The Bands of Mourning: A Mistborn Novel by Brandon Sanderson (Epub)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2016
  • Number of pages: 448 pages
  • Format: Epub
  • File Size: 2.85 MB
  • Authors: Brandon Sanderson


Three hundred years after the events of the Mistborn trilogy, Scadrial is now on the verge of modernity, with railroads to supplement the canals, electric lighting in the streets and the homes of the wealthy, and the first steel-framed skyscrapers racing for the clouds.

The Bands of Mourning are the mythical metal minds owned by the Lord Ruler, said to grant anyone who wears them the powers that the Lord Ruler had at his command. Hardly anyone thinks they really exist. A kandra researcher has returned to Elendel with images that seem to depict the Bands, as well as writings in a language that no one can read. Waxillium Ladrian is recruited to travel south to the city of New Seran to investigate. Along the way he discovers hints that point to the true goals of his uncle Edwarn and the shadowy organization known as The Set.

User’s Reviews

Review “Sanderson is an evil genius. There is simply no other way to describe what he’s managed to pull off in this transcendent final volume of his Mistborn trilogy.” ―RT Book Reviews (Gold Medal, Top Pick!) on The Hero of Ages“It’s rare for a fiction writer to have much understanding of how leadership works and how love really takes root in the human heart. Sanderson is astonishingly wise.” ―Orson Scott Card“Sanderson is crafting an extremely well-thought out saga with Mistborn, one that looks to stand above the pack of his literary peers. The magic system is perfectly detailed, the world, though not completely revealed, has a great sense of natural logic to it, and the characters are a reflection of both.” ―SFFWorld“Intrigue, politics, and conspiracies mesh complexly in a world Sanderson realizes in satisfying depth and peoples with impressive characters.” ―Booklist on Mistborn“Highly recommended to anyone hungry for a good read.” ―Robin Hobb on Mistborn“Enjoyable, adventurous read.” ―Locus on Mistborn –This text refers to an alternate kindle_edition edition.

Reviews from Amazon users, collected at the time the book is getting published on UniedVRG. It can be related to shiping or paper quality instead of the book content:

⭐ “The Bands of Mourning” is the sixth book in the Mistborn series, and the final book in the later trilogy. I enjoyed this book a lot because Sanderson provides more backstory on Wax and his sister Teslin, and he attempts to provide an answer to why a god will let people suffer. Of course, we also get a satisfying conclusion to the battle between Wax and his uncle.After the events in the second book, Wax is upset with his god Harmony, and he chooses to find his own way despite Harmony’s efforts to guide his path. It took until the end of the book, but we finally get a dialogue surrounding the “Why” questions that fuel Wax’s resentment toward his god. Theologically, Harmony is a bit underpowered compared to the true God and creator of the Universe (i.e., Yahweh, Jehovah), but I thought Sanderson did a decent job of explaining why a god would choose to allow suffering in the world even if it means terrible things happen. The answer was a bit lacking in regards to the Christian faith with its hope for eternal life and ultimate justice in the world, but perhaps Sanderson’s answer will gives readers something to think about in regards to their own beliefs about God.I don’t want to overplay the religious aspect of the story — this book still includes the fun banter between Wax and Wayne, lots of adventures and shootouts, and even some romance along the way. The religious aspect is minor, but I think an important part to understand why things happened the way they did in regards to Wax and his lost love Lessie.I look forward to reading more stories in the Mistborn universe!

⭐ This is the third book in a four book series, and although it has its own plot arc, its story is a continuation of a greater plot arc – if you haven’t read Allow of Law or Shadows of Self, you really need to read those in order to follow the story. Also realize that there is still one more book in the series that Brandon hasn’t even started writing yet, so although there is some closure for some things at the end of this book, it is not THE end.THIS is, however, what I was expecting when I first read the first Wax & Wayne novel, Alloy of Law. Although I enjoyed it, I asked, why would Scadrial, a world with powerful, remarkable magic, develop the exact same technologies that Earth did? Trains, steam power, electricity… Shouldn’t the magic have some impact on industrialization? Finally, we see not only a continuation and further development of Wax’s quest that was introduced in the first book, along with the humor and plot twists you expect from Brandon’s novels, but also unique technological advances that specifically relate to the magic powers of the world – with fascinating implications for the future.The book is a satisfying and enjoyable continuation of the adventures of Wax and Wayne, along with several secondary characters they’ve picked up along the way. As with all of Brandon’s books, it’s a character-centric story, and you really get pulled into their plights and struggles. I laughed, I cried, I worried, I celebrated, and I didn’t put the book down until I had finished. And now the long wait for the finale.

