Xavier Cold (Hard Knocks Book Two) (Hard Knocks Book Series 2) by Michelle A. Valentine (Epub)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2016
  • Number of pages: 259 pages
  • Format: Epub
  • File Size: 0.31 MB
  • Authors: Michelle A. Valentine


The conclusion to the New York Times bestselling romance that began in Phenomenal X, about one woman’s pulse-pounding relationship with a notorious bad-boy wrestler.

“What’ll it be, Anna Cortez? Are you in, or are you out?”

One momentary loss of control has now ruined everything Xavier Cold had going for himself. With his world unraveling fast, he’s willing to do anything to save not only his job but his relationship with the only woman he’s ever loved.

Anna Cortez, still reeling from shock, tries desperately to save the man that’s consumed her heart, body and soul. She’ll have to dig deep and find courage she never knew she possessed to help Xavier fight demons from his past—a past that’s even more haunted than she ever imagined.

Phenomenal X (Hard Knocks Book One)
Xavier Cold (Hard Knocks Book Two)

What People are Saying:

“Xavier Cold is back and HOTTER than ever. Sexy and action-packed, Michelle Valentine is on top of her game with this one!!!” — Rebecca Yarros, author of Full Measures

“Anna and Xavier are back and Michelle did not disappoint. My excitement for this book is crazy lol.” — Mary Ward, Goodreads Review

“OMG OMG OMG OMFG…. if I could give this 5 million stars I would.. this book was beyond amazing.. I totally didn’t think I could Love X more then I did in book 1 but Oh WOW…”–Gail, Goodreads Review

“This is the conclusion to Phenomanal X….you HAVE to read that book before Xavier Cold. This book was amazing, PHENOMANAL, exciting, heart breaking and will have you on the edge of your seat at times.”– Jeanine Levy, Goodreads Review

User’s Reviews


Reviews from Amazon users, collected at the time the book is getting published on UniedVRG. It can be related to shiping or paper quality instead of the book content:

⭐ Similar to my review of Phenomenal X, I liked it. I didn’t love it, but I liked it, maybe even a lot. I just have a hard time taking the wrestling WWE type profession (and whole world) seriously. But, these are still good characters who, in a different setting, might have worked even better for me. Make him an MMA fighter, tweak a few of the secondary characters, and boom. It would work a little better for me. For me. I really like Xavier and Anna and they really do have great chemistry together. That alone is what makes this book good. Anna really doesn’t come from THAT difficult of a background. She seems kind of privileged even. Xavier is a tortured soul and Anna is his light in the darkness. There is romance and great sex scenes. Part of the story seemed a little forced. I would have left out the whole ‘give me money to run my club so I can keep being a drug dealer or I’ll hurt your girlfriend’ scenario and used the those antagonist characters in a different way, if it was necessary at all. I loved the angle of Cole’s gym and what was happening there. I digress. This was a good read, and the romance between X and Anna was very intense. X was just a much more sympathetic character than Anna and some of the wrestling business story line I think could have had more ‘meat’ to it. After reading review of some of Michelle Valentines other books, I plan to read more of her. I don’t think this will be her best, but it was good.

⭐ In book 2 of the Hard Knocks duet, we catch-up with Anna and Xavier right where we left off in book 1. In one moment of lost control, Xavier may have lost everything he values most. And now Xavier finds himself in a situation he never imagined he would be in, but Anna is worth it all. So against his better judgement, he needs to do as directed. But the doubts are still there, is she too good for him? Deep down he does not feel a man like him deserves an angel like her.Anna knows she loves Xavier deeply and that he is her future. Even when it seems everything and everyone is conspiring against them.Anna and Xavier now find themselves at odds as she wants to understand Xavier and really get to know the man he is and what happened to him in the past. Xavier finds himself pushing her away, because he does not want to taint his angel. Instead of letting her in, his rage begins to overtake his feelings.“Figure out how to control all the rae inside you before it destroys us both.”During all this chaos, Anna has to move forward without Xavier to ensure they can have the future they want together. Anna finds that love may not be enough after all. Once a new development she was not expected is put in front of her, she had to decide if Xavier is worth risking it all.In the meantime, Xavier finds himself confronting all the ghost from his past and this strong, alpha male may not be able to survive. Will he realize how much he truly loves and deserves Anna in time? Can he share his horrible past with her and not lose her?What I liked about this story was how the hero got this second chance and the heroine grew to a strong woman who fought for what she wanted. We got to see Xavier fight his demons and come to realize he deserved to be happy. It was a long battle and mostly with himself, but we he finally allowed himself, he went after what he wanted and never let go. On the other hand, we saw Anna go from being afraid to live her life as she chose to standing up for herself and what she wanted. This was a couple you could not help but root for.This is a great conclusion that takes us on a wild ride. You do not need to be a wrestling fan to enjoy Michelle Valentine’s Hard Knocks Duet! This is the second book I have read from Michelle Valentine and so far, I love how she brings her characters to life! Her writing style flows well and before you know it, you are swept up by her story!Xavier Cold was a 4 star read for me!

