Nanny Ogg’s Cookbook: a beautifully illustrated collection of recipes and reflections on life from one of the most famous witches from Sir Terry Pratchett’s bestselling Discworld series by Terry Pratchett (MOBI)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2012
  • Number of pages: 222 pages
  • Format: MOBI
  • File Size: 2.73 MB
  • Authors: Terry Pratchett


Steel yourselves – Nanny Ogg is passing on some of her most interesting recipes and her most refined wisdom.’Probably the best and certainly the tastiest of the Discworld spin-offs’ – The Times’They say that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach which just goes to show they’re as confused about anatomy as they gen’rally are about everything else, unless they’re talking about instructions on how to stab him, in which case a better way is up and under the ribcage.’ Nanny OggNanny Ogg, one of Discworld’s most famous witches, is passing on some of her huge collection of tasty and above all interesting recipes. But in addition to the delights of the ‘Strawberry Wobbler’ and ‘Nobby’s Mum’s Distressed Pudding’, Mrs Ogg imparts her thoughts on social etiquette, life, death, courtship, children and weddings, all in a refined style that should not offend the most delicate of sensibilities. Well, not much…Jam-packed with recipes favoured (or not!) by the great and good of the Discworld, full of Nanny Ogg’s unique wisdom and way with words, and peppered with apoplectic notes from the editor and the publisher, this is a treasure trove of literary, culinary and comic delights.A must- purchase for any fan of the legendary Sir Terry Pratchett.*Most of the recipes have been tried out on people who are still alive.__________________________________________________________________What fans are saying…’This is Nanny Ogg at her naughty best…I sniggered and snerked all the way through’ – ***** Reader review’As expected, hilarious. Also beautifully illustrated. Had a kick reading the recipes, and will likely try a few!’ – ***** Reader review’Love this book! It is brilliant! If you don’t already have this buy it now!!’ – ***** Reader review’Totally Brilliant!!!’ – ***** Reader review’I laughed myself silly reading this; it is VERY funny…I am looking forward to trying the recipes’ – ***** Reader review

User’s Reviews

Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

⭐I recommend this book to any reader of the Discworld. It teaches the cookery of a fantastical world and lets you make Strawberry Wobblers! My only issue is with the editors removing all the naughty bits! As it is, there are a few recipes I’m going to make for my sweet niece’s bachelorette party next month…

⭐We found the book to be very entertaining! This is one of a few cookbooks that is worth thoroughly and literally reading cover to cover. Readers from fans and devotees, to even those just mildly acquainted with the disc would likely find this worthwhile. Nanny Ogg’s personality shines through so much in a way that is evidentiary of Pratchett’s character development talent [GNU Terry Pratchett]. He has fleshed out Nanny Ogg so well that is easy to pretend you’re reading her words as he invoked her spirit as this was written.We can’t speak to the results of the recipes yet as we haven’t tried any, but each of them are worth a full read. So many bits of humor are sprinkled all through the book in sometimes surprising little places. So rarely are readers so wonderfully rewarded for not skimming the recipes in a cookbook. The large print of our copy made for a pretty brief read, but it was absolutely fantastic. We had to buy a second copy as a gift for someone unfamiliar with the disc, but who will surely love Ms Ogg after reading this.

⭐I was at first slightly skeptical about this. I mean, how worthwhile is it to purchase a cookbook that you don’t actually use for cooking? (My assumption at the time.) But, I kept coming back to this book, and I kept finding myself wanting it. Let’s face it, the late Terry Pratchett was an absolute literary genius whose books are modern masterpieces. Few authors have ever made me laugh so hard while also thinking deeply about my place in society, my responsibilities, or even my motivations behind doing good. Pratchett was an utterly amazing man with words. And that led me to decide that this cookbook really needed to join my collection of his works.First of all, this is the first cookbook (and probably will remain the only cookbook) to ever make me snort coffee up my nose in a humiliatingly unladylike, un-charming manner in a coffee shop (add to that the fact that I’m a westerner currently living in China, and you can well imagine all the curious and concerned stares I got . . . thanks, Nanny Ogg!). I have since learned, for my own safety and pride, not to read this book while consuming hot — make that any — liquids. Nanny Ogg is hilarious enough in novels, but she really comes into her own when she’s narrating a cookbook!Secondly, you can actually make several of the recipes! The dwarf bread is an altered recipe that won’t do you as well as a offensive weapon as ordinary dwarf bread, but many of the recipes are actually rather tasty. And, being blessed as I am with so many bookish friends, I am looking forward to using this book to create my own Discworld-themed party later this year.Finally, this makes a great book for anyone who finds their life peppered with lots of short periods wherein you want something fun to read, but can’t allow yourself to get sucked into a novel right then (bus rides, waiting rooms, airplanes on the runway before they annoyingly and for no good reason force you to turn off your electronic devises, meetings where you ought to be paying attention but frankly couldn’t care less, tedious phone conversations with those particular friends who just need an “mm hmm” to think they’re having a conversation . . . ).RIP, dear, wonderful, brilliant Sir Terry Pratchett.

⭐While I’ve yet to attempt any of the recipes, this book itself is a treasure and a grand addition to the series.

