The Baller: A Down and Dirty Football Novel by Vi Keeland (Epub)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2016
  • Number of pages: 285 pages
  • Format: Epub
  • File Size: 1.92 MB
  • Authors: Vi Keeland


Three consecutive weeks on the New York Times Bestseller list and #1 on Amazon.

From New York Times & USA Today Bestseller, Vi Keeland, comes a sexy new standalone novel.

The first time I met Brody Easton was in the men’s locker room.
It was my first interview as a professional sportscaster.
The famed quarterback decided to bare all.
And by all, I don’t mean he told me any of his secrets.
No. The arrogant ass decided to drop his towel, just as I asked the first question. On camera.
The Super Bowl MVP quickly adopted a new hobby–screwing with me.
When I pushed back, he shifted from wanting to screw with me, to wanting to screw me.
But I don’t date players.
And it’s not because I’m one of the few women working in the world of professional football.
I’d date an athlete.
It’s the other kind of player I don’t date.
You know the type. Good looking, strong, cocky, always looking to get laid.

Brody Easton was the ultimate player.
Every woman wanted to be the one to change him.
But the truth was, all he needed was a girl worth changing for.
Turned out, I was that girl.
Simple right?
Let’s face it. It never is.
There’s a story between once upon a time and happily ever after…
And this one is ours.

Author’s note – The Baller is a full-length standalone novel. Due to strong language and sexual content, this book is not intended for readers under the age of 18.

User’s Reviews

Review “Brody Easton is one heart-melting, panty-dropping, drool-inducing, swoon-worthy, devilishly delicious bad boy with an ooey gooey center.” -Michelle, Nose Stuck in a Book “Brody Easton is pure, unadulterated book boyfriend perfection! Sexy & smart banter and a brilliant twist that nearly broke our hearts! Confidently a TRSoR Top Read of 2016!” #TeamSubway -The Rock Stars of Romance “I know it’s early in 2016, but I can already tell that The Baller is going to be one of my favorite books of the year. This super sexy, heart-warming sports romance was unputdownable. That cover melted my Kindle screen and Brody Easton melted my heart.” -Cheri, Kindle Crack Book Reviews “Brody and Delilah’s story took us on one very tear inducing journey! Yes, the story was full to the absolute brim of some of the funniest one liners we have ever had the pleasure of reading, but there was also a very emotional side to it.” -Rachel and Sharon, Kindle Friends Forever “5 funny as hell, hot and sexy, and just pure awesomeness stars!” -Loyda, Crazies R Us Book Blog “The Baller will have you giggling, your heart melting, and your fingers racing to tap those pages, as soon as you start reading this you’re hooked…Brody *Sighs*” -Kitty Kats CrazyAbout Books “This is by far Vi’s best work, and I’ve loved everything I’ve read that she has written. The Baller has everything I look for in a book. It’s flirty, funny, sexy and has characters who I easily connected with. I knew 10% in that I would love Brody Easton.” -Reanell, Book Babes Unite “The Baller is funny, fresh and flirty and highly addictive. I have been on a crazy feels roller coaster with this book.” -Sophie, Bookalicious Babes Blog “The banter, the chemistry, the hot as hell scenes all made for an amazing read with way more than 5 stars.”-Tanya, Sugar Shack Book Blog “I was addicted to this book from the very first page. There’s just something about this author’s writing style that draws you in every single time and doesn’t let go.” -Booklover4lifeblog “This was funny, hot, heart wrenching and heart warming all at the same time. I just could not put this book down. I was so intrigued from the beginning, and I loved the whole time I was reading.” -Cat,Cat’s Guilty

Reviews from Amazon users, collected at the time the book is getting published on UniedVRG. It can be related to shiping or paper quality instead of the book content:

