Ebook Info
- Published: 2016
- Number of pages: 354 pages
- Format: Epub
- File Size: 0.37 MB
- Authors: Chelle Bliss
Beautiful. Poignant.” —Rachel Van Dyken, #1 NYT bestselling author
Everyone knew Bruno.
Devilishly handsome.
Ruthless criminal.
Cut-throat businessman.
When a phone call changed my life, I refused to let anyone in.
Helpless, my best friends went to the only man in town she knew would help.
…Bruno, the notorious mobster who’s feared by everyone, including me.
And he had no problem breaking down my door.
Scooping me into his strong, capable arms.
Whispering soothing words in my ear.
Chasing away the fear threatened to swallow me.
But then he did the one thing I never expected him to do…he stayed.
Can the man who’s only spoken about in whispers become my greatest savior and my deepest love?
Enshrine is a USA Today bestselling steamy, inspirational standalone romance by Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author Chelle Bliss. This is a story about survival, hope, and most of all…love.
User’s Reviews
Review “Enshrine is a story of hope, love, and embracing life’s unexpected challenges. These characters will tug hard at your heartstrings and take you on an emotional journey you won’t soon forget.” ~ Meredith Wild, #1 NYT Bestselling Author of the Hacker Series”I went in blind and came out with tears streaming down my cheeks. Beautiful. Poignant. This book will stay with you long after you’ve finished.” ~ Rachel Van Dyken, #1 NYT Bestselling Author”Enshrine is such a gorgeous, breathtaking story that will have you screaming and crying, while clutching your kindle; and then when it’s all done, you’ll be begging for more.” ~ Toni Aleo, NYT Bestselling Author”Enshrine rocked me with emotion like only a Chelle Bliss book can.” ~ Terri Marie, NYT Bestselling Author of the Montclair Brothers series”Bliss has outdone herself with this one, perhaps my new favorite! The writing is so poignant, you truly feel every emotion and ache of the characters… And get the love story only Chelle Bliss can give at the same time! This book had me hooked from the first page!” ~ SE Hall, USA Today and NYT Bestselling Author”Enshrine is the kind of book that captures you so completely you find yourself not really able to take a full breath until the very last page.” ~ River Savage, USA Today Bestselling Author of the Knights Rebel MC Series”An alpha male with a heart of gold. Bliss takes you through an array of emotions. Secrets, anger, pain, fear and love. Enshrine is a must read.” ~ Kaylee Ryan, USA Today Bestselling Author”Enshrine is a story like no other. An emotional rollercoaster that will take you down to your very foundations before building you back up in a way that will leave you breathless. Get ready to feel every page and fall in love with the unexpected.” ~ Cat Mason, author of the Shaft on Tour series”Just the read you need…a sexy, palpable, real life romance between real people facing obstacles. The Butcher will steal your heart while he chases down Callie’s love.” ~ Rachel Blaufeld, author of the Love at Center Court Series”This story had my heart aching for Callie’s plight, smiling at Bruno’s resolve, and sighing with longing at their love. Enshrine is unlike any other I’ve ever read and has found a special place in my heart.” ~ Anne Mercier, author of the Rockstar Series”Chelle takes a difficult topic and gives it a very real experience, connecting us to the characters, and making it impossible not to feel emotionally invested.” ~ Max Henry, Author of the Butcher Boys Series
Reviews from Amazon users, collected at the time the book is getting published on UniedVRG. It can be related to shiping or paper quality instead of the book content:
⭐ ENSHRINE is a stand-alone story not connect to any other in the long list of stories from Chelle Bliss.It took me a long time to write this review… because I was reading this while my sister was in the hospital with cancer. (Suzanne Marie Hoffman, 1965 – 2016) I was her Bruno – minus the sexy – LOL. We would go to her appointments, and then we would go swimming or to lunch or just hang out. I miss her…. but you, dear follower, are here about the book…I loved Bruno as much as I Callie. He was interested before. He cared when he knew. He kept on caring, and loving, and he didn’t give up. That’s what real love is. What a sweet breath of fresh air.This story, obviously, was very personal to me and it gutted me. It still does, but I wouldn’t wish it away. If I hadn’t already read it, I would want to read it. If you haven’t read it, I recommend that you do. I just recommend that you have popcorn for the giggly parts and tissues for the rest.Note: while I was given this book as a gifted ARC, my opinions are my own and are given freely.Title: ENSHRINESeries: N/ACategory /Genre: Contemporary RomanceRecommended for: 18+ due to sexual contentReceived from: Chelle Bliss (in exchange for an honest review)Grammar/editing: A – near perfect