⭐ This book was the perfect conclusion to Anna and X’s story!After the crazy cliff-hanger that we had in Phenomenal X, I have been waiting on pins and needles for this book, and it did NOT disappoint! Xavier Cold picks up right where Phenomenal X ended, and we are thrown for so many twists and turns in this book, that I wasn’t sure at times if Anna and X could ever be together without problems.I really enjoyed how we got to see more of the struggle of X trying to figure out how to tell Anna about his past, and everything he had gone through. My heart broke for him and everything he experienced as a child, and even though I understand that he wanted to keep Anna away from that darkness, it ended up hurting him more because he wouldn’t open up. I was so happy to see that after a lot of things he finally opened up, and it seemed to help him move forward with his life.Anna is a strong and amazing character. She refused to be in a relationship where there was no trust, and no openness between them. She stood her ground and I loved her for that. No matter how much she loved X, he needed to show her that he was willing to work for their relationship just as hard as she was.X and Anna have major chemistry, but it’s the way they feel about each other and how protective they are of one another that really makes this story stick with you. They have a lot of things to work through in this book, and at times I wasn’t sure they would make it. Both of them are stubborn, and don’t want to hurt the other one, but what they went through made their relationship stronger in my opinion.Watching their story play out in this book was amazing, and I felt as if I was right there with them. I only wish we would have gotten a little bit more at the ending, I felt as if the book ended a bit too quickly for me, but over all this is a fantastic conclusion to Anna and X’s story, and one that definitely needs to be read!

⭐ You want to talk about about Xavier Cold, let’s see, he’s even more panty melting in this book. When I read Phenomenal X, I immediately fell in love with this couple and the story that went with it. It’s very emotional in many ways – it pulls at your heartstrings to see this big, tough, bad boy hide his heart behind bulletproof walls. To see how the story plays out in book one was captivating and this book was absolutely no different, if not better because of its closure.Xavier Cold leaves no corners unturned.Those bulletproof walls crashed and we see the real Xavier Cold and not just “Phenomenal X” and this story was finished to perfection. It was beyond my expectations when I read this and finally got to “The End” – Outstanding Job Michelle Valentine!Michelle kept all the elements of the first books that captured your heart in the first place and intensified it and wrapped it up to satisfy and meet all your hopes for an ending to this intense story. The angst, the sizzle, and I’ll never forget the “OMG” moment! That alone is worth the read! My eyes bulged out of my head and my jaw was on the ground!”My stomach flutters as that dirty-talking mouth of his comes at me in full force, telling me exactly what he wants to do with me.”This is definitely a “Must Read” by all means. Michelle Valentine in not a New York Times Best Selling author for no reason. This author has a gift to write with ease and creativity. She will capture you from the moment you open to page one!

⭐ I was given a arc in exchange for my honest review.Xavier Cold did not disappoint and neither did Michelle.Xavier Cold was brilliant and phenomenal. There was many unexpected surprises that made the book even more enjoyable. It was an amazing ending and I enjoyed every single minute and fell even more in love with Xavier and Anna. And I know everyone else will enjoy it as much as I did.I cannot give anything away. You will have to wait and see for yourself what awaits Xavier and Anna in the final installment of their story :-)”That’s good to hear. I would hate to be forced to figure out a way to kick the big guy’s a**,” ( LOL comical until the end 🙂 )”Ever been f***** by a champion? “”No… but I have a feeling that I’m about to be. 🙂 EEE love it 🙂 )”Thank you for being my angel in the dark.””I love you, beautiful. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me- my angel- my everything-, and I’ll never let you go again.”

⭐ Wellllllllll hello Mr. Sexy. I mean sheesh. I thought the first book was good. The second was even more intense. In-Freaking-sane! I loved it hardcore. Might make me hunt out more books by this author. Since she is new to me and all.So, Xavier Cole picks up (literally) where Phenomenal X stops. He is rescued (aka Bailed out) of jail and things go from “Okay, we can fix this” to “Have you lost your ever loving effing mind” in about 3.5 seconds. But, X made this bed he literally has to lay in it now. He’s suspended from Wrestling for 3 months, Anna is contractually bound to be at the shows and be a part of them. If either of them disagree.. their careers are over. The only thing left to do now? Go back to Detroit… and for X he has to go back to where his life started to go down hill. Where it all changed for him.Demons attack in more than one way. X has to fight his memories, his past and fight to keep Anna safe and out of the hands of the people wanting to hurt her. Sad fact is, that include people he can’t be around now so she has to go off to the shows alone. That’s when things start to change. They go from gum on the bottom of your shoe to falling face first in the mud. X tries to “save” Anna and let her free only to be brought face to face with a hard reality. One he can no longer fight. He loves her too much to let her go. Its a fight, an uphill battle to get his girl back. But as soon as that happens, she is yanked from him… this time it might be the end of everything his life was just starting to wrap around.