⭐ Brody Easton is an MVP football quarterback, and he’s an arrogant, insufferable ass. Delilah Maddox is a sportscaster, assigned to interview the football team in the locker room. In her first interview as a professional sportscaster, Delilah interviews Brody, and he drops his towel on purpose, just to fluster her. From that point forward, he decides to mess with her, and then he decides he wants to be with her. Delilah isn’t interested in having a fling with an athlete.The story moved along fairly quickly, and I enjoyed the snarking back and forth between the two leads. However, there were too many ghosts from the past in this book. I was glad they found love again with each other; it just took them a while to get to that point.The other woman angle is what spoiled this one for me. I hated the handful of chapters told from his first love’s POV. I skimmed most of those, reading only enough to get the gist of what was going on because I didn’t care what she was doing, thinking or feeling. She needed to be less prominent. She didn’t belong in this book.Another issue I had is one that’s a pet peeve of mine – the lack of descriptive text. What did these characters look like? There wasn’t enough description about either one of the main characters or even in the romance scenes. Those were sadly lacking. I expected more, given his character and the way he dirty talked her all the time (and given that cover!). All I know of their physical appearances are that she had lots of dark hair, and he had green eyes. I couldn’t mentally draw a picture of either one of them. There was more description of the “other woman” character than there was of the two protagonists. Why?

⭐ I loved the first half. It was fun and lighthearted. Brody was an excellent hero. I just love funny, self effacing heroes. I was surprised I was only fifty percent through the book. It was easily a five star fun read. Then it took a sharp nosedive into one star territory. Zero stars it was possible. That is how much I hate the direction the plot went.May have some spoilers ….The addition of Willow was unnecessary. Plus she was given several chapters in her POV. I hated her even though the author tried very hard to make her a good guy. I had already accepted Delilah as my heroine. There was no way I would accept the junkie. Maybe I wouldn’t be so hard on her if I wasn’t all in for Delilah.Then there was Delilah backing out of the relationship because of her out of the blue unresolved feelings for her dead boyfriend. It wasn’t a big deal until Willow showed up. Last I was frustrated with the amount of time Brody and Delilah stayed apart at the end. They spent the majority of the second half of the book apart until the final scene. Brody spent more time with Willow than Delilah.I did love the final scene and really loved the epilogue. I am a sucker for epilogues that show the couple as a family. This one was really cute.I have read the summary to this book multiple times but the reviews that talk about the same thing I had a problem with kept me from buying it. Unfortunately for me I didn’t read the reviews and didn’t remember my issues this time. I wish we could make notes to ourselves on Amazon. I have made this mistake before.So I loved fifty percent and hated fifty percent, so I guess three stars. However I do not recommend this book and I am bummed I wasted money on it.I still love the author though.

⭐ This book had so much potential to be a 5-star. The first half is simply delightful to read. It’s fun, lighthearted, fast moving, and the banter between Brody and Delilah was just excellent.Then at the 50% mark the story took a sharp nosedive into the “I hated it” category.**spoiler alert.As others have stated, I agree that the addition of Willow was unnecessary. You’re 50% into the book, rooting for both lead characters and them wham out of nowhere is this new third lead character that has entire chapters dedicated to Willow and her point of view. From Willow’s introduction the book focuses on Brody and Willow, and Delilah takes a back seat for no reason.Why did I need a third character lead out of the blue? What on earth was the author and developmental editor thinking? The story was just find with Brody and Delilah. but adding in Willow, ruined this story for me. If it weren’t for the stellar first half, I’d rate this one star.

⭐ I really enjoyed this romance as it definitely made me feel things. I was immediately drawn to Brody and his cocky self assurance. I loved his semi vulnerable side and how he was almost reluctantly hesitant to give a serious relationship a chance with Delilah. But they were smoking hot and immediately awesome together despite thier bruising pasts… And all went well till Brody’s surrogate mom got ill and her granddaughter, his prior sweetheart, showed up out of the blue to distract him from his current life. I had such anxiety during this period of the novel because I don’t triangles well… But this went fairly smoothly and I was very happy with the end. I almost needed more to really get the feels. I also think being in three ppls heads detracted from our connection with the main characters. His ex was a distraction. But over all enjoyable.

