The Shining by Stephen King (MOBI)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2008
  • Number of pages: 674 pages
  • Format: MOBI
  • File Size: 0.00 MB
  • Authors: Stephen King


#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Before Doctor Sleep, there was The Shining, a classic of modern American horror from the undisputed master, Stephen King.Jack Torrance’s new job at the Overlook Hotel is the perfect chance for a fresh start. As the off-season caretaker at the atmospheric old hotel, he’ll have plenty of time to spend reconnecting with his family and working on his writing. But as the harsh winter weather sets in, the idyllic location feels ever more remote . . . and more sinister. And the only one to notice the strange and terrible forces gathering around the Overlook is Danny Torrance, a uniquely gifted five-year-old.

User’s Reviews

Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

⭐I read this masterpiece back when originally released. Following that, I have watched the Kubrick movie every Halloween since its release on DVD sometime last century. Love both. The book is dark and the movie captures the required essence, but the book gets deeper into Jack’s mind which is not a fun place. The book and movie conflict on room #’s 217 vs. 237, and Wendy’s hair color, which I have embedded as that of Ms. Duvall’s. And anyone interested will find on the inter-web a plethora of reasons these were changed from book to movie. Fun stuff. If you have never read the Shining, please give yourself a gift and read it if you enjoy horror. And if you haven’t read it this century, try it again, as it may very well scare you in new ways. I live in Maine and while SK is our scary hero, he is also a great neighbor in our state.

⭐I had seen the movie before I read the book so going in I thought I knew what to expect. But I was actually caught off guard and found myself loving the book more then I loved the movie. I still think the movie is good but this book is just… more.The characters in this book are just so complex. Each one of them feels real. One moment I am sympathetic with Jack a man who just can’t seem to get a break. But the next moment I am scared of him and what he might do to his family. Wendy is also so much more complex. I found myself really interested in her and absolutely scared for her life.Danny though is my favorite. He’s such a bright and sweet boy and it was interesting to get into his head. I loved to read how conflicted he got between protecting his family but also not wanting to upset them. I also really love his interactions with Dick Hallorann who is also very interesting.Overall this is an excellent creepy read.

⭐⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ •HEREEESSSSSS JOHNNNYYY!!!! October means the king of terror, Steven King, is in full force!! Re-reading The Shining, putting it in the Freezer when necessary, & watching the movie is an October must! —————————————————————•For those of you who aren’t familiar with The Shining…. When Jack Torrance, a college professor with a temper only fueled by a minor drinking problem, is offered a winter job at the Overlook Hotel- Jack, his wife Wendy, & his shining son Danny head for the hills, literally! Overlook hotel is a prestigious hotel with all the best features & outdoor views. The Torrance family is hired on to look after the hotel during the winter so that the regular staff can take some time off. Thinking this is their chance to mend family wounds & for Jack to get back to his writing, the Torrance crew is thrilled for the opportunity- until they aren’t. The last man who brought his family up for the winter shift killed his entire family & then himself. Workers refuse to go into one specific room, & people swear they see & hear things. Before long the Torrance family is seeing & hearing things too. One thing is clear- the Overlook Hotel doesn’t want them to leave & not everyone will!The Shining is currently available on @Netflix so make sure to add it to your October chills & thrills!

⭐I ordered this book for my collection specifically because i wanted it hard cover and with this specific cover. What i received looks like someone found a 50 cent book at a yard sale and sold it for almost $20. I am returning this work because it was listed different from what i received. Pretty disappointed.Update: decided to keep the book and read it again for the 3rd time.BrilliantStill , the seller wanted me to pay for the return . This is unfair given the description was incorrect.Won’t buy again from this seller but the book is a masterpiece and i highly recommend it

⭐I read this book many years ago and loved it so much. My nephew recently mentioned his interest in reading it since he just watched the movie, so I ordered it for him for Christmas. It arrived today and is in perfect shape. Shorter than I remembered! It felt like a really really long book when I was in high school, but looking at it now, it would be a breeze with large print and just around 700 pages. I may reread it again before I give it to him ha! It is one of my favorites from King. So detailed and much better than the original movie, which I also loved. Happy to be spreading the horror genre into the next generation.

