Ebook Info
- Published: 2016
- Number of pages: 292 pages
- Format: Epub
- File Size: 0.38 MB
- Authors: Gary J. Byrne
In this runaway #1 New York Times bestseller, former secret service officer Gary Byrne, who was posted directly outside President Clinton’s oval office, reveals what he observed of Hillary Clinton’s character and the culture inside the White House while protecting the First Family in CRISIS OF CHARACTER, the most anticipated book of the 2016 election.
User’s Reviews
Review “I read it cover to cover!”―Sean Hannity, Fox News Channel”The book is worth reading to better understand the ways people who possess great power but lack character can abuse good public servants. Mr. Byrne’s reporting on the flaws of the Federal Air Marshalls Service is also eye-opening – and scary.”―Fred J. Eckert, The Washington Times”Hillary Clinton has a ‘Jekyll and Hyde’ personality that left White House staffers scared stiff of her explosive – and even physical – outbursts, an ex-Secret Service officer claims in a scathing new tell-all.”―New York Post”Byrne reveals what he observed inside the White House while protecting the First Family in the 1990s.”―The Drudge Report”[Crisis of Character] validates the public’s growing distrust of Hillary’s character. It reminds us of the Clintons’ countless scandals and the deficits in their leadership. It is a message from someone who knew them personally, and it is a message we would do well to heed.”―Townhall.com”Gary Byrne says he saw the pieces! In a box! Byrne is a former Secret Service officer who has written a tell-all book, “Crisis of Character,” about the (horrible/embarrassing/appalling) things he purportedly witnessed during the Bill Clinton presidency.”―Gail Collins, the New York Times”Byrne’s What-the-Butler-Saw style account is particularly damning […] so much of his testimony rings true based on what the world knows about goings-on at the Clinton White House. It is little wonder the Clinton camp has not only denounced the book, but has even reportedly persuaded most of the big TV news networks to deny Byrne airtime. […] Byrne, now retired, counters that it is his ‘patriotic duty’ to ensure voters know the unvarnished truth about the Clintons.”―The Daily Mail”Former Secret Service officer Gary Byrne offers a ground-zero look at the Lewinsky scandal – and other Bill Clinton misadventures that should have been national scandals – in his new book Crisis of Character. […] As Bannon pointed out, the deterioration of Secret Service standards has arguably continued to the present day – one of two scandals presaged by the Nineties events recounted in Byrne’s book, with the other being Hillary Clinton’s email server. […] Even though top Clinton White House officials have confirmed Byrne was an honorable officer, the Clinton machine has been working to pressure television networks into ignoring the news and helping Hillary Clinton’s campaign by not reporting on the details contained within Byrne’s bombshell book.”―Breitbart.com –This text refers to the paperback edition.
Reviews from Amazon users, collected at the time the book is getting published on UniedVRG. It can be related to shiping or paper quality instead of the book content:
⭐ Even as I sit down to type these words I know I am wasting my time. The people who need to read this book will not read it, and even if they did, they would refuse to believe it. They are so blinded by their sycophantic adoration of Secretary Clinton that they cannot accept as real any fact which serves to contradict their assumption of her divinity. I do not understand this depth of willful ignorance. All my life I have been a truth seeker and a fact checker. I know exactly how screwed up my own internal landscape is, and I even know how it got that way. Therefore, when I form an opinion on the real world I force myself to go and seek alternatives, to verify every fact, and to always seek the greater context those facts live within. Context is everything.“Crisis of Character” by Gary J. Byrne is an exceptional book. It is one man’s version of reality and it never pretends to be anything else. The constant search of the writer is in his seeking to define the moral context of everything he experiences. He does not expect perfection. He does expect accountability.The “Introduction” opens with some background describing how and why he decided to write this book. In the first chapter he immediately jumps to a telling event that happened on a typical day of his tenure as a Secret Service Uniformed Division (SSUD) officer trusted with the last line of defense of the First Family and the White House itself. The chapter goes deeper into his background, chronicling how his father’s influence and his childhood travels formed his internalized value system. There are multiple anecdotes from his time as an enlisted member of the Air Force Security Police (AFSP). These