⭐ I’ve decided after reading The Baller that Brody should be our first cloning candidate. I really, really like him. The Brody is a smart bloke and knows how to get people on his side. A smile and a compliment to the ladies, a pat on the back and man talk for the lads. The Brody doesn’t talk down to kids and is respectful to the older generation. There’s a slight malfunction that might need to get tweaked in the cloning process though. The Brody turns into an arrogant jerk when a possible mating candidate comes into touching distance. His second brain also causes strife when said mating candidate is close. The Brody’s second brain wants to escape from its cover and rise into attack position…in case mating candidate needs him urgently. The Brody’s first brain also goes into a default setting of testing tolerance, by making the mating candidate put up with sexist drivel. Luckily, once mating candidate has been matched and successfully caught in The Brody’s clutches, he reverts back to perfect, or near to perfect Brody.Delilah has a tough job. She works in an industry where it’s a bit of a men’s club and she’s one of very few women who steps in to the club and dares to do the job as well, if not better. She isn’t a stranger to the game. Her father was a star football player when she was growing up and because she takes her job seriously, goes out of her way to know as many statistics as possible about football and the players. As a sports reporter, one part of her job is to walk into the locker room after a game for an interview. Some of the players are respectful, while others go out of their way to make her uncomfortable. One of those players that do an excellent job of making her uncomfortable is the quarterback, Brody Easton.Brody has spent the last few years concentrating on his career. Football is a very important part of his life, but for awhile there, real life and issues intruded that nearly took it all away. After having a few seasons on the sidelines, he knows where his head needs to be. Women have a place in his bed, but relationships are not high on his list of priorities. His priorities change when a curly haired, beautiful woman tells him straight that she doesn’t do hook ups. What’s a bloke to do? Try and have a relationship of course.Brody is fond of walls. Especially if there’s a woman between him and the wall. Especially, especially when that woman has her legs around his waist. Brody is a DIRTY TALKER. He does it extremely well. I was feeling extremely hot and bothered before the action even started…and the action definitely lived up to the words.Brody is also a sweetheart. He’s been going to a nursing home to visit a woman every Tuesday for years. Marlene, was there for him throughout his life and now she has dementia. His dedication to her is only one of the many things that demonstrate how sweet he is.This review is mostly a dedication to Brody. I can’t help myself, he was a bloody good character. He wasn’t perfect, but he tried his hardest to be a good man and find goodness in other people. Delilah was also pretty cool. She has faced her own challenges and heartbreak, but by then end is stronger and confident in herself and the relationship between herself and Brody.There are interesting additional characters and some of them I loved. I would love to see Indie get her own story and maybe even Michael too…but not together. There were a few people we meet that didn’t really have their stories finished and I kind of wanted to know what happened to them in the end. Maybe a story for them too. I’m thinking that I may be a new member of the fans of Vi club too. This will definitely not be my last story by this author.

⭐ Well, the book is an easy read. Vi always has that for me. The story line? Not so good. I don’t think I buy it. I think FIRST TRUE LOVE NEVER DIES. . I bet, if Brody and Willow are both stranded in a cabin with a raging storm outside, Brody will 100% CHEAT. I also feel that there’s not enough development of Brody’s claimed love for Delilah. Yet, there was more depth of his history with Willow. That’s why the book is very confusing of who really loves who. Plus, Williw’s Point of view was thrown in the middle. It is kind of a mixed up love. I don’t think Brody’s love for Delilah is hard core than his loved for Willow. I was not sold when he finally told DElilah he loves and chooses her. It was a little disappointing since Vi is one of my top 5 authors. I think the idea is good, but justifying and explaining the idea of moving on was not written unconvincingly. There was a lot of history between Brody and Willow. A lot of time was written there, but there was no writing about how he developed his love for Delilah. Just boom! Brody revealed in the end but I was what really??? I thought it was a pity love. I’m so disappointed. This could have been a great story if explained better esp from Brody’s POV. His POV is more of his relationship with Willow’s mother. Very weird.!