⭐I had read The Shining immediately when it came out in paperback in the mid 70’s. It is truly, honestly the most horrifying book I’ve ever read.I had high hopes for Kubrick’s adaptation in 1979, but at the time, I wasn’t impressed with the film. (I was 18 years old, so what)? It missed some of the more heartbreaking details of the novel and it immediately turned into a big disappointment for me and I WAS PISSED OFF ABOUT IT!!! WHY, did one of my favorite Directors of ALL TIME, MESS with such a perfect horror story??? Time has since “mellowed” me on this subject, and I see what Kubrick had in mind for HIS version of it. I consider the film to be one of the best horror movies ever made, but the book, THIS NOVEL is extraordinary!It dives so deep into Jack Torrance and why he collapsed the way he did. It focused on Danny, and Tony showing and warning him of things to come. Without spoiling the original story, Jack gets away with a hell of a lot more gory behavior and exhibits physical pain on his wife and young son in King’s story. In this book, we don’t have any scenes with an axe breaking through a bathroom door. It’s a much more simple and demonic implement that Jack uses to cause pain and suffering to Wendy and Danny! And when Stephen King describes it through Danny’s eyes, the horror becomes almost incomprehensible and leaves you with a sick ringing tone in your ears!I’m not kidding when I said it was the most horrifying book I’ve ever read! He is the Master of Horror! For ALL fans of the film, READ THE BOOK! It gets to the core of what King wanted you to feel! Some of the chapters are SO HEARTBREAKING, like when Jack briefly comes to his senses and tells Danny to “Run DOC! Run as fast as you can!” and then turns into the monster he really is by screaming “Come out and take your medicine, LIKE A MAN!” Seriously horrifying stuff!!

⭐My first Stephen King read. And I don’t think I’ll be reading another one anytime soon. Because this book gave me the creeps.There have been so many books that left me disappointed despite being hyped and loved. And only very few that did live upto my expectations. Clearly, THE SHINING falls in the latter category. I had never read a horror-thriller book. I was always curious about how a book had the capability of evoking creepy disturbing thoughts in your head and leave you scared. THE SHINING made me experience all that. And that’s why I loved it so much.

⭐Jack Torrance needs to get away, anywhere will do as long as he can have some peace and quiet. He needs to forget about getting fired from his job as a teacher for a violent assault, forget about his excess drinking, forget about having broken his young sons arm in a fit of uncontrolled anger and at least try and bury deep down his seething and uncontrollable resentment that his wife knows exactly what he really is, a drunken violent bully with a temper! Five months as a caretaker in a supposedly haunted and extremely empty Colorado hotel cut off from the outside world by deep snow sounds just about right. Perhaps he can write the great American novel, perhaps he can finish his long gesturing play, or maybe just maybe he will try to murder his family!Stephen Kings utterly fantastical supernatural novel introduces us, from page one, to one of his finest ever creations, the truly frightening Jack Torrence. On a par with the deranged nurse Annie Wilkes from Misery, Jack is a supremely complicated man who seems uncomfortable with the world around him, his high opinion of himself and his intelligent is at odds with his inability to recognise or even accept his own deep and ultimately fatal personal flaws. Jack, like al Psychopaths, sees the world in terms of himself, and sees his son and wife as merely extensions of him, they live in his world and are expected to follow the rules as he sees them. He doesn’t outwardly hate them but he doesn’t love or really care for them either, he just seems to accept them as a necessary inconvenience that he just has to put up with to appear normal. It’s his well practised outward projection of ordinariness that sets him apart from your run of the mill homicidal killer, he’s the kind of person you don’t notice, the guy who mows his lawn and takes out the trash, the guy who takes his kid to the park, the guy who is always pleasant and says hello. However there is something old and ugly hiding in Jack Torrence, something from his past, something rotten, something extremely dangerous, something deadly waiting to emerge.Although The Shining is at heart a variation on a “ghost story”, King’s ability to present the reader with real and credible (if horrible) characters lifts this novel to a higher plane. Jack’s tortured and often very unpleasant internal narrative peppers the text and even interrupts his own lines of dialogue and in doing so we see him in a much broader light. We see what he is saying and also know what he is really thinking in real time. We know he lies, we know he is weak and frustrated, we know he does not respect or love his wife and we know of his true feelings, those he keeps well hidden possible even from himself.Some have said rather unfairly that it’s not “very scary” or words to that effect. It is certainly true that some of the book is about Jacks early life and it does take some time to set the stage. However once set the terror builds as Jack becomes more unstable and unpredictable. The true horror of possible living with an undiagnosed and extremely dangerous psychopath who believes ghosts are communicating with him to kill his family becomes very real. As his and Danny’s visions become more “real” the fight for survival intensifies as does the pace of the book. I found it very scary, not for the ghosts but Jack’s inability to hold onto reality.Whether the hotel really does have “demons” that can affect a weak and easily dominated mind or the “demons” are his own fully formed ready for use in the right circumstances is a debate for another time. King thought one way (the hotel was haunted) and that Jack was a victim. Kubrick the other (the hotel was just a hotel) and Jack was a Psychopath, however which ever way you side it’s a grand ride finding out.I have always felt that Kings earlier work (pre 1995) was his best. This his third novel is probably his second best novel after The Green Mile and that is saying something.Enjoy.