⭐I found Disc World some 5 or 6 yrs previously and have read everything I can find. Some of the earlier books were a bit uneven until Sir Terry hit his stride, then each new one was eagerly anticipated, and now the tragic dx of early onset Alzheimer’s will end his life and with it, the Disc-verse. This book is ten yrs or more old but just recently discovered by me. I ordered 2 copies for gifts fr Amazon but was sent notice they were unavailable so I ordered one from Amazon UK and the 2nd one after the holidays for my son/myself when Amazon US had stock again.My son & my nephew enjoyed Nanny Ogg very much. I started reading it myself and giggled so hard I pestered the cat to the point he had to leave my lap in a huff. Bad news is I accidentally left it at my daughter’s hair salon and have to wait until she comes home for me to finish it. In the meanwhile I have The Compleat Ankh-Morporkh at hand and can order Turtle Recall if I need a fix.Disc World fans will love this – if you are not yet but are a Brit humor lover, become a Pratchett-ite. No regrets, I promise.

⭐As somebody obsessed with Discworld I had to get this book, and I’m so glad I did. It has the wonderful humor found in his stories and surprisingly tasty recipes. I highly recommend the Toffee Rat Onna Stick.

⭐I love Terry Prachett’s writing and finding odd cook books so this book was a must have. It has the wonderfully strange and twisted humor you would expect from a DiscWorld novel with great recipes directly connected to or named after different characters from the DiscWorld series. The illustrations from Paul Kidbly add a wonderful element and the chapter on food etiquette with the many creatures and characters of Disc World is hilarious. Sprinkled throughout is Nanny Ogg’s humor and off color jokes, oh so befitting of one of Discworld’s most famous witches. I have tried making several of the recipes and not only did no one die after eating, many asked for seconds! Two fan favs from my household is Sergeant Angua”s Vegetable Stew and Wow-wow sauce.

⭐If you’ve made it as far as checking the reviews on Nanny Ogg’s Cookbook, then you’re probably nerdy enough to enjoy this small compendium of inside jokes for the well-versed Discworld fan. Perhaps the most surprising thing about this book is that these appear to be legitimate recipes (I haven’t tried any yet, but even the Dwarfish bread recipe comes without the usual gravel; apparently this is a recipe for the city Dwarf who has gone soft). Beyond the food itself, this is a marvellous character sketch. This isn’t an in depth look at the characters and world-building behind the Discworld like the almanacs, or the Science of Discworld series, but it is a fun ditty with one of its most beloved inhabitants. Nanny Ogg’s accompanying remarks come with their usual innuendo. On why Wizards don’t take wives, she remarks that perhaps women cause their “magic staff to go bendy or something”. One feels at all times the rich array of gags on which the Discworld sits, from the Wee Free Men’s murderous banquets to why you should never shake hands with a troll over dinner. Highly recommended for the obsessive Pratchett fan.

⭐This book had me laughing out loud in places which as I read it in several different places was at times embarrassing at at other times greatly irritated my other half. It is not a long book. It is written by two people but they clearly know each other well as it seemed to be written by one person. I am familiar with the Disc World Nanny Ogg belongs to but I think if some one read the book without having read any of the Disc World Series they would still find it enjoyable. I read the book on my Kindle and on my IPad and found no problems with either version. The illustrations are pen and ink type drawings and skilfully done.

⭐The person I bought this for is a fan and has all the stories so this was a big hit when they received it as a xmas present

⭐Bought this as a Christmas present for my dad. Seeing as he likes both Pratchett and cooking I figured that I was on to a winner. Glad to be proved right. He spent most of Christmas Day and Boxing Day chuckling at Nanny Ogg’s words of wisdom, and interrupting whatever everybody else was doing to read us his favourite passages.In the short time I was there I only got to try a couple of the recipes which he insisted on having a go at, both of which went down well with all members of the family. This bodes well for the rest of the recipes in the book, even if Dad did pull a funny face at Nobby’s Mum’s Distressed Pudding…All in all, a good present for the old man, but whether you’re buying it for yourself or someone else, you’re in for an education and a good time.

⭐nanny ogg [a whitch on the discworld land of anka morpork is a very diffrent whitch to what most whitches are supposed to be she likes men [and i really men LIKES] and this cook book is her way to get a man through his stomach ,and they are very diffrent recipes.worth reading even if youve never read a discworld story before very tounge in cheek , very funny and just a little bit naughty


Free Download Nanny Ogg’s Cookbook: a beautifully illustrated collection of recipes and reflections on life from one of the most famous witches from Sir Terry Pratchett’s bestselling Discworld series in MOBI format
Nanny Ogg’s Cookbook: a beautifully illustrated collection of recipes and reflections on life from one of the most famous witches from Sir Terry Pratchett’s bestselling Discworld series MOBI Free Download
Download Nanny Ogg’s Cookbook: a beautifully illustrated collection of recipes and reflections on life from one of the most famous witches from Sir Terry Pratchett’s bestselling Discworld series 2012 MOBI Free
Nanny Ogg’s Cookbook: a beautifully illustrated collection of recipes and reflections on life from one of the most famous witches from Sir Terry Pratchett’s bestselling Discworld series 2012 MOBI Free Download
Download Nanny Ogg’s Cookbook: a beautifully illustrated collection of recipes and reflections on life from one of the most famous witches from Sir Terry Pratchett’s bestselling Discworld series MOBI
Free Download Ebook Nanny Ogg’s Cookbook: a beautifully illustrated collection of recipes and reflections on life from one of the most famous witches from Sir Terry Pratchett’s bestselling Discworld series

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