stories are both personally revealing and very solid examples of the many diverse situations the AFSP finds itself in. This is a real-life account of one man’s service as an elite member of an elite fighting group.Chapter 3 begins the main portion of the book. This is the story of his career with the SSUD which opens with his powerful memories of beginning his career protecting President G. H. W. Bush and the Bush family during the tenure of our 41st President. Life under the Clintons begins in Chapter 5 and carries on for about the next third of the book. One of the most interesting aspects of this story for me was how hard he worked to protect both the reputation of the Clintons and the security of the White House. As the story unfolds it becomes clear that during this period of time his attitude was much different than it is now. Events surrounding Monica Lewinsky, the ill-fated relief mission to Somalia, and the dramatic shift in priorities between the Bush administration and the Clinton administration challenged his assumptions about American life, American politics, and the values he learned from his father. It was only after he grew trapped between his own internalized moral code, the requirements of his job, and the complete lack of a moral code displayed by the Clintons that he finally sought to be transferred out of the White House. A good man driven to despair by the morally bankrupt couple chosen to lead the free world.Chapter 14 begins his retelling of the fallout from the Ken Starr investigation into the activities of Bill and Hillary Clinton. This portion of the book struggles very hard to come to grips with how the Clintons managed to manipulate the media, the legal system, their inner cadre of loyalists, and the American people, into believing they were something other than criminals who failed in their responsibility to live up to the expectations of the American people. There is a great deal of information here about how the Clintons managed time and time again to avoid the consequences of their own corrupt and perverse behaviors. I found this portion of his story both genuinely heartbreaking and deeply infuriating. For the past three years my faith in our political process has been fighting to stay alive. Sadly, Gary Byrne’s retelling of the Clinton impeachment proceedings has destroyed any small spark of faith I had remaining in our system. Clearly we have become a failed state. All that is left is for the right crisis to push us into a brutal, bloody, implosive collapse.Chapter 16 begins the next phase in his life. Now he is working as an instructor, teaching advanced tactical training to federal agents from multiple law enforcement agencies as well as state and county agencies who contract with James J. Rowley Training Center (JJRTC). There are a couple of small anecdotes about his life as both an instructor and an in-rotation SSUD officer who still must from time to time serve protection details. Then 9/11 happens and his world turns upside down once again. As the SSUD is reorganized from top to bottom and political will surpasses policing as their core structure, he moves into the Federal Air Marshal Service (FAMS) hoping that here he will have the tools and opportunities to genuinely help people and make a real difference in the world. Unfortunately, just before he makes the jump, the FAMS also falls victim to post 9/11 reorganization and even here, politics surpasses mission as the core foundation for policy creation and implementation. Nonetheless, the greater salary and the occasional victory are enough to keep him going until he retires.The book closes with one last dire warning about the consequences of putting the Clintons back into the White House. His firsthand experience with the Clintons multiple and massive failures both within federal administrations and under Hillary Clinton’s service as Senator and Secretary of State have given Gary J. Byrne a unique and deeply moving perspective on how political power functions in the United States of America. Honestly, there is a great deal to be learned by reading, “Crisis of Character”. There are lessons here that are relevant to Hillary Clinton’s unsuitability for the role of President, and there are lessons here for each of us individually in understanding the consequences that result from making decisions based on pure emotion, on poor comprehension of the situation we find ourselves in, and on trusting others to do our thinking for us.A powerful book that needs to be read by everyone who supports Hillary Clinton, but won’t be, because none of them want to see beyond the false front she has convinced them is real. It’s not just that Hillary Clinton is a con artist and a criminal. The greater context of this book is the horrifying results that occur when we ourselves refuse to face the real world consequences of our own ignorance.