⭐ I received this book as an ARC for an honest review. This is not a stand alone it is the conclusion to the story started in Phenomenal X.In this book it starts out right where Phenomenal X ended. After Xavier was arrested Anna immediately gets into action to bail him out but by the time she makes it to the jail his bail has already been paid. Xavier and Anna learn who paid it as soon as they leave the jail house. It was none other than Mr. Silverman the owner of Tension. Paying to get Xavier out of jail isn’t done out of the goodness of his heart. He has a plan and it involves a 3 month suspension for X where he can’t be around any of the fight locations during this time and Anna now works for Tension and has to play a part that involves a triangle with Xavier and Rex. If this isn’t enough old demons are back and this time Xavier isn’t sure he is ready to handle them.Anna promises to always be by Xavier’s side and to be with him forever, but what if she isn’t the one to walk away. Anna knows things will be tough with Xavier but the little information he gives her about his past still puts a wall between them that Ann isn’t sure what to do about it. The more secrets he keeps the more Anna wonders if Xavier is trying to find a way to finally push her away.This book has many twists and turns in it. You will find out more about Xavier and why he feels like he isn’t good enough for Anna. We also find out if after Anna learns about Xavier’s past will they really have a future together? In this book we also find out where Anna and her parents stand. This is a book that will have on you on the edge of your seat from the first word to the very end. I would highly recommend it to anyone and everyone. It should be on everyone’s must read list.

⭐ Phenomenal X is the stage name of professional wrestler, Xavier Cold. Anna Cortez has stolen his heart, and they’re making their way through life. A bad decision puts Xavier and Anna back in Detroit, and Xavier is forced to face a past he thought he left behind.We learn more about Xavier’s younger life, and it’s heartbreaking. The fact that he survived his childhood and made something of himself should make him happy, but Xavier still hears those voices of his past, and thinks maybe he doesn’t deserve any of the happiness he’s found both professionally and personally.But Anna isn’t letting him fall into despair. She’s determined to show him what a beautiful man he is, and how lucky she is to have him. All the while trying to reconcile the fact that she may never see her family again because of her father’s twisted sense of right and wrong, and her determination to forge her own path, and make her own decisions about her happiness.Xavier Cold is the second book in the Hard Knocks series. It’s the long-awaited conclusion of this troubled man with a big heart. You get to see everyone from the first book, and meet some new folks—some good, some not so good. Michelle has told a very heartbreaking, and at the same time beautiful story of how a little boy, angry at the world, survives life on the streets of Detroit, and dreams of being the world wrestling champion. My emotions were all over the place with this story.I received this ARC for an honest review, and I give it 5 stars.

⭐ Xavier Cold (Hard Knocks, #2) by Michelle Valentine is the follow up to Phenomenal X. I have been waiting on this book for a long time and was truly excited when a release date had finally been set. I of course had this book on preorder and was waiting for it to hit my kindle. The day it hit my kindle I started this book and finished the book the same day. The book starts where the first book left off. Xavier is in jail for attacking Rex and he is concerned he has messed things up with Anna for good. Once released from Jail Xavier is given a set of conditions he needs to follow in order to continue to do what he loves and that is wrestling. At the same time Anna has to do things that she doesn’t want to do but has to do so her and X can be together. When he has to go to a place he vowed he would never return to it takes everything he has to overcome his fear and find the happiness he has never had or felt he deserved. This story was well worth waiting for and I was pleasantly pleased. I have to say that the ending was more than I could have ever wished for and could not have seen it coming. I do hope that there is another book to this story. Michelle did not disappoint. This story was all that and a bag of chips. I have to give it 5 stars.

⭐ This is the conclusion to Phenomanal X….you HAVE to read that book before Xavier Cold. This book was amazing, PHENOMANAL, exciting, heart breaking and will have you on the edge of your seat at times. In this book we see Xavier and Anna dealing with different things in their relationship that they have not experienced yet. They know they love each other but the things that are being thrown at them to deal with is definitely trying their relationship. Xavier has a huge generous heart underneath all the darkness that most see on the outside. Anna is the light to his darkness, the calm to his storm. They have some pretty serious things thrown at them and learn that they need to fight for what they love and what they want. I was on the edge of my seat in some parts, crying in others. Michelle A Valentine did such an amazing job on how she finished up Anna and Xavier’s story. I love how we get more insight into Xavier, lose ends get tied up for both Anna and Xavier’s pasts. Grab both of these books if you have not read either one. If you have read the first…grab this one now and go hide away from the world to read this.


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