The Fifth Elephant: A Novel of Discworld by Terry Pratchett (MOBI)



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  • Authors: Terry Pratchett


Everyone knows that the world is flat, and supported on the backs of four elephants. But weren’t there supposed to be five? Indeed there were. So where is it?…When duty calls. Commander Vimes of the Ankh-Morpork constabulary answers. Even when he doesn’t want to. He’s been “invited” to attend a royal function as both detective and diplomat. The one role he relishes; the other requires, well, ruby tights. Of course where cops (even those clad in tights) go, alas, crime follows. An attempted assassination and a theft soon lead to a desperate chase from the low halls of Discworld royalty to the legendary fat mines of Uberwald, where lard is found in underground seams along with tusks and teeth and other precious ivory artifacts. It’s up to the dauntless Vimes — bothered as usual by a familiar cast of Discworld inhabitants (you know, trolls, dwarfs, werewolves, vampires and such) — to solve the puzzle of the missing pachyderm. Which of course he does. After all, solving mysteries is his job.

User’s Reviews

Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

⭐my son loves this writer, and this book..not too thick.we can only buy 2-3 for the shipping cost. waiting to see more new books! sorry, last year there was no shipping to some countries, so we got the 4 best books now.It makes me so happy to see him read!

⭐Sam Vimes is doing exactly what he wants, serving as Commander of the Night Watch in Ankh-Morpork. But he did marry Lady Sybil and as such is now part of the royalty. Due to this, he is sent to Uberwald to attend the coronation of the dwarf new Low King, an event that has the potential for many issues as there are charges of theft of royal artifacts and attempted assassinations. Sam doesn’t want to go but Lady Sybil has already packed so off they go.Some of the Night Watch goes along. There is Cheery Littlebottom, a transgender dwarf, scorned by the dwarves in Uberwald. Angua has gone ahead of them. As a werewolf, she is worried about her brother who will kill anything in his path. Gavin, king of the wolves, is attracted to Angua as is Captain Carrot, a six-foot dwarf. Gaspode is a talking dog who feels that he is six foot tall also and lives his life as if he was rather than being a very small terrier.Sam finds lots of dissension in Uberwald. There are three factions of dwarves and the proposed Low King is a compromise between them so has little true support. Along with the werewolves, there are influential vampires, the reigning authority among them being one of Lady Sybil’s former classmates when they were girls. There are kidnappings, murder, theft and lots of other crimes that need solving, even if Sam is not there as a policeman. Will it all come right in the end?This is the twenty-fourth novel in the Discworld series. It is fun and full of wonderful characters and events. While the plot gets complicated, all is resolved satisfactorily in the end. Sam Vimes is a marvelous character and readers will fall in love with him. This book is recommended for fantasy readers.

⭐This one made me lol a lot! I’m usually a quiet chuckler, but there are some belly-laughs in it!I loved all the Igors; I think everyone needs one to run the household, sew up their cuts, do transplants…

⭐What a joy. Politics, love, and bad guys/wolves. No wizards in this one but still a great story and yarn.

⭐Although I couldn’t quite get my mind around the idea of a fat mine (created by the fiery crash of the fifth elephant that supported Discworld on top of A’Tuin, the Cosmic Turtle), this fantasy is nevertheless a savoury entry in the Sam Vimes/Night Watch series (in spite of all that fat).Sam Vimes, Commander of Ankh-Morpork’s Night Watch is ‘asked’ by the city’s Patrician (with the approval of Sam’s wife, Sybil) to represent the city at the coronation of Uberwald’s new dwarf Low King.The last thing Sam wants to do is dress up in ceremonial tights and gallop off to a country filled with werewolves and vampires, not to mention two sects of battling dwarfs. He’s got the murder of a condom manufacturer to solve right in Ankh-Morpork, plus the theft of a replica of the holy Scone of Stone from the Dwarf Bread Museum.However Lady Sybil thinks her husband needs a vacation, so off they go, tights and all, leaving Captain Carrot Ironfoundersson (a six-foot adopted dwarf) in charge of the Watch. Then Corporal Angua, the only werewolf on the Watch disappears and Captain Carrot resigns to go after her, taking only Gaspode, the talking dog with him.Sergeant Colon is now acting-Captain of the Watch, much to the dismay of everyone, including himself.While his beloved Night Watch slides swiftly into an abyss of incompetence in Ankh-Morpork, Sam discovers that being an ambassador is not all champagne and cucumber sandwiches. On his first day in Uberwald’s capital city, he becomes both a murder suspect and a participant in the Game–a werewolf version of ‘Fox and Hounds’—with himself as the unwilling fox.The alpha female among the werewolves calls Sam a “nothing…a paper man. A man of straw. An insult.” She will have to learn the hard way that she grossly underestimated the new ambassador.If you’d like to read the Sam Vimes/Night Watch books in order of publication, they are: “Guards! Guards!” (1989); “Men at Arms” (1993); “Feet of Clay” (1996); “Jingo” (1997); “The Fifth Elephant” (2000); “Night Watch” (2002); and “Thud!” (2005).

⭐A dramatic, very funny look at life on Earth via the lens of Disc World. Yet another stunning novel from Terry Pratchett that you can read with pleasure just for the story itself and the wonderful depth of the characters. But you can also see how accurately it reflects the problems of the world and the potential in people.This is the sixth or seventh time I have read this book (but a first as an ebook) since it was first published. It doesn’t matter that I know exactly what is going to happen, the book still makes you shake with laughter. A fantastic novel that should be compulsory reading for everyone.

⭐Another wonderful Pratchett book. In 2015 the world lost a brilliant writer and a brilliant mind, and that makes these books all the more precious. The Discworld novels have various groups of characters they focus on, the Watch (police force of Ankh Morpork) being one of my particular favourites. These characters just burst off the page and I adore them. Pratchett weaves a magical spell involving his trademark humour and philosophy reflecting the oddly familiar through a lens of madcap fantasy. This time we find Commander Vimes and company on a diplomatic mission to Uberwald, with dwarfs, werewolves and vampires to contend with. There are themes of tradition, truth, politics, xenophobia, identity and gender. I miss you Sir Terry.

⭐10/10 One of my favourite (top three) Books in the discworld series. It is readable if you’ve never read one before but if thats the case maybe start with an earlier one in the series.It follows the City Watch (Police) of a Major City in a fantasy mirror of the Earth called the Discworld where much is very similar to our world but things are often reversed or different aswell.Basically its a comedy, fantasy, adventure story rammed with sarcasm and takes on the hypocrisy and warmth of our modern world in the cleverest of ways through his Discworld. The author was a great satirist and that is certainly clear throughout these Books.I Highly Recommend!

⭐Vimes goes to Uberwald…. As a diplomat. The dwarves seem to be having a bit of a disagreement and an important symbol is missing.Meanwhile, the werewolves have other plans.Somehow Terry Pratchett weaves it all together…with some jokes throne (sic) in.Ever enjoyable. With a little light philosophy as well.

⭐Excellent book. I am working my way through all the Sam Vimes/Watch books. I really don’t want to say more in case I spoil all the wonderful writing ahead of you. I had the Kindle version and the first time I bought it- no download. So I cancelled that and downloaded it again. Fine and I was reading it in a short time. Also the price didn’t change from first viewing then deciding to buy. When I looked at another Terry Pratchett book (and an Ann Granger book) and dithered over spending £3.99 for the book, the next day it was £4.99. So, I didn’t buy. Sneaky trick Amazon. But you are the losers.


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