⭐ In the 80’s I was distracted by raising a family, making a living and just getting by. I didn’t understand or for that matter pay that much attention to the headlines and scandals involving the Clinton’s. I certainly wasn’t putting the pieces together. I fully believe that many politicians, especially those like the Clintons count on the fact that the people they are supposed to represent AND protect are not watching and not recognizing their corrupt pattern of behavior. For the common person, the “Washington” circus is so far removed from out daily reality that it just becomes incomprehensible noise.My gratitude to you for knitting together these fuzzy, seemingly unrelated recollections of mine into a timeline of events and patterned that I can clearly now see…because I lived through them.Your book has opened my eyes about the crystal clear importance of being aware of the issues of today and knowledgeable of what is going on in and around our country. We Americans can no longer trust our freedom and our financial well-being (or for that matter, survival) to those who supposedly swear to be our voice. Unfortunately we must remain skeptical and diligent of everything. We must become and remain aware.Because of your book, I know that I will now be watching and sorting through all the BS and noise and educating myself on the issues and behaviors of those who are supposedly working for the common good of all. I will take a stand because each day’s events, large or small are writing a history that I, my children, and grandchildren will have to overcome in the future. Without knowledge and understanding we can’t prepare, much less teach our loved ones to see past the noise. We simply cannot trust on our Government to do the right thing as long as there is potential for personal gain.My lesson here is not to be paranoid but to be informed. You have opened my eyes and I thank you.
⭐ When leadership has no character, people die, freedom suffers, and America declines. It’s all clearly stated in this well-written, factual book!
⭐ Great book. She really is a nasty person. They are both severely lacking in the morals, ethics, character and truth departments. Always interesting to get the perspective of a secret service agent. The Clintons were lucky to be surrounded by dedicated agents willing to give up their lives, despite the way they were treated and what they were subjected to covering up. Gary Byrne earned every penny this book brings him. Shame on the Clintons. They are a disgrace.
⭐ While it is true that the book covers his whole life, and the Clintons were just a small part of it, I found the entire book riveting. I couldn’t put it down and read it in a matter of days. I also disagree with the reviewers who said there was nothing new in it. I never would have imagined Hillary Clinton was as hateful as she was, and the things people on her detail had to do to deal with her temper — I felt sorry for them, and knowing that they are still following her and always will, I will always feel sorry for the people working beneath her.This book is a worthwhile read. If you want a Clinton scoop from cover to cover, you’ll be disappointed, but if you are open to read a man’s fascinating life-story, you will enjoy it. I agree with another reviewer who said the low ratings were people who want to vote for Clinton. Honestly, I don’t think either candidate we have to choose from has the right temperament for the Presidency, but we got stuck with the choice that we got.In terms of the book itself, it was well done, a riveting page-turner throughout his entire life story. It is worth what it cost to read it.
⭐ It is important to know, before reading this review, that I am not a Clinton fan. I also have about three + decades of experience as a municipal cop. That said, this book was fodder. It was full of experiences that the author only heard about and did not experience. Not much was first hand – and that was because he was not around the Clintons…it seems that he was only in the area with occasional interactions with them. His stories were the stories that he heard in the “locker room” or when hanging around agents. Gossip and short on fact. Written like a self important high school student that kept a diary. My copy of this book is for sale…
⭐ Having read, curated and purviewed many books regarding the 2016 Presidential Election on both candidates, this book is revealing but not written in a formal manner. It is an easy read full of military jargon which is the author’s most comfortable vernacular but to the rest of us informed readers, more of the language of a squalid tabloid rag. If one has been alive in the 1990s, the Clinton sex scandals should not be that surprisingly. What is revealing however is the character of Hillary Rodham Clinton in the book. She is what one would describe America’s equivalent of Chairman Mao Tse Tung’s wife, Jiang Qing. There are extraordinary parallels between these two women. The obvious being the spouse of politically powerful men had increased their neuroses and paranoia. Their cold and distant characters underlie a calculating personality to grab political power whenever possible. HRC was within grasp of controlling the White House last November; Jiang Qing was in a similar position immediately after Mao’s death in 1976. Bear in mind that both had the support of a compliant mass media at that time.Thankfully, Jiang Qing’s Gang of Four coterie was arrested promptly by the Chinese Communist Party’s stalwarts. A belligerent blunt billionaire stopped HRC’s path to victory. Indeed, we see history repeats itself. Just as China had purged itself of the shackles of Maoist terrors, perhaps America would not see a Clinton comeback to the White House ever again.
