O.G.P.U. Prison by Sven Hassel (Epub)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2008
  • Number of pages: 352 pages
  • Format: Epub
  • File Size: 0.41 MB
  • Authors: Sven Hassel


It stood at the top of the hill, dominating the Russian landscape, menacing and impenetrable: the O.G.P.U Prison. Although they had no tanks to protect them, Porta and his fellow fighters were told to take it in any way they could—with machine guns, flamethrowers, entrenching tools, their bare hands if need be. But although they were used to war with its death and vile savagery, O.G.P.U. Prison was something different. This place was a hell they hadn’t encountered before, a bastion, an inferno that rained blood and butchery on Porta, the Legionnaire, Tiny, Barcelona and the men of the Panzer battalion.

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⭐ Firstly, I have been a fan of Mr. Sven Hassel for many years. All of his novels revolve around a group of German soldiers going through the trials and tribulations of WWII. The main characters are part of a unit of the German army that are from punishment units. That is to say the characters are criminals and without a whole lot of boundaries. His series of novels deal with various battles these soldiers find themselves in. And of course being a penal unit, they seem to get handed the most undesirable jobs.The characters are well developed and all have their own unique personalities. Along with the horrors of war described in graphic detail, there is also interaction within the characters that is sometimes horrific and comical.This book is a graphic look at how this unit of misfits deals with the subject of OGPU prison and to tell you more would ruin the book for the reader. Mr. Hassel was a part of this unit during WWII and provides a first hand look at the lives of these men. I highly recommend these books, the drama, comedy, and the horrors of war are reflected to enhance the readers interest and to learn first hand the horror that war can be for both sides.

⭐ I have read all of seven’s books. They are mostly enter changeable. The party stories go on for ever, but that is just his style. These books are ultra brutal, but that was the way it was I WWII. In the 70’s Seven’s books were not allowed in the US, due to the brutality. I like to read them as a departure from the non-fiction that I usually read. I didn’t know Seven died in 2012. That is sad. If your readers don’t know Seven actually served in a German pineal battalion during WWII. He brought his expectancies to his book. That’s why I love his books.

⭐ Goods as described, prompt shipment.

⭐ Typical Sven Hassel. A good read. Violence, gore, sex, betrayal set in the Wermacht penal battalions in Germany and the Eastern Front with the plot focusing on caught in the meatgrinder of combat.

⭐ Good value for the price.

⭐ A real classic – one of the best in this genre.

⭐ Very exciting book, very humorous, and extremely graphic and violent.

⭐ This book is another successful one from Sven Hassels series and it is really exciting to read. I recommend it


⭐ Independiente de que muchas historias se superponen en el tiempo y por tanto hacen imposible que el autor las haya protagonizado a todas en simultáneo, no deja de ser un conjunto de historias anecdóticas de la guerra y sus imágenes. Particularmente he leido todas las obras en castellano y ahora voy por ellas en Ingles. A aquellos que les gustan las historias del la 2a.guerra, sin prestar mucha atención a la rigurosidad temporal, es recomendable, puedo decir que estan para mi en la misma categoría de Un Puente Demasiado Lejano, El Dia Mas largo o libros de Ambrose, con las respetuosas salvedades entre unos y otros.


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