⭐ Let me start by saying I was not expecting the story I read based on the synopsis. I applaud the genius in the author’s decision not to mention the biggest issue in the synopsis. Not being a huge fan of darker novels, I would not have knowingly picked a novel with such a heavy issue. Despite that, I really liked Callie and Bruno’s journey together. I chose to do a dual e-book and audiobook read in order to bump it up on my reading schedule. I can sum up Enshrine in 3 words: surprising, serious, humorous.☆Writing style: Dual POV but mostly Callie’s 1st person POV. I really liked the author’s choice to have Bruno’s POV bookend Callie’s story and their subsequent love story. It mirrors how he supported her throughout Enshrine, and Lance nailed Bruno’s personality to me.☆Cover and chapter design: I love the cover! The cover models have a very striking pose. And even better, the physical paperback has a matte finish that I love to pet. I like the bold, large and foreshadowing chapter titles. I also really like the long line chapter break design because of its simplicity.☆Lead Characters:Callie Gentille, a 32-year old molecular biology research scientistRocco Bruno (aka Bruno the Butcher), profession (view spoiler)☆Supporting characters:Rebecca – Callie’s best friend. I would have probably been like Rebecca in the same situation, so I related to her quite a bit.Lee Bruno – Bruno’s very knowledgeable and supportive sister; store proprietorBruno clan – his mom, dad and the two younger siblings Lucca and Gabby were so inviting at Christmas time that I wanted to be adopted by them.☆A ♥Favorite♥ Quote by Callie: ‘Bruno is more than my boyfriend. He is the light that brought me back from the darkness. He chased away my fears and gave me the strength to fight. With his help, I have the most important thing in the world–time.’★¸¸.•*¨*•★♥♥♥♥★¸¸.•*¨*•★WARNING: A ★SPOILERY★ Favorite Quote by Bruno:‘I was given the right to pick his middle name. I couldn’t give him mine, and no, I’m not telling you what it is either. I chose Ray. Because as much as Callie says I’m her light, she’s mine. Our baby is the thing that binds us together for eternity.’
⭐ A Must Read!!! Chelle knocked this one out of the park.This book is packed full of emotions make sure to have a tissue box with you. I had a few crying sessions in this book. This book is a roller coaster of emotions in a good way. Chelle knows how to pull you into her books and get wrapped into it. This is a beautiful story and shows how world collide when the unthinkable happens to you. You find strength and guidance in the unknown when the dark shows in the story of Callie and Bruno. These two f hope if you learn to trust in each other. I absolutely love Bruno and Cal’s story. It goes to show you the true meaning of love and shows us how we sometimes take for granted of the true things that matter in life and what are the material things are in life. “Things are just that—things. They don’t make us who we are. They make us look better on the outside, even when we’re hollow on the inside. They’re an illusion—the shiny objects that distract us from the really important things.”This book shows you that people are placed in our lives at the time we need them the most. When the describe Bruno you get this image of him as being a bad A** that removes everything in his way. You want to be like Becca Cal’s BFF and tell her to steer clear of him. This changes as you see when he place himself into her life and making it where she can not remove him from it. They are each others saviors in this emotional book. “darkness makes the light more profound, and the words ring true.”Absolutely love Chelle Bliss!!!
⭐ I really liked this book about Callie and Bruno. Although it touched on a very serious topic of cancer, it was very well written. I felt tears come to my eyes as Callie went through not only hearing the news that she has cancer but also the treatments and her interactions with Bruno. The characters were very well written. Callie goes from a materialistic person to realizing that time and quality of life are more important than anything as well as going from a self-reliant person to learning how to lean on others for help. Bruno’s character was a sweet guy which differs from the rumored persona going around. He has experience in dealing with cancer because of his sister and knows the tragedy of losing a loved one. Between the two of them, their relationship endures a lot of emotional stress. I figured out Bruno’s true profession during the story but was really glad with the twist provided by this author. I truly enjoyed this book and look forward to reading more of this author’s books.