⭐Having watched Stanley Kubrick’s film ‘The Shining’ several times I was persuaded by all the enthusiastic revues (the Book’s better than the Film) to read the Stephen King novel it’s based on. Lets be clear about this, I’m not adverse to long novels, I read Leo Tolstoy’s ‘War and Peace’ (1400 pages) in my twenties, (a long time ago) but whereas Tolstoy’s novel covered a vast amount of material, plus very interesting characters, King’s book is exasperatingly ‘long winded’ more than half it’s length could of been trimmed to better effect. I had assumed the ‘scary bits’ in the movie were taken from the book, when in fact none of them were, topiary animals coming to life ‘aren’t’ scary, though Mr King obviously thinks they are, reviving them again and again throughout the novel undermining what tension there is in the book and culminating in a ludicrous/hilarious encounter between Hallorann (arriving at the ‘Overlook’ to confront a very ‘real’ madman) and a ‘HEDGELION !!!’ Fire extinguisher’s aren’t scary either in fact unforgivably King’s book isn’t particularly frightening. So I’m going to state (blasphemously) that the film IS better than the book !! ……… try hedgehogs next time …

⭐To begin with it took me three weeks to read this novel. I was scared to bits and I still am. NOT recommending this book for the weak hearts!The book begins with the introduction of the “Torrance family” that has Jack, Wendy and their five year-old son Danny. Jack is talented but not successful as a writer. His alcoholism and temper made him lose his job and has nearly destroyed an ability he had to earn a living. He gets his last chance, through the offices of an old friend, which is to work as a caretaker in the “Outlook Hotel”.During the winter months, the hotel gets covered in snow and is inaccessible, Jack and his family sign the four months contract of complete isolation. As an added warning by one of the employees, Jack was told that the previous caretaker Grady had gone crazy with cabin fever and killed his wife and two daughters and then himself. Knowing that he has no other options, Jack agrees to take the job in the hopes that when spring comes, his play will be completed and the family will be able to make a fresh start.A famous horror novel, “The Shining” has the ability to scare its readers. The book is not very violent, but there are many jump scares and disturbing accounts, many of which may be too frightening for the fresh readers. It deals with themes of demonic possession and maintains an unsettling atmosphere throughout.Lastly, I’m a big fan of horror movies and novels, but this is quite possibly the scariest I’ve ever read. This is not a gory, jump-scare heavy, fright fest, it’s a slow burn movie that doesn’t need those things to scare you.#A Great Masterpiece! No wonder Stephen King is a “PRO” in horror writing!

⭐I really enjoyed the 1980’s film version starring Jack Nicholson, and i kind of figured that there would be a few differences, but after reading the book i realised that the film is way off base from Stephen King’s book, and it’s no wonder that SK was so famously outspoken as to his dislike of the film. But there is a 1990’s television mini series that I’ve heard hits closer to the mark that I’ve yet to see. This is a review of Stephen King’s novel, NOT the film or the television mini series.Danny Torrance is a young boy with psychic abilities, when his recovering alcoholic father gets a job as the winter caretaker of the remote Overlook Hotel Danny and his mother go with him. Danny’s visions of horrible events that happened at the hotel in it’s past start as they are being shown around and he knows that the Overlook hotel is a bad place to be.As the winter snow comes in, cutting the family of from civilization, Danny’s father’s behaviour becomes more erratic and unpredictable and eventually dangerous for Danny and his mother.With ghosts, visions and psychological horror, the Shining by Stephen King is a VERY good horror story, I would say one of his best, right up there with the likes of Salems Lot which is another SK novel that i recommend if you enjoy horror.Stephen King has also written Doctor Sleep which is The Shining book two.I give The Shining 5 well deserved stars.


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