⭐ Reader thoughts:This book delivered all I expected and more. There were a couple things I guessed early (just a few pages before the characters, a certain betrayal and a certain hiding place), and there were a couple things I did not like (ahem, no killing named characters). It was still a great ride.I’ve loved Steris from the start (she’s dull but earnest and studious, so much like me), so I loved that good things happened to her. :)The masked ones were great! Technology that enhances allomancy? Opens so many possibilities. I saw Rothfuss’s one culture in them in the way they signal emotions with their hands. Love that idea.Wax and Wayne are perfect together as always. The banter is seriously ROFL priceless. Spoiled tomato.Again, there was slight inuendo (maybe 3 lines? A reference to balls?) which I thought unnecessary. I prefer Stormlight, Alcatraz, or Reckoners for that reason primarily.Wayne has to have some command over connection, though it’s through his hats, which doesn’t make sense, because they aren’t metal. Or maybe he’s just talented.Writer thoughts:Sanderson’s pacing is great, like always, and his characters are so well developed (Steris reading a book on the train and listing all the things that can possibly go wrong). The world is somehow growing but still consistent (how does he get that to work?).He balances different story aspects very well too. There’s humor (the scene with the innkeeper watching the group interact so weirdly). There’s sorrow (masks on the walls). There’s invention (telephones and cubes). There are new cultures (not telling). It’s not just the amount of each of these that’s important, it’s the timing too. Sanderson’s chapters play them out in the right order.

⭐ I just finished the bands of mourning by Brandon Sanderson. I am a huge fan of Wax and Wane and this book certainly didn’t disappoint. I really liked how the development between wax and Steris happened, and I very much enjoyed the political Intrigue and interwoven politics that took place in this one. It certainly gave a different tone to the first book, and it made the greeter even more invested in the series than they were before. I cannot wait to read the final book from Brandon Sanderson although it will be with a heavy heart that I pick up that novel. In this book I enjoyed very much the reveal of the secret society as it were through suits and the set and I also enjoyed the various different challenges and tryouts wax had to go through in order to persevere. All of the characters in this novel had their own stories to tell, and I can’t wait to read more.

⭐ I started reading Sanderson since he was brought on to complete the Wheel of Time series and he doesn’t disappoint. After becoming thoroughly immersed in the world of Kelsier and Vin, the transition to The Allow of Law was a bit rough for me. However, as the series progressed I became exciting with the escapades of Wax and Wayne.Bands of Mourning – just like the previous two books – does a great job in providing readers with its own story line not completely dependent on the other books while satisfying those readers – who have read the others – with links to the rest of the series as well as to the original Mistborn stories. Now I just have to bide my time with the Stormlight Archive until the final installation of Mistborn is released!

⭐ Love it, but Kindle version needs fixes1st, I love the book and love the entire Mistborn series (the original trilogy + Wax & Wayne). All of the characters are so well written, each with character growth throughout the series. You cannot help but to be invested with each of them and their future.I have also liked the added content in each book with the maps, terms, and definitions.I’m looking so forward to whenever the final Mistborn 4th Wax & Wayne book is released (total geek out for me). I did want to point out an issue with the Kindle book version. The table of contents, copyright, etc. is at the end of the entire book instead of the beginning. I noticed this with just the three Mistborn Wax & Wayne books. I wish it could be fixed.