⭐ First I’d like to say I read a few reviews and one person gave a 2 star review……. wtf is up with that……… and you explanation makes no sense at all. Yes he was he was with her 4 years before but she didn’t remember it was him because they were drunk.That said. An amazing story about a young woman’s journey and fight for her life. And Bruno who swoops in and drags her sometimes kicking and screaming back into the light and the fight. I love this author have all her books. This is different then her others but you can still hear her style of writing.This is defiantly an inspiring story. A little fast……yes, especially the ending. Yes. Would i have liked to have heard more from becca her bff especially at the end. Yes…. but it does not take away from the message of everyone no matter who you are or who you think you are… everyone needs somebody or many somebody’s in this case, when you are in the fight of and for your life. Oh lee Bruno sister you go girl. Who had similar fight….You really must read this awesome awesome awesome.. thank you chelle for introducing me them.
⭐ This story is so well written. Every word has meaning, no frivolous verbiage. We are the fly-on-the-wall watching the enormous struggle that Callie is going through. CANCER- The evilest word a human can speak. This young lady is vibrant, beautiful, smart, and shoe-loving but her whole world is about to change and she doesn’t take that change well. BUT… Callie has friends who love her and now she also has a dreamboat guy to champion for her in Bruno, the hot bad boy she’s been lusting for. Bruno is there 100 percent during all the agony and loss and fears Callie is going through. He has lusted after Callie for years and he won’t let her suffer alone. Their evolving relationship is wonderful and we learn that Bruno is so much more. Be sad for and Cry for Callie but the last 1/3 of the story is so heartwarming. GREAT characters, Great story. I LOVED this book. Linda
⭐ Wow this was a totally different Chelle Bliss read. I got hooked with the Men of Inked and am working my way through all of her books. This one is a totally different style for her. Callie has gotten news that will change her life forever. Bruno steps in to help, despite her protests. Loved the mystery surrounding Bruno and was completely in love with him from the beginning. Callie was all over the place emotionally but I felt that was probably pretty accurate to her situation.Chelle knows how to write a steamy book no doubt, but Enshrine really was more of an emotional, slow build kind of love story. Loved that despite his bad boy image Bruno was such a deeply caring man. Really enjoyed seeing Chelle write out of her box with Enshrine. Grab this one if you want to laugh, cry and have your heart broken then pieced back together one page at a time.
⭐ This!! There are books that have made me an emotional wreck, but oh my how this book had me going every which way.This is a fantastic book through and through.Bruno and Callie are ment to be. I mean fated in the stars made just for each other ment to be.What seems like a casual observer or lust from afar turns into a fated lobe.Bruno the scary brooding man that all the women lust after and all the men fear. Turns out to be more that what he seems.Callie is a hard working, independent, strong woman who has a long road a head of her when she gets some news no one wants to hear.This is a story that will have you crying, laughing and fanning yourself off.It brings you HOPE and grips you from the start.Beautifully written and so inspiring I urge everyone to read it. I’d give it a 10 star if I could…
⭐ Strength, determination, and about how one persons love can strengthen another.Bruno intrigued me from the very beginning as there was a mystery around who he was and what he did for a living. When his true identity was revealed the pieces fell into place and it all made scene. My heart broke for him as he talked about his wife and unborn child.Callie beginning in the healthcare field heard the word cancer and her hole world fell apart. I know all to well what the c word can do to a person and my heart broke for her. Watching her cope and go through the stages from dread, to acceptance, ready to fight was an emotional ride and I feared that if it was for Bruno she never would have made it.I loved seeing Bruno and Callie progress in their relationship throughout this book and I’m so happy they got their happily ever after and Callie got the family she never had.
⭐ Callie had her life in order, everything was perfect, she had all the material things she wanted, then she realised she didn’t need them.Callie wanted to be left alone, but her friend was worried and brings Bruno to help get in her apartment,they all know who he is, what they call him, her friend said he’s the only one she knew that could break into her home and not be worried.The confusing thing is that Bruno doesn’t leave, he’s constantly there giving her support, getting her friend to give her space, he knows what she needs and when she needs it, except from him.Bruno will do anything to pull Callie out of the dark and fight, even if it means with him. He knows what Callie thinks of him, the rumours about him that people believe, but he can’t tell her the truth yet.Bruno knows he has to give Callie answers why he’s helping her, but he wants her to fight first and be strong, because when she finds out she may push him away for good.
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