Zen: The Path of Paradox Vol 3 by Osho (Epub)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2003
  • Number of pages: 194 pages
  • Format: Epub
  • File Size: 0.25 MB
  • Authors: Osho


In Zen: The Path of Paradox, Osho suggests Zen as a possible bridge between East and West, and between the scientific and the spiritual.

“Without science, the East has lost much; without meditation, the West has lost much. I am trying to bring together East and West, because together they will create the whole.”

Osho encourages the reader to throw off the accumulated “knowing” of a lifetime―to let go of physical, mental, and emotional tensions, to relax into the flow of an extraordinary discourse and become receptive to the present moment and the potential within.

Osho challenges readers to examine and break free of the conditioned belief systems and prejudices that limit their capacity to enjoy life in all its richness. He has been described by the Sunday Times of London as one of the “1000 Makers of the 20th Century” and by Sunday Mid-Day (India) as one of the ten people―along with Gandhi, Nehru, and Buddha―who have changed the destiny of India. Since his death in 1990, the influence of his teachings continues to expand, reaching seekers of all ages in virtually every country of the world.

User’s Reviews

Review “The first principle in life is meditation. Everything else is second.”Praise for Osho: “[Osho’s] position as an important mystic and philosopher is supported by an international following and host of publications. His work is that of all great religious leaders–bringing God to man…Osho’s lively appeal: jokes, limericks, verse and tales, combined with traditional religious themes.”

Reviews from Amazon users, collected at the time the book is getting published on UniedVRG. It can be related to shiping or paper quality instead of the book content:

⭐ i’ve read many volumes of osho’s teachings. this is one of my favourites. in fact, this book and “tao: the pathless path” are my two favourites. they are very similar, as you might imagine. i’ve read each of them multiple times…yes, they’re that good.let go, be yourself, embrace the paradox that is life.

⭐ very interesting book for all who want to stretch a little

⭐ I had a very profound knowledge of Zen prior to OSHO’s commentary; this is the best explanation an discourse I have seen to date. Zen enbodies the basic truth of all paths.

⭐ A very lucid explanation of a very complex subject . I’ve spent twenty years studying Zen and this little booksays it all

⭐ A Zen Master was asked:”What do you do when it is hot?””Perspire.”‘he said.Then another question.”What do you do when it is cold?””Shiver.” The Zen Master responded.It is that easy! This book is excellent in bringing the point home of immediacy. No need for past or future….living NOW…and only NOw. This Osho book is exquisitely written and reading is very easy! Better than any Suzuki book!

⭐ This is a great book…a book you read…make notes…underline..re-read….buy for loved ones…hopefully they read…make notes..underline..re-read and they buy for loved ones..and so on…..thanks OSHO

⭐ Kwan!!!

⭐ Osho has a lucid way of explaining Zen and its core philosophy and way of life. It reminds me of Alan Watts and D.T. Suzuki, both of whom Osho was influenced by somewhat. He doesn’t beat around the bush in this book, he goes right to the heart of the matter. As a result, it is such an enjoyable read which puts your mind in Zen as you read it. Osho lays out in his own unique rebellious nature how the peaceful future of humanity is only possible through Zen. He explains this by dismantling the dogmatic traditions that keep us from change and the possibility of living in a harmonious world. It is a book that will keep you grounded and present which you could come back to again and again.

⭐ “The first principle in life is meditation. Everything else is second.” Yeah, it’s the infamous Rajneesh (started calling himself ‘Osho’ after the fiasco in Oregon). As one can read from the quote he’s also known for high sounding nonsense! Please, see or read about the documentary before having anything to do with this character.

⭐ Yet another outstanding book from Osho! Zen is a very abstract and complex topic. Most contemporary books on this topic have a steep learning curve that make Zen feel like an elusive concept that seems near, but far at the same time (rightfully dubbed as the Paradox). This small book explains Zen in very simple words. It will make you wonder if something as abstract as Zen can be explained so easily. This book will not teach you how to get there, but it will explain what to expect when you get there and why is it so important to get there.The lucidity of the prose is striking and is interspersed with little stories and anecdotes that add a touch a humor (so very missing in other books on this complex and paradoxical topic). All in all this is a terrific read, that’ll launch you into Zen with a real hope of touching and experiencing the paradox.


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Zen: The Path of Paradox Vol 3 2003 Epub Free Download
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