s futures and pasts when he touches them. Many consider his talent a gift; Johnny feels cursed. His fiancée married another man during his coma and people clamor for him to solve their problems.

When Johnny has a disturbing vision after he shakes the hand of an ambitious and amoral politician, he must decide if he should take drastic action to change the future. With “powerful tension that holds the reader to the story like a pin to a magnet” (The Houston Post), The Dead Zone is a “faultlessly paced…continuously engrossing” (Los Angeles Times) novel of second sight.

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⭐ I found the novel read like the first and second novels in a two part series. The first half of the novel tells a story about a serial killer. The second half tells a story about an evil self-serving politician. Steven King seemed to be prescient in writing the seance half of the novel, foretelling so perfectly the era of Donald Trump, of his mindless minions, of a press that is more interested in getting a story that sells than in protecting our democratic system, of a political party that cares only about winning and virtually nothing about serving the people of this country.

⭐ It’s Stephen King. You either like his writing, or you’re not even reading this review, because you’d never buy something of his. I saw that some other reviewers complained that this book was slow-paced or boring. I did not find that to be the case, but the thing I’ve always loved most about King’s writing is the care he puts into crafting his characters. They are real people, who live on in your mind, with all their virtues and flaws. For the ultimate example of this, I always cite King’s The Stand, whether we’re talking about Stephen King or not. Masterful. Just masterful. So, I didn’t mind that we didn’t jump right into the precognition stuff. I had watched the movie with Christopher Walken many years ago (I know, sacrilege to watch the movie first.), as I slowly built up my King library (ultimate goal–everything King has ever written), but hadn’t read the book until now. I don’t remember how the movie wrapped things up, so am trying not to write any spoilers, but that intense character building King does paid off in a big way at the end. I was wrecked, emotionally wrecked, and cursing Stephen King’s name, even as I was saying, “So good. So freaking good. You got me again, Mr. King.”The takeaway is that, if you have a King section in your library, this deserves to be in it. If you’re a King fan and haven’t read this, you should. If you feel like I do, that one of King’s greatest strength is his character development, then, I think you’ll enjoy this.

⭐ I know that I read this novel years ago but it had faded in my memory. When I was re-reading it, I was struck with not only how well written and engaging the novel is but also with how spookily relevant for our times some of what King talks about is.If you have never read this work and you are a King fan, it is most certainly worth your time. If you HAVE read it, a re-read might be worth it for you, too.

⭐ The only criticism I have of this book is that I wish I had read it sooner. It was recommended to me by a Stephen King fan that caught on to his brilliance as an author before I did. When I asked which King novel I should read next, he replied “in an election year, The Dead Zone of course”. So happy I took his recommendation. It is eerie how relevant so much of this novel is given that it was 40+ years ago. Well developed, well written, several twists, I missed the characters being part of my day when I finished. Highly recommend this book, especially when we have an election coming our way! It would be interesting to see the same story told with the invention of social media and all news all the time.

⭐ James Franco nailed the narration on this one. Stephen King’s subtle humor was emphasized well, much better than it comes off when reading it, and the characters’ personalities were portrayed closely to how I’d perceived them to be. Hearing Tommy Wiseau’s voice as Dr. Weizak was the best surprise (unintentional, I know, but awesome). Made me want to rewatch The Disaster Artist.The only thing I wasn’t psyched about was that hearing the book read aloud accentuated how heartbreaking parts of it is, especially the interaction between Sarah and Johnny’s parents at the hospital. While it’s true that great writing/acting is meant to elicit that type of response, I hadn’t picked up on it so strongly when reading the book. It caught me off-guard to have Stephen King make me feel sad.Stephen King’s novels translate well to audiobook. Campbell Scott (The Shining) and James Franco are the best narrators of his work. The Dead Zone is always a great read and I’m glad I took a chance on the audiobook. So good.

⭐ Great book. I watched the movie numerous times before ever reading the book & loved the movie. Now that I have read the book & then watched the movie, I hate the movie. Its like the director took tiny little bits from the book & threw them in. Example: the 1st 20 minutes of the movie you would be over half way through the book. There was more direct relation from the book in the Shining movie than there was with the Dead Zone movie. As I said though, GREAT book. If you have ever seen the movie, read the book & watch the movie right away. You’ll see exactly what I mean. 🙂

⭐ Arguably my favorite by Stephen King, who’s writing I have long been a fan of.A clear message, which is not unusual for him, but this was a message that for some reason, really resonated with me.If you are1) A Stephen King fan,2) Get more out of trying to find the ‘meaning between the lines’ and3) are able to maintain a perspecte that will allow you to find value in the lesson, even if learning it proves a painful process,then I recommend you read The Dead Zone.If you do NOT fall into any or all of these categories, the I recommend you give exploring them some honest thought!

⭐ I haven’t read this book in quite a few years, but, in my opinion, it is timeless.Poor Johnny Smith has two brushes with death, one as a child and a more serious one as an adult. He is in a coma for four and a half years before he wakes with precognitive power.He helps a few people along the way, including a sheriff from Castle Rock catch a murderer.Then he sees Greg Stillson on TV and just seeing him makes him uneasy.When he goes to one of Stillson’s political rallies, he shakes his hand and sees the future. How far in the future, he doesn’t know, but he does know that he must stop him.I have read all of Stephen King’s books, starting with Carrie way back in 1974, and have been a fan ever since.This book and The Stand are my absolute favorites, since the events in them could really happen!

⭐ I enjoyed this novel. You can’t help but become emotionally invested in the main character’s trials. One thing that stood out to me was how the reader gets to observe the effects of the main character’s accident on several different people in his life. Observing the mental and physical toll for several people was interesting. It was thought provoking to think about the places people go mentally to cope with something so life-changing. It was also fun to consider how I would use the power that the main character found himself having. Is that power a gift or a curse? Would I be selfless or selfish? Those are the same things the main character had to grapple with.My only real complaint about the book is that it seemed like King had his ending to the novel before he had anything else. I could be wrong, but it seemed like there were lots of things happening in the book that really didn’t matter much when everything wrapped up. It was still a fun read, but I believe it could have been much shorter and still achieved the same level of enjoyment for the reader. I would still recommend the book, but you might find yourself wishing things would move along every once in a while.

⭐ Another King re-read ’cause I like the story. Unlike most King, this one is very self-contained and comes with a built-in ending that keeps him from his biggest downfall. I like the story of Johnny Smith and Sarah. I like the story of Johnny’s flashes. I understand his motivations and his reason for doing what he did. I like the way the story resolves. It ain’t ever gonna get mistaken for “War and Peace”, but this is a good story and worth time. And it’s not really horror, so if that turns you off from reading Stephen King, you can set it aside for this book.


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