⭐ 3.5 StarsI just finished the book and I have so many mixed emotions. Throughout reading this book I thought it would be one of, if not, the best books he’s ever written. It’s great seeing Sandersons writing grow, and it really showed in this book with the characters. I liked The Alloy of Law, but some of the characters personalities (especially Wayne) felt a bit forced. I have felt this way about some of the characters in his other books as well, but they were never TOO bad. In Shadows of Self they got better, but the plot and twists was more of the highlight of that book, and not so much the side characters like Wayne, Marasi, and Steris. In this book however I found all the characters wonderful, but the plot……not so much. All the characters (especially Steris) were delightful to read and I must have laughed out loud at least 10 times while reading this. Their chemistry just worked so well together and I think this is the best Sanderson book to date character-wise.The plot itself though just never captured me. It was ultimately the characters and their interactions with each other than made me read this book so fast and not want to put it down. The plot was just…..boring and compared to Sandersons other books, which have spoiled me with their twists and explosive endings, it fell flat. — SPOILERS FROM HERE ON OUT –It’s probably my fault a little bit that it fell flat for me, because seeing some of the early reviews got me REALLY excited. People talked about the cosmere getting tied together, about alien forces invading Scadrial, and all around just made it’s scope seem big and epic. Well….none of that really happened. The plot was just a basic treasure hunt with a few obvious and meh twists (Wax’s sister and the Spear) and a weak ending. Shadows of Self teased us with Trell and this book just teased more and never really answered much. I was also super excited to figure out what the void eyed demons were and then they just turned out to be people with masks from far away on Scadrial. I mean come on, I’m sure everyone who’s read Stormlight got all excited like me and thought they would be some sort of minion of Odium, it turned out to be SUCH a let down.All in all i give this book 5 stars for the characters, and 3 stars for the plot. Another terrific book by Sanderson, but ultimately a little bit disappointing

⭐ I originally purchased Bands of Mourning thinking that it was going to be the big finale for the 2nd Era in the Mistborn Saga, and spent the entire book wondering how Sanderson was going to top the big reveal in the second book. I won’t spoil either surprise, but just when you think you start to understand all the possible tangents of Allomantic and Feruchemical powers, Sanderson drops in a characteristic twist that you never saw coming! The biggest announcement of all comes at the end when you find that there is going to be a fourth book in the series, The Lost Metal, coming out sometime after the next Stormlight book wraps up.This book continues to flesh out the history of Wax, and why he chose to escape out to the Roughs. It starts with an interesting insight into his childhood, and provides insight into his strained relationship he has with his Terris heritage. Throughout the rest of the story, you begin to learn more about his history with his sister, all while maintaining a breakneck pace into one conundrum after another, in ways only Wax and Wayne could find themselves falling into.I loved the additional characters and the realizations that they bring with them near the end of the book. You can see where Sanderson was laying some marvelous groundwork for the next books, and I can’t wait to see how far the story will expanding now with whole new worlds coming into the mix.

⭐ Fantastic story as usual from Sanderson. If you’re already a fan then there isn’t really any need for a redundant review telling you why this book is great. It’s in the same vein as his other allomancer stories and the main character is far more likeable than Vin. More like a Kessler except a little more sane, a little more world weary. If that’s possible as Kessler was locked in a God forsaken pit and left to die.Story is fast paced. Define ty a page turner. Finished it in two days and was sad when there was no more left. Didn’t think I wanted another metal bender book, been rereading the storm light series but this is a little lighter and… While not MORE fun, a different kind of easy fun with a great story, interesting characters, you won’t ever be sorry you picked up a book by Sanderson. Unless it’s a kids book, the alcatraz series. While I can appreciate those for what they are it’s akin to reading Harry Potter for a slightly younger audience. And I wasn’t ever a fan of the Harry Potter series.

⭐ This is the third of the Steampunk-ish trilogy on this complex planet in Sanderson’s wonderfully complex Mistborn fantasy universe, and it does not disappoint. A number of twists and turns and it reads like suspense but plenty of humor because Sanderson creates great characters – human and non-human. He knows what motivates people and the range of what people can be. The very reasonably logical yet fantastical powers the Mistborn possess and too fun to describe. You want to read the Mistborn series IN ORDER, please, so you understand the full depth of what is happening and what has happened on this very unusual world as well as its theology. The Mistborn humans can use the powers of various metals by metabolizing them, and each one gives a unique ability for as long as you have a store of the metal inside “to burn.” Try anything by Brandon Sanderson. He never disappoints in fantasy writing!! PS – If you’re the kind who read the Silmarillion when you read LOTR, or you play D&D, then you’ll want to read the appendices in which he explains why the fantastical happens in this universe, in a very logical but complex way.


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The Bands of Mourning: A Mistborn Novel 2016 Epub Free Download
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