⭐ Amazing book and insight on a family that clearly has huge egos, disdain for the working class, no morality what so ever, and a expectation to be treated like ruling class and not the average American citizens. This is all way before the terrible lies Hillary has spewed as senator, candidate, and secretary of state. If you want to read a fascinating recall of what a fly on the wall would have seen in the White house and you like to know all the corrupt, underhanded, habitual, and craziness of the Clintons during this time his book is a must buy. One of my new favorite books.
⭐ A good effort by an author whose profession is not writing, although the co-author probably is a writer. It could have used a little better editing due to some misspelled words and repetition (too many references to his wife being pregnant with their first child.) However, the content was certainly timely and important.Now to te meat of the book. Hillary is such a despicable person that the agents actually considered it punishment to be assigned to her personal protection detail. The relationship between her and Bill is more one of business partners as opposed to a married couple. There is no degree of corruption that they will not stoop to in order to get what they want. They had little regard for the people who protected them.. One example was when Bill would come from the living quarters dressed for jogging without ever having told his protection detail he was going to jog, forcing them to scramble to change from suits into something they could run in. They were two faced when they would shout and cuss at the agents, then when some outsider happened by, they’d introduce the agent as their favorite officer that they couldn’t do without. Everything at the White House was treated as if they and their staff owned it, not acknowledging that many pieces of furniture or art had historical significance. Their juvenile aides behaved like the Animal House fraternity, placing gay pride stickers on the antique furniture and virtually destroying carpets. Things settled down a little bit when Leon Panetta arrived as chief of staff and he set forth a basic code of conduct for the staff. Too bad he couldn’t do the same for Bill and Hillary.The second area where this book is very scary is with regard to the corruption that appeared to also be undermining the mission of the Secret Service. This is not the first book I’ve read that indicates the level of incompetence at best and corruption at worst that is prevalent within the Secret Service organization. Too many people promoted to management positions who never served in the field as an special agent or as an officer of the uniformed division. Orders were issued that put the agents in peril as well as the President himself.It is frightening to think that Hillary might have been elected. We certainly dodged the proverbial bullet keeping that scandal prone, vulgar, narcissist, corrupt woman out of the White House for a second effort to destroy the nation.
⭐ Byrne appropriately entitles the book “crisis of character.” The definition of “character” is “Noun: The particular combination of things about a person or place, esp. things you cannot see, that make that person or place different from others; the aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of some person or thing; moral or ethical quality; qualities of honesty, courage, or the like; integrity; reputation.”As such, his book is intended to describe patterns of behavior that characterize Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton, and it’s not pretty. Byrne observed firsthand almost everything he describes; very little is based on what others told him they witnessed and when the information came from someone else, he clearly states it as such.I realize that some readers probably bought this book because they thought it would have all sorts of new “dirt” on the Clintons, particularly Hillary. Byrne indicates there is plenty of dirt that has already been identified through the years and he explains the portions that he personally heard and saw. This perspective makes for an interesting read, particularly as it pertains to Hillary’s temperament and treatment of people in private settings versus her public face.But it’s also Byrne’s personal story about the pressures and challenges he underwent throughout his entire experience, including some background information as to how he became part of the secret service, his training, relationships with colleagues, and the expectations/requirements of the service. This lends credibility to his statements because we get to know him and his values as a person, and his own journey. We also find out he had to protect the president and, as a member of the secret service uniformed division, he was pressured to keep anything he saw quiet, and yet he was also pressured to testify and tell the whole truth regarding Bill Clinton. I never realized how much of a challenge it was for the investigation team to gain information when everyone they interviewed had to be so tight lipped.However, Byrne definitely includes behaviors he witnessed that illustrate elements of Hillary’s character, what he considers a pattern of questionable morality, ethics and integrity. The timing of this book is deliberate because Byrne is sincerely concerned about the possibility of having Hillary Clinton in the White House. He doesn’t hide his criticism and uses some harsh tones in his language – the reader will know exactly where he’s coming from. He wants readers to have an opportunity to make an informed vote in November.It was also important that Byrne contrasts the characters of Bill and Hillary with another president and first lady to provide important perspective. And by providing some description of his own background and experiences, some of which have nothing to do with the Clintons, he illustrates the moral and ethical values patterned in his own character and demonstrated in a long successful career.
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Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses His Firsthand Experience with Hillary, Bill, and How They Operate 2016 Epub Free Download
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