Tag: Sven Hassel

O.G.P.U. Prison by Sven Hassel (Epub)

It stood at the top of the hill, dominating the Russian landscape, menacing and impenetrable: the O.G.P.U Prison. Although they had no tanks to protect them, Porta and his fellow fighters were told to take it in any way they could—with machine guns, flamethrowers, entrenching tools, their bare hands if need be. But although they were used to war with its death and vile savagery, O.G.P.U. Prison was something different. This place was a hell they hadn’t encountered before, a bastion, an inferno that rained blood and butchery on Porta, the Legionnaire, Tiny, Barcelona and the men of the Panzer battalion.

The Commissar by Sven Hassel (Epub)

A shocking insight into the brutalities faced by ordinary soldiers and the atrocities committed in the name of survival.

MONTE CASSINO: Nederlandse editie (Sven Hassel Serie over de Tweede Wereldoorlog) (Dutch Edition) by Sven Hassel (Epub)

Monte Cassino, het heilige klooster ten noordoosten van Napels. De Duitsers hebben er massieve defensiestellingen opgezet. De slag bij Monte Cassino in de winter en het voorjaar van 1944 is een onbeschrijfelijke hel, zowel voor de verdedigers als voor de aanvallers. De geallieerden zetten vliegtuigen, artillerie, pantservoertuigen en infanterie van vele naties in. De Duitse strijdmachten worden aangevoerd door de beste elitetroep. Waaronder het Pantserregiment nr. 27 – het strafregiment. Niemand verwacht overlevenden, al zouden er wel enkelen zijn.

Reign of Hell (Legion of the Damned Book 9) by Sven Hassel (MOBI)

A sudden curtain of silence fell over the burning city. All that could be heard was the steady crackling of flames... Hitler's penal regiments advance on Poland. Himmler has given the order: Warsaw must be razed to the ground.

Monte Cassino (Legion of the Damned Book 6) by Sven Hassel (MOBI)

Having survived the horrors of the Eastern Front, the 27th Penal Regiment are posted to Italy. Hitler has ordered that every position must be held to the last, and every lost position recaptured by counter-attack.

Liquidate Paris (Legion of the Damned Book 7) by Sven Hassel (image/x-quicktime)

I had a grenade in my hand. So, no doubt, did the English private. I tore out the pin with my teeth. Lay there and counted. Twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four...

Court Martial (Legion of the Damned Book 12) by Sven Hassel (MOBI)

They beat me,' whispers the artillery officer, 'Smashed my teeth in, sent an electric current through me. They want me to confess to something I never did.'

March Battalion by Sven Hassel (Epub)

Danger was forgotten, death was forgotten, the war was forgotten. They only knew they had to kill... The figures in khaki were no longer soldiers, no longer men.

Blitzfreeze by Sven Hassel (Epub)

Blitzfreeze is a shocking insight into the realities of war, the conditions endured by ordinary soldiers, and their unwavering solidarity. It was supposed to be Hitler's glorious conquest of Russia. . . The 27th Penal Regiment has been ordered to invade the Soviet Union. They are half-starved and ill-equipped. To reach Moscow they must defeat the fearsome Red Army. But instead, they find themselves at the mercy of an even deadlier enemy: the killer cold of the Russian winter. As they advance across the icy wastes, they think only of survival.

Assignment Gestapo (Legion of the Damned Book 5) by Sven Hassel (MOBI)

After months of fighting a savage war on the Eastern Front, the 27th Penal Regiment - men considered little more than criminals - are joined by German reserves.