⭐ Delilah Maddox was recently hired as a professional sportscaster. Her first interviews are with players from the New York Steel football team. When she interviews Brody Easton, the Superbowl MVP quarterback, he decides to give her a real show to try and throw her off her game! 😉 Delilah is flustered but quickly recovers. Brody may be good looking but he’s still an a$$! What Delilah doesn’t realize is that she has caught Brody’s attention….he is interested in her in a big way! The sexual tension between these two is off the charts. It takes a while but these two finally give in to their attraction to each other and fireworks explode. Of course they try to keep things under wraps and fail miserably! Delilah is starting to realize that there is a lot more to Brody than she ever would have thought. Just when it looks like they will get their happy ending, ghosts from both of their pasts come back to haunt them. It will take soul searching on both of their parts for them to finally get that happy ending but it was worth it!Wow! I loved this story! I really enjoy sassy heroines and Delilah gave it as good as she got it! Add in the dirty mouth that Brody has and this story is the perfect, laugh out loud, swooning romance you want to read.

⭐ ***spoilers***I am obviously in the minority here, but I wasn’t a huge fan of Delilah. I did enjoy Brody and did enjoy their banter in the first part of the book. For the first half I assumed Willow was dead, and when my brain clicked that she actually probably isn’t, and will most likely make an appearance I got excited. The way Brody and Willows love was explained felt real and deep. Delilah and Brody felt rushed and less genuine, but that is probably because his with Willow seemed so deep. Usually in these books the love does happen fast, but you aren’t forced to compare it in the same way. For me, once Willow was introduced I was team Willow, and don’t love that she was brought in and then disappears after a convo her and Brody had that we as readers weren’t even privy to. This man loved this woman for yeeeears and spent his adult life taking care of her grandmother, was never able to walk away in the past and suddenly now he is able to after she loses her grandmother and has no one? I am not saying he owed her anything, but it was a complete change with very little explanation or journey, except for his very new love for a woman he really barely knows. At the very least Willow should have been introduced a lot earlier. In the end I didn’t like Delilah and felt she was an interloper. Lol.

⭐ My first thought when Delilah was about to interview Brody, in the locker room, was that he was your typical gorgeous, hunk of a jock, who all women swooned over. Then at the start of the interview he dropped his towel and I thought he was full of himself and very cocky. That being said, the sexual tension between them left me thinking that he was so, so hot and I immediately became drawn to him. He had a reputation of being a “bad boy” and wanted to keep up his image especially for the media. I think that was a shield he used to keep himself from being hurt again. As I read on I found he was very witty, sexy, caring, and a really nice guy with a huge heart. He pursued Delilah until she finally gave in because at this point she already started falling for him. The banter between them was excellent. The chemistry between them was unstoppable. The sex was sizzling! I loved how he loved Delilah. He would do anything for her which he proved many times. He spent some of his time at a nursing home, which when you read this book it will give you some insight into his big heart. I loved the banter between himself and Grouper, the custodian at the nursing home. There were some heartwarming and heart wrenching moments. This book was very addictive. I couldn’t put it down. I didn’t want to see it end but I did enjoy the Epilogue (wished the Epilogue was a little longer though). Definitely a must read. This was one of the best books I’ve read this year. This was the second book I read of Vi Keeland’s and I will be purchasing more of her books.

⭐ This book was an amazing surprise as you dive deeper into the story!!! It begins as a light, fun, witty-banter filled storyline that sucks you right in from the beginning. Most readers might not like Brody…the leading man…in the beginning but I sure did. He can towel drop for me anytime! But just as you’re reading through and things are going really well and you look down and realize there is more than half the book left…s*** comes outta nowhere that you would have never expected and BAM….here comes the drama!! I mean…can you really expect the characters to not have to work for their HEA??? The path Vi chose for the characters was an emotional one…with both characters having their past loves come back to haunt them. My heart hurt so bad for Delilah….like a literal ache where I cried with her and for her. My heart went out to Brody….until…well read and you’ll agree! But he more than redeems himself in big way. (If I was pervy like Brody I’d think I was making a sex joke. Ok, I am…and I was.). If you like a story where the characters have to overcome themselves and chase the HEA….this is a good read for you. I personally enjoyed the additional POV that was added towards the end….I thought it really tied everything together in a way that wouldn’t have been possible if not there!!! And also…who doesn’t love a story about a hot as sin football player huh??? This girl sure does, and this story should did not disappoint!!!!KelKel And Mel Tell